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Friday, April 28, 2017

At A Campus Near You...

Antifa Activist Punches Reporter, Gets Arrested on Camera

US Army reveals a machine gun-wielding robot that could be used to storm Kim Jong-un’s formidable beach defenses

A MUTT robot, armed with a machine gun, undergoes testing in harsh territory in the US
The driverless robots can crawl through both sea and sand and could be used as the first line of attack in a naval invasion

THE US Army has revealed a new machine gun-wielding robot designed to travel underwater and storm beaches as the first line of attack in future naval invasions.

It could be used to combat the military fortresses developed along North Korean beaches by tyrant Kim Jong-Un, who has warned the two countries are “on the brink of nuclear war“.

The so-called Multi-Tactical Transport Robot (MUTT) is already in use, though tests are underway at a site in California to allow it to launch beach invasions.

It uses tracks, like a tank, rather than wheels, allowing it to travel over rough terrain, including...

George Soros Attempts Coup In Macedonia Parliament

A George Soros organization stormed the Macedonian parliament on Thursday, violently attacking politicians as part of an attempted coup.

Supporters of the movement “For The Common Macedonia” attacked deputies of the parliamentary majority and detained journalists in the press center.

Zerohedge.com reports:

Demonstrators forced their way into the building after the Social Democrats and the parties representing ethnic Albanians elected a parliament speaker in a vote that Gruevski’s party didn’t recognize, MIA said.

As Bloomberg reports, the former Yugoslav state of 2 million people has struggled to find a way out of political deadlock after former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski failed to for a coalition government following an inconclusive snap vote five months ago. Gruevski’s ally, President Gjorge Ivanov, has refused to give a mandate to the opposition Social Democrats, which say they can form a majority-backed government with parties representing ethnic Albanians.

Today’s action was condemned by...

Gavin McInnes Reads Ann Coulter's Speech at UC, Berkeley

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Berkeley Hates Free Speech, & The March For Science...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Girls With Guns

Secretary of Defense James Mattis

Fascist Anti Free Speech Militants - The Beginning Of Civil War?

The Story Of The Robot, Mom, Dad And The Son...


Redistribution And The Game Of Monopoly

Or... How To Become Venezuela...

Venezuela Launches Disarmament Program

Venezuela’s Socialist Government Passes New Law Forcing Minions to Work in Fields