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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Morning Mistress

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South Africa | Apartheid & the Future

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Girls With Guns

BREAKING: Fresno Muslim terrorist shooter’s motive was race

News is just coming across the wires that a man, Kori Ali Muhammad, yelled “Allahu Akbar” after a shooting spree leaving three dead, in what appears to be a racially motivated shooting.

FOX News reports:

Three people were killed after a man went on a shooting spree in downtown Fresno, California on Tuesday before he was tackled and taken into custody, police said.

Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said officers have taken Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, into custody in connection to the shootings. Dyer said Muhammad went by the nickname “Black Jesus” and shouted “Allahu Akbar” as police tackled him to the ground.

Dyer said at a news conference Muhammad has made posts against white people and the government on his Facebook page, and that all the people he shot were white men.

This is a developing story, with...

Caution: This Is A Cancer That Is Avoidable...

Drain The Swamp...

More Fun With John McCain!

Senator John McCain censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee

Ban This Death Cult Before It Gets Out Of Control..

Kill It Before It Grows...

A&E releases show about how assault weapons saved Koreatown [VIDEO]

April 30th will mark the 25th anniversary of the L.A. riots that devastated large parts of the city after the Rodney King trials.

For five days rioters destroyed or severely damaged 3,767 buildings and killed more than 50 people. However, a story that has been overlooked is how the neighborhood of Koreatown survived throughout the turmoil until now.

A&E announced on Sunday that they plan to release a television special about how the government abandoned the residents of Koreatown. They were left with only their semi-automatic weapons to defend themselves and their property.

David Joo, the former manager of the Western Gun Shop, is one of the most prominent people featured in the TV special. He detailed how he called the police and watched them arrive, but as the gun fire started, they fled, leaving Joo to his own devices.

“We already called the police, then when I arrived here at the beginning, I could see the LAPD vehicle with like three or four officers there,” Joo said.

“Oh, we have the police here, we are safe!” Joo said to his employer Richard Park at the time. “But as soon as the gun fighting started? They ran away. We were...

It's A Trap!!

All Of These Are Popular With Kids For The Same Reason...

Does Art Lie?

Not when it depicts events that actually happen, and still do today.

Apple CEO: Hates Indiana Christians but does business with countries that execute gays, stone women

Deep State Watch – Judicial Watch Sues EPA for Records from Encrypted App

The administrative deep state – the legions of unelected, entrenched bureaucrats in Washington – thinks it doesn’t have to answer to an elected president, the rule of law, or the American people. We are now seeking to uncover the truth about the particularly notorious fifth column in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

We just filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for communications sent or received by EPA officials who may have used the cell phone encryption application “Signal” to thwart government oversight and transparency. We filed the suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. Environmental Protection Agency (No. 1:17-cv-00533)).

The lawsuit was filed after the EPA failed to respond to our February request for: