90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, August 11, 2017

Morning Mistress

Sarkeesian vs. The Human Ass: A Rant

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore and Stefan Molyneux

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Girls With G.. err Bows!

Only Pansies Are Offended By Straight Talk...

President Trump Is Probably The Only Person That Can Handle North Korea Through Strength, Not The Failed Negotiations Of The Past...

Are You A Victim Of Indoctrination?

What Does Bipartisan Mean?

More Fun With John McCain!

The Only People That Care About Al Gore's New Movie Is The Leftist Media Elites..

Congressman GOES OFF on Clinton Corruption - "Investigate ALL of This!"

Jodie Foster: Pedo Hollywood Execs Tried To Rape Me When I Was A Girl

Actress Jodie Foster has revealed that Hollywood executives attempted to rape her when she was a teenager trying to break into the industry.

Foster told an interviewer this week that a top Hollywood producer tried to sexually abuse her when her parents were out of town.

The revelations by Foster come hot on the heels of claims by other Hollywood celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Corey Feldman, and Elijah Wood – all of whom have personally witnessed the elite Hollywood pedophile ring in action.

The Fix reports: The 53-year-old revealed that a male producer called her while she was at a friend’s sleepover and “pretended” that she’d missed a meeting, knowing that her mother was out of town.

“He had me come to the appointment and was talking to me, and asked me to take my jacket off and....

Documents Show DOJ Was in Panic Mode After Loretta Lynch's Secret Meeting With Bill Clinton Was Exposed

When former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Bill Clinton were busted secretly meeting aboard Lynch's private plane last summer by a local television reporter, a number of government watchdog groups filed lawsuits for documents surrounding the meeting. After all the FBI, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, was actively investigating Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information at the time. In response to information requests, the FBI and DOJ said documents didn't exist.

Fast forward more than a year and it turns out hundreds of documentsrelated to the meeting do exist and show the Department was in a panic over how to respond to inquiries about why the meeting took place. Public affairs was bombarded with questions about the meeting and repeatedly referred to Lynch's comments on the matter without offering further explanation. At least one reporter from...