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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trump Will Give Iran Nuclear Weapons.

I Meant Obama And Hillary Gave Iran Nuclear Weapons.

The State Department And The Department Of Justice Are CORRUPT.

DOJ Rewards Law-Breaking Sanctuary Cities, States with $342 Mil in “Grants”

A Trump Surge Is Happening NOW, And The Media Knows It…

Did you know that since March, Donald Trump has all but eliminated what was once an 18-point lead over him by Hillary Clinton? Has the Mainstream Media reported that fact?

Nope – but you can bet these same media figures DO know about the Trump surge that is now underway, and continue to hide that truth from the American public.

Check this out, as reported by Sharyl Attkisson:

“In March of 2016, when likely voters were asked to choose between Clinton and Trump “if the election were held today,” Clinton bested Trump 54%-36% (18 percentage points).

In June, with Libertarian Gary Johnson thrown into the mix, Clinton’s lead over Trump was 5 percentage points smaller: 48% to 35% (13 percentage points).

In the most recent poll, the spread between Clinton and Trump in a two-person race was down to just 3 percentage points, Clinton at 45% and Trump at 42%. That’s within the margin of error. When...

Trump: Hillary ‘Wants To Be America’s Angela Merkel’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton as “America’s Angela Merkel” during his detailed policy speech on the threat of radical Islam.

“Hillary Clinton wants to be America’s Angela Merkel,” Trump said during his Monday address. “And you know what a disaster this massive immigration has been to Germany and the people of Germany–crime has risen to levels that no one thought they would ever see. We have enough problems in our country, we don’t need another one.”

As Breitbart News has previously reported, if elected president, Clinton’s policies could result in the permanent resettlement of close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone. Under two terms of...

Clinton lead over Trump shrinks to margin-of-error: Bloomberg poll

Article By The Amazing Sharyl Attkisson
The following is a media news analysis

Is Hillary Clinton squashing Donald Trump into oblivion in the polls? Or is her lead over him perilously shrinking? One thing we know is: there are countless ways to spin a poll. Consider the case of selective reporting on the most recent Bloomberg national poll.

On Aug. 10, Bloomberg reported “Clinton up 6 on Trump in Two Way Race.” But looking at the actual poll, Trump has moved so close to Clinton, the results are within the margin of error.

Notably, in five months, Clinton’s lead over Trump in the Bloomberg poll has shrunk from 18-points to within the margin of error.

In March of 2016, when likely voters were asked to choose between Clinton and Trump “if the election were held today,” Clinton bested Trump 54%-36% (18 percentage points).

In June, with Libertarian Gary Johnson thrown into the mix, Clinton’s lead over Trump was 5 percentage points smaller: 48% to 35% (13 percentage points).

In the most recent poll, the spread between Clinton and Trump in a two-person race was down to just 3 percentage points, Clinton at 45% and Trump at 42%. That’s within the margin of error. When Libertarian and Green Party candidates are put in the mix, it’s Clinton 42% and Trump 40% –again within the margin of error.

Clinton lead over Trump in Bloomberg poll

March 2016: 18 points

June 2016: 13 points*

August 2016: 3 points**

*including Libertarian in race
**within the margin of error

But this notable trend isn’t reflected in the Bloomberg write-up here. Instead, the reporter chose to use the poll numbers that look better for Clinton: ones that added in “leaners.” What are leaners? Respondents who were first asked who they’d vote for, then answered they didn’t plan to vote or didn’t know who they’d vote for, and then were pressed to pick a candidate they were leaning toward, anyway. This is how Bloomberg got to ...

Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter

George Soros’s Open Society Institute viewed the 2015 Baltimore unrest following the death of Freddie Gray as opening a “unique opportunity” to create “accountability” for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city, according to hacked documents reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem.
The documents further confirm that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.”

The information was contained in a detailed 69-page Open Society report on the agenda of an Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting held in New York October 1 to October 2, 2015.

The report directly states the Open Society views the Baltimore unrest last year as a crisis that can be utilized to carry out the organization’s agenda.

The document states:

The killing of Freddie Gray in April helped spawn weeks of peaceful protests by Baltimore residents and allies from the #BlackLivesMatter movement that were temporarily interrupted by a period of unrest that lasted less than 48 hours and resulted in some injuries and millions of dollars in property damage to neighborhood businesses. While many lamented the damage done, the overwhelming sentiment is that the uprising has catalyzed a paradigm shift in Baltimore that offers opportunities for major justice reforms.
In particular, recent events offer a unique opportunity to accelerate the dismantling of structural inequality generated and maintained by local law enforcement and to engage residents who have historically been disenfranchised in Baltimore City in shaping and monitoring...

Morning Mistress

Now That Is A Beautiful View

Such A Cute Puppy!

What A Beautiful Sunrise....

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

To CNN, Burning Down The White Suburbs Is A Call For Peace: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength

#vine                                        Click the speaker on bottom right for sound..

More Fabulous Vines:

Watch What He Does With This Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle...

Walmart Fireworks Display: INSIDE WALMART!!

The Cheese Of Truth...

Social Justice Warriors Are Pathetic... #Trigglypuff

Nature Shows Us That Safe Spaces Are An Artificial Construct...

SkateBoard Win..

Dog Terrified Of Tuba Sound...

Late Night Creepy...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Girls With Guns

Amazing Facts - The Dog Who Could Hear Enemy Aircraft...

More Interesting Facts, Amazing Facts And Just Plain Crazy Facts:

Amazing Facts: Mosquitoes Are The Only Creature Responsible For More Human Deaths Than Humans Themselves...

Interesting Facts - Dead Shark Carcass...

Interesting Facts: Double Your Money?


Nature Has Crashed... Please Reboot...

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...