90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Girls With Guns

Morning Mistress

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Girls With Guns

The Urge To Save Humanity Is Always A False Front For The Urge To Rule...

More Mencken:

The Urge To Save Humanity Is Always A False Front For The Urge To Rule...

Black Lives Matter organizer and Oprah scholarship recipient who was 'revealed to be white' refuses to answer questions about his race - claiming he is the victim of a 'white supremacist conspiracy'

  • Shaun King, an author and writer who is one of the leading voices speaking out against police brutality on social media, has claimed he is mixed
  • A report now claims he is white, citing a police report that labels him as white and claiming his parents on his birth certificate are both white 
  • King applied for and then accepted an Oprah scholarship to Morehouse College, which are only given to black men 
  • He also called the vicious attack he suffered in high school a hate crime that was motivated by race 
  • 'Out of LOVE for my family, I've never gone public with my racial story because it's hurtful, scandalous, and it's MY STORY,' said King
  • King also said he is the victim of a 'white supremacist conspiracy' 

A key figure in the Black Lives Matter movement who claimed he was the victim of a horrific hate crime in his youth as a result his race has been outed as white.

Shaun King, an author and writer who is one of the leading voices speaking out against police brutality on social media, has claimed he is mixed. 

King has claimed in past interviews that his father is black and his mother is white, but his birth certificate lists his parents as both white.

In addition, King's race is listed as white in the police report of the aforementioned attack that occurred while he was in high school. 

King also applied for and then accepted an Oprah scholarship to Morehouse College, which are only given to black men.

The 35-year-old  responded to the controversy on Twitter by saying; 'Out of LOVE for my family, I've never gone public with my racial story because it's hurtful, scandalous, and it's MY STORY.'

Rush Limbaugh Lampoons Hillary's Bathroom Server..

With Tuesday’s revelation that Hillary Clinton’s private email account was run from a Denver loft apartment with its servers in a bathroom closet, the Democratic Party candidate for president is suddenly aflush with all sorts of toilet humor.

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh recounted how the former first lady “had Secret Service agents guarding a bathroom. She told us that Secret Service agents were guarding her server 24/7. You can smell the stench of this a mile away, folks. A Mile High away!”

Limbaugh said Hillary herself is now “becoming bathroom humor,” with the jokes writing themselves, as he proffered numerous one-liners, including:

Hillary’s dump of emails is so big, we need a plunger.
Those who said Hillary didn’t give a crap about national security were dead wrong.
Hillary on the server controversy: “I ain’t no ways turd!”
Code name for her server wipe: Ty-D-Bol.
Just wiping the server [is now] bathroom humor.
Now that her server’s been found in a bathroom, when Hillary says she’s getting to the bottom of this, it takes on a whole new meaning.

And you have to wonder, if the American people won’t take this standing up or sitting down.

Given the latest news on Hillary’s server in a bathroom, her campaign’s now officially circling the drain.

Reports are that Mrs. Clinton’s server was wiped multiple times a day, and a bidet was also used for good measure.

When asked about Hillary’s email scandal, Bill Clinton candidly confessed: “Ain’t no way to polish this turd. … I have never seen Hillary so pi–ed off in my life before.”

Limbaugh concluded: “I hate to ask … where she stuck the thumb drive.”

Some WND readers are also getting in on the comedy, noting:

“The server must have been stored next to the cabinet where she keeps her Depends [adult diapers].”

“The security system which involved leaving several enormous floaters in the toilet to deter entry won’t pass muster with the FBI.”
“A crappy situation, indeed.”

“First, we kept hearing her server was in her house in Chappaqua. Now, it was kept in a bathroom closet in Denver. What is the straight poop?”

“In a ‘bathroom closet’? Sounds like the ‘Plumbers’ were involved in this one as well.”

“Oh weeee!!! Hillary and her servers are coming out of the closet.”

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Girls With Guns

Donald Trump calls out Mark Zuckerberg on immigration

Donald Trump has a new target for his criticism of the nation's immigration policies - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg is one of the leading tech executives who has called for a more open immigration policy. Specifically, he wants to make more H-1B visas available to tech employers so they can hire foreign skilled workers.

Trump said he wants to require employers to pay H-1B workers much more money, which he said would discourage companies from hiring them and boost job prospects for Americans. He also wants to have tech jobs offered to unemployed Americans before they can be filled by workers with H-1B visas.

"This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg's personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities," Trump wrote in his immigration plan. Rubio is also seeking the Republican nomination for president.
Related: Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump agree on one big issue

Zuckerberg started a public interest group called Fwd.us to push for immigration and lobbying reform along with Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. Neither Facebook (FB, Tech30) nor Fwd.us had an immediate comment on Trump's criticism of Zuckerberg.

Trump says that there are plenty of graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, known as STEM, to fill tech jobs. That means that employers don't need H-1B visas to...

Pistol Shot Recorded at 73,000 Frames Per Second

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