90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fallout 4 - 11-10-2015

A man has to have priorities...

University of Missouri and Yale Show What Mob Rule Looks Like in Higher Education

America’s universities are supposed to be places where students can get an education. The vast majority of students want that. Some, however, do not. They want a “safe space” where their strange ideas about society can be aired without criticism, and where they can unilaterally punish other students for failing to toe the mass line. These student activists want blood.

At Yale University, last week, a number of members of the Black Student Alliance physically surrounded an administrator and berated him for standing up for free speech and are now demanding his resignation. Caught on camera, one can easily see how dangerous the situation was.

In another example, the president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, has resigned. His resignation comes after more than 30 members of the football team threatened not to play unless he was forced out. Their claim was that, in unspecified ways, Wolfe failed to eradicate “structural racism” on campus.

These situations have much in common, and the story is becoming a familiar one.

First, both situations involve student activists disrupting education, allegedly on behalf of education. At Yale, the activists claimed that allowing free discourse and debate and challenging their assumptions threatened the “safe space” they thought Yale was.

At Mizzou, activists claimed that failing to deal with “structural racism” was harming their education. Both groups of students listed not specific harms, but rather vague interests in feeling good at their university.

Second, both situations involve administrators being asked to clamp down on the free expression of other students. At Yale, students were upset that Yale administrators were not clamping down on Halloween costumes. At Mizzou, students wanted more unspecified action against...

H-1B Visa's Destroy American Tech Sector, Compromises American Security And Lays America Open To Corporate Espionage...

America Needs Patriotic, Pro-American Workers To Guard Against Electronic Warfare, Instead, Companies Like Microsoft, Facebook, NBC-Universal Compromise Our Future With Foreigners With Foreign Loyalties:


Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements.

How study contradicts benefits of H-1B visas

Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America’s Best & Brightest Workers

Well, I can never be half as attractive as Michelle Malkin, but one day, I aspire to be at least half as smart as her...

If you liked my first book Invasion in 2002 exposing America’s illegal immigration/national security crisis…
…and if you liked my 2009 book Culture of Corruption, which blew the lid off Obama and his Beltway cronies…
then you will NOT want to miss my latest, hard-hitting investigative work published by Mercury Ink/Simon & Schuster:
Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 1.12.56 AM (2)My co-author John Miano, a software engineer-turned American tech workers’ advocate/attorney, and I dive deep into the foreign guest-worker racket fueled by cheap labor-addicted Silicon Valley CEOs and their water-carriers on Capitol Hill.
· We name the names of the corrupt crapweasels in both parties who are selling out American workers.
· We trace the high-tech money trail and expose the shady front groups spreading lies and panic about a mythical “shortage” of American high-skilled workers.
· We explain how special interest lobbyists and bureaucrats eroded American worker protections in federal law.
· And we expose the backroom immigration deals and legislatives payoffs that are sabotaging our best and brightest workers.
You’ve undoubtedly read about — or maybe even experienced yourself — the scandalous layoffs of tens of thousands of U.S. tech workers who’ve been forced to train their lower-wage, less-skilled replacements mostly from India.
As our book excerpt printed in the NYPost this weekend spotlights, it happened at Disney. Southern California Edison. Toys ‘R Us. Intel. Cisco. Harley-Davidson. Bank of America. Best Buy. Siemens. Dun and Bradstreet. Pfizer. And so many more.
Coercing American workers to dig their own graves to make way for cheap foreign workers on the payrolls of the world’s largest offshore outsourcing companies is a primary feature, not just an aberrant bug of the so-called H-1B visa program, which turns 25 years old this month.
Yet, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio...

Morning Mistress

Monday, November 9, 2015

Girls With Guns

This Is Not My Flag, May It Burn In Hell....

This abomination stands outside of The UN Building On American Ground. Freedom demands we saw the end off.

Dump The Tea, Assholes...

Illegal Aliens Arrested In Alabama Running Sex Trade Operation

ALBERTVILLE, Ala. - Two illegal aliens were arrested in Alabama over the weekend for their participation in what authorities are describing as an “ongoing sex trade operation.”

Ricardo Castaneda, 33, and Humberto Erazo-Medrano, 42, were taken into custody after Albertville police, Marshall County Sheriff’s deputies, the FBI and the Dept. of Homeland Security executed a search warrant on a residence in Albertville.

“Officers and agents located multiple items which supported suspicions of an ongoing sex trade operation at the residence,” a spokesperson for the Albertville Police Department said in a press release. Law enforcement officials did not provide any further details in announcing the arrests, but they are believed to have been made in conjunction with the takedown of a multi-state prostitution ring.

Authorities were not immediately able to verify Mr. Erazo-Medrano’s and Mr. Castaneda’s country of origin.

Their arrests come on the heels of months of national headlines detailing the illicit activities of illegal aliens in various parts of the United States.

According to police, Ramiro Ajualip, a 27-year-old illegal Mexican immigrant living in Alabama, confessed to raping a ten-year-old Alabama girl in March of 2015. But while the story received some local coverage at the time, the national media...

Morning Mistress

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

The Other McCain has: