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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Pence: Assault on Free Speech Jeopardizes ‘Liberties of Every American’

Vice President Mike Pence encouraged Notre Dame graduates to “be exceptional from this day forth” and “be leaders for the freedom of thought and expression” in a country increasingly shunning those values during a speech Sunday at the university’s commencement ceremony.

Proudly reminding his audience that he was “a son of Indiana,” the vice president expressed how pleased he was to return to the state where he served as governor just a few short months ago. Praising Notre Dame for the “exceptional” education it offers all its students, Pence urged the graduates to “carry the ideals and the values that you’ve learned at Notre Dame into your lives and your careers.”

“I would submit that the increasing intolerance and suppression of the time-honored tradition of free expression on our campuses jeopardizes the liberties of every American.”

“My charge to all of you is simply this: Be exceptional from this day forth,” Pence said. “As the Good Book says, to whom much is given, much will be required. So I urge you, as the rising generation — carry the ideals and the values that you’ve learned at Notre Dame into your lives and...

Video shows sea lion grabbing young girl, pulling her underwater

Dramatic video shot Saturday shows a large sea lion grabbing and pulling underwater a young girl sitting on a dock near Vancouver.

Canada's CBC News reports that an adult jumped into the water and rescued the girl, who was not hurt.
College student Michael Fujiwara recorded the terrifying scene at the Steveston Fisherman Wharf in Richmond, B.C., with his cell phone, according to the station. “The sea lion actually attracted a lot of attention from the visitors there, including the young girl,” he told...

Distraught Dad of Victim Mowed Down in Times Square Goes to Killer’s Jail

Eighteen-year-old Alyssa Elsman had just arrived in the Big Apple and was eagerly touring with her 13-year old sister. Almost immediately after she uploaded a snapchat video of Times Square, a drug-addled Richard Rojas, 26 years of age, mowed them down with his car, killing Alyssa and seriously injuring her sister who will need surgery.

The killer injured 22 people, some very seriously.

Rojas kept driving with people on the hood of his car until he crashed into a pole. He later told police he wanted to kill pedestrians and be shot by police.

Alyssa’s father Thomas Eisman drove all night with his son from their home in Portage, Michigan. In his distraught state, he drove to the police precinct where Rojas is jailed and ...

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The Seth Rich Murder Is On A Security Camera...

"I Know Why Seth Rich Had To Die"

Austrian town won’t accept any more refugees after young girl is raped

An Austrian town has put a temporary ban on refugees after an alleged rape of a 15-year-old girl.

The girl was walking home alone April 25 when three men attacked her. The local prosecutor in Tulln, a town of about 15,000 people, ordered 59 male asylum seekers to submit DNA samples after the victims’ testimony.

An Afghan and a Somali citizen have since been arrested. A third suspect remains on the run.

Peter Eisenschenk, Tulln’s mayor, informed the regional government Tuesday that the town will not accept any refugees for the time being, newspaper Heute reports.

“For me, there is zero tolerance for criminal asylum seekers who abuse their rights as guests and in view of what these criminals did to the girl, the full severity of the law is demanded,” Eisenschenk said at a town hall meeting.

Austria accepted around 90,000 migrants in 2015. It has since imposed border controls to...

Morning Mistress

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Who gave the order ? Hannity and Limbaugh discuss Seth Rich murder

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Girls With Guns

Ban Hammers...

I Have Finally Figured Out How To Ban Hammers Forever


"I Know Why Seth Rich Had To Die"

Deep State Disinformation In The Media...