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Monday, August 22, 2016

Girls With Guns - Cowgirl Hat And Daisy Dukes...

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

The Right Way has:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Candidate Misdeed Comparison:

I Think He Probably Died...

More Animated Gifs:

This Is Why You Should Wear Your Seat Belt...

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

What's More Dangerous Than A Criminal With A Gun?

Smokey Bear Says: Remember Only You Can Prevent Hillary Clinton!

An Unnatural Disaster!

Smoky Sez...

Hey, Don't Interfere With My Golf Putt...

Longtime Clinton aide listed as former assistant editor of radical Muslim magazine - media

The top campaign aide to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was listed as an editor for a Saudi-sponsored magazine that advocates radical Islam ideas, many of which contradict the campaign pledges made by the Democratic nominee, it has been reported.

Huma Abedin, 40, has for years been one of Clinton’s closest confidantes. She began her career as an intern in the White House in 1996, when Hillary Clinton was first lady, and was assigned as back-up to Clinton’s primary aide.

When Clinton later became senator for New York, Abedin worked as her aide and personal adviser – a capacity in which she has remained ever since, participating in Clinton’s presidential campaign of 2008 as well as the current run for the White House.

The New York Post has now reported that from 1996 to 2008, Abedin was listed as assistant editor of the Saudi Arabia-based Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs – a radical magazine where Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, is the editor-in-chief.

The magazine, issued by the former head of the Muslim World League, promotes traditional Muslim family values that run contrary to the basic principles of Clinton’s agenda as the Democratic presidential candidate.

Many of the articles published in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs appear to directly contradict Clinton’s pivotal arguments regarding women’s role in the modern family, the of rights sexual minorities, and numerous other issues.

In 1995, Clinton delivered her famous ‘Women’s rights are human rights’ speech at a UN women’s conference in Beijing – which has been actively used in her current presidential campaign.

In 1996, however, an article was published in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs entitled ‘Women’s Rights are Islamic Rights’, evidently opposing the US first lady’s speech in Beijing, where Saleha Mahmood Abedin had been in attendance as a Muslim World League representative. The article accused Clinton and other speakers of distributing a “very aggressive and radically feminist” agenda.

Despite the distinct differences in attitudes between the journal and Clinton, the New York Post reports that Huma Abedin was formerly listed as a Muslim Minority Affairs’ board member and an assistant editor, including on a 2002 issue which suggested the US was “doomed” to go through the 9/11 attacks as a result of the “sanctions” and “injustices” Washington had applied to the Muslim world.   ...


Not one to be deterred by the state Supreme Court, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is determined to put his thumb on the scale in order to deliver the Old Dominion to Hillary. Pushing back on a July ruling that smited his executive order to restore the voting rights of over 200,000 felons, the longtime soldier in the Clinton crime family is doing his dirty work piecemeal. On Monday, McAuliffe is to proudly announce that he has reviewed and restored rights to 13,000 former felons who will be sufficiently grateful to go to the polls and cast their votes for the Clinton restoration.

The Washington Post reports “Virginia’s McAuliffe to announce restoration of voting rights to 13,000 felons”:

Gov. Terry McAuliffe will announce Monday that he has restored voting rights to 13,000 felons on a case-by-case basis after Republicans and state Supreme Court justices last month stopped his more sweeping clemency effort.

McAuliffe’s planned action, confirmed by two people with knowledge of it, comes about a month after the Supreme Court of Virginia invalidated an executive order the Democratic governor issued in April. With that order, McAuliffe restored voting rights to more than 200,000 felons who had completed their sentences.

McAuliffe said his original order would move Virginia away from a harsh lifetime disenfranchisement policy that hits African Americans particularly hard.

Republicans, incensed that it covered violent and nonviolent offenders alike, said the move was really a bid to add Democrat-friendly voters to the rolls ahead of November’s ...

Turkish Paper Warns Against Travelling To Sweden Due To Rape Stats

A Turkish newspaper has warned citizens not to travel to Sweden due to the high rate of rape as the row between the two countries over an age of consent court case continues.

Turkish newspaper Günes has furthered tensions between Turkey and Sweden by taking out a banner ad at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport reading, “Travel warning! Do you know that Sweden has the highest rape rate worldwide?” The message is in response to the Swedish reaction to the controversial decision of the Turkish supreme court to effectively lower the age of consent in Turkey from 15 down to only twelve years old.

The Swedish Embassy in the Turkish capital of Ankara was also quick to reply to the claim that Sweden has the highest number of rapes in the world linking to a National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) report on rape statistics in Sweden.

Rumours circulated that the embassy had tried to actively get the sign removed from the airport but the embassy claimed via twitter that “Sweden is a...

Morning Mistress - All American Girl..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night