90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton must never become president, in 72 seconds

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Girls With Guns

CNN’s Effort to Trash Trump Backfires: Democrat Gov. Says ‘You Got the Story Wrong!

Hillary Tries To Say Make America Great Again Without Actually Saying Make America Great Again...

#vine                                                       Click the speaker on bottom right for sound..

More Fabulous Vines:

To CNN, Burning Down The White Suburbs Is A Call For Peace: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength

Watch What He Does With This Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle...

Walmart Fireworks Display: INSIDE WALMART!!

The Cheese Of Truth...

Social Justice Warriors Are Pathetic... #Trigglypuff

Nature Shows Us That Safe Spaces Are An Artificial Construct...

SkateBoard Win..

Dog Terrified Of Tuba Sound...

Late Night Creepy...

The Prop...

Ask Bill....

WaPo: Over Half of Clinton Foundation Donors ‘Ineligible’ to Donate Under Foreign Cash Ban

Over half of the Clinton Foundation’s donors would be ineligible to donate money to the foundation under new guidelines that would bar foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president, according to a new analysis by The Washington Post.

The Post’s analysis found that “53 percent of donors who gave $1 million or more to the charity are corporations or foreign citizens, groups or governments.”

Some of the major donors on The Post’s list include “the governments of Saudi Arabia and Australia, the British bank Barclays, and major U.S. companies such as Coca-Cola and ExxonMobil.”

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and author of Clinton Cash Peter Schweizer notes that Hillary Clinton has “yet to release the names of the 1,100 foreign Clinton Foundation donors that both Bloomberg and the Washington Post confirm remain secret.”

Yet, as Clinton Cash details, foreign donor and former head of Russia’s Uranium One Ian Telfer gave a total of $2.35 million to the foundation while Hillary Clinton was...

Jim Hoft on Newsmax TV: You Saw Trump Lifting Cases of Food. I’d Like to See Hillary Try That, Just Once (VIDEO)

The GatewayPundit.com founder, conservative activist and investigative reporter Jim Hoft and libertarian columnist Kristin Tate joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV to to take some viewer calls and talk about (President) Donald Trump’s trip to Louisiana to assist the flood victims.

Louisiana flood victims were thrilled to see Donald Trump and Mike Pence visit them in Baton Rouge on Friday.
They greeted Donald Trump like a rock star.

One woman told Donald Trump, “We knew you’d be here!”

Donald Trump took time to help hand out supplies to the flood victims.

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Girls With Guns

‘Extreme Vetting’ Is Extremely Overdue

Donald Trump’s speech last week on the threat of radical Islam included a section about immigration policy that has the usual suspects in a tizzy. This section focused not on terrorism, but rather on what Andy McCarthy calls the “grand jihad,” the importation of Islamist ideology that rejects our constitutional order and open society. 

In his trademark manner, Trump departed from the prepared text to Archie Bunker-ize the speech by calling this “extreme vetting,” which is not the phraseology you should use once you’ve won the nomination and are trying to persuade the middle-of-the-road voter in Ohio and Florida. But rather than calling for body-cavity searches, as this label might suggest, he was instead calling for ideological/values screening, with the commonsense goal that “we should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people.” He explained: 

In addition to screening out all members or sympathizers of terrorist groups, we must also screen out any who have hostile attitudes towards our country or its principles — or who believe that Sharia law should supplant American law. Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into the country.

It takes an Ivy League education to object to using our borders to keep out Jew-haters, gay-killers, and apostate-stoners. And, sure enough, in the Washington Post, Politico, and elsewhere, a passel of experts tells us that this is crazy, illegal, unconstitutional, and various other adjectives. 

Questions about the practical implementation of such a proposal are legitimate, if overblown. Trump obviously didn’t go into detail about the specific bureaucratic means of trying to screen out enemies of our constitutional order, but there are a number of ways to go about it. The first thing to keep in mind is that Trump’s speech referred to immigrants, not visitors, who are much more numerous. As I wrote in December, if a tourist from Saudi Arabia or business traveler from Pakistan think it’s good to behead blasphemers, that doesn’t really matter to us because they’re just passing through and not joining our society. But people being granted permanent residence — or even long-term “temporary” status, such as foreign students or H-1B workers — are joining our society, and we have a responsibility to keep them out if they reject our ...