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Monday, August 14, 2017

Morning Mistress

Charlottesville: Violence in the Streets | Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Youtube: It's Not An Algorithm, It's a Blacklist (And I'm On It)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Girls With Guns

Clinton email investigation expands as FBI hands over trove of classified documents to State Department...

The Hillary Clinton email fiasco isn’t ending anytime soon, with State Department officials saying they have no idea when they will finish sorting though and releasing the previously hidden messages.

More classified documents that the former secretary of state improperly handled keep coming to light.

The Trump administration doesn’t even know if it has hunted down every trace of the emails that Mrs. Clinton — a former first lady, U.S. senator, top diplomat and Democratic presidential nominee — sent from a secret email server stashed in her home.

“At this time, we do not have an estimate for completion of processing all of these documents,” a State Department official told The Washington Times.

In February 2016, the State Department completed a review of the roughly 30,000 emails that Mrs. Clinton turned over in December 2014, nearly two years after she left office.

The FBI last summer gave the State Department tens of thousands of additional emails from its investigation, which the department continues to process pursuant to court orders.

This June, the FBI provided approximately 7,000 additional documents recovered from the laptop computer shared by top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner, whose habitual sexting....

Satellite Images Suggest North Korea Is About To Launch Missiles From Submarines

In the past several weeks, tensions have escalated between North Korea and the United States.

North Korea continues to ignore requests by several nations to cease the development and testing of nuclear missiles.

Instead, Kim Jong-un has been flexing his nuclear muscles–staging parades, running missile launch tests, threatening the United States. Anything and everything to make the majority of the world incredibly uncomfortable.

It seems a 21st-century Cold War is inevitable and now it appears we have satellite images to prove it.

According to The Sun:
NEW satellite images of North Korea bases appear to show the volatile state is overhauling its missile sub fleet as tension rises during the nuclear stand-off between Kim Jong-un and the US.
The pictures show...

I Have A Dream...

Absolute Vodka's war on the U.S.

Scaramucci: Elements Within Washington and White House Are Trying to ‘Eject’ Trump

Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said Sunday that there are "elements" in Washington and the White House who are seeking to "eject" President Donald Trump.

Scaramucci. who served less than two weeks before getting fired in the wake of a profanity-laden interview with the New Yorker, appeared on ABC's "This Week" Sunday for his first interview since his dismissal.

Scaramucci discussed with host George Stephanopoulos the competing elements in the White House and how some people are afraid to tell Trump the truth, as well as the continuing problem of White House leakers.

Stephanopoulos said he felt Scaramucci was describing a "hornet's nest" of sorts within the Trump administration.

"The president is not a representative of the political establishment class, and so for whatever reason, people have made a decision that they want to eject him," Scaramucci said. "It's almost like he's opened up the door now for America's CEOs and America's billionaires to enter the Washington political system. The members of that political class do not like that."

Upon taking the job, Scaramucci had vowed to fire all White House leakers. Stephanopoulos asked him if Trump was fighting "an enemy within the White House."

"I think that there are elements inside of Washington, also inclusive in the White House, that are not necessarily abetting the president's interests or his agenda," Scaramucci said. "I absolutely believe that, yes."

"Name names," Stephanopoulos said.

"Well, I named some names," Scaramucci said. "There's been some strategic changes, and my guess is there will be more strategic changes. I think the president's getting his arms around the fact that if he wants to prosecute his agenda, he's got to bring in loyalists to him."

Shortly before Scaramucci's dismissal, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who opposed Scaramucci's appointment, was...

Suspect Who Plowed Into ‘UniteTheRight’ Counter Protesters, Killing One And Injuring 19, Charged With Murder

This guy gives all anti-leftists and anti-communists a bad name. It gives the left and the media a broad brush to smear all Americans that are not radical leftists. We need to call the "counter protesters" what they are: radical, totalitarian leftists, communists, ant-free speech activists, and George Soros lackeys.

On Saturday morning, James Alex Fields, Jr. was standing in a line in Charlottesville, Va., with fellow members of Vanguard America – a white nationalist group at the “Unite The Right” rally.

He was standing with others, holding a shield emblazoned with two white axes, a variation of

the imagery used by the group and other fascists. He was wearing slacks, a white polo shirt and sunglasses.

On Saturday morning, James Alex Fields, Jr. was standing in a line in Charlottesville, Va., with fellow members of Vanguard America – a white nationalist group at the “Unite The Right” rally.

He was standing with others, holding a shield emblazoned with two white axes, a variation of the imagery used by the group and other fascists. He was wearing slacks, a white polo shirt and sunglasses

A few hours later, Fields got into his Dodge Challenger and plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others.

Fields, 20, was arrested and charged with one count of second degree murder, three counts of “malicious wounding” and one count of “hit and run.

The group who were struck were described as “anti-racist protesters” by a witness who took video of....

More Stuff We Can't Blame On Trump

Despite what lamestream media might be trying to hammer into our heads right now, the latest installment of America’s ongoing racial nightmare is simply more of number 44’s malignant ‘legacy’ rearing its ugly head. As I have documented in several past articles, he and his wife went out of their way to keep the racial pot stirred. And the froth of boiling hatred we are now experiencing, as common sense should be screaming to us all, has little to do with a paltry seven months of Donald Trump.

But if you are insisting that our nation’s current unrest is attributable to Trump I will agree with you, insofar as liberal media’s/entertainment’s using him in lathering up the mindless liberal numbskulls who get their values, history and ‘political science’ from SNL and Comedy Central.

Eight years of reawakening a racial wound that was aching to heal was what we got from Barack and Michelle

Nevertheless, whether it was blatantly inflammatory oratory at one of several black college convocations, or their never ending, determinedly racially agitating commentary following some white guy (cop or commoner) defending himself against any formidable black combatant - the Obamas never missed a trick in pointing out our differences of skin color. And their arguments for never letting that difference rest were never any deeper than that.

Eight years of reawakening a racial wound that was aching to heal was what we got from Barack and Michelle. And, worse than that, that whole senseless conflict was freshly opened and promoted to the few generations who had not been introduced to Dr. Martin Luther King while he was alive, or what had necessitated his vital ministry of arbitration and reconciliation to America.

Barely two years into Mr. Obama’s administration, I will never forget “Beat Whitey Night” that happened at the formerly, annually completely peaceful Iowa State Fair (in IOWA, for crying out loud!). ‘BWN’ was a bunch of teenage black kids running around the fairgrounds in Des Moines randomly, physically thumping white fairgoers. That night they downed two white police officers who tried to merely settle that mob after it had attacked and severely busted up one white guy’s (‘whitey’) face.

Shortly after that, and not too long after Obama’s melodrama of publicly ‘adopting’ Trayvon Martin, the ‘New Black Panthers’ (NBP) felt secure in offering a ‘dead or alive’ bounty on the white man they had declared...

Morning Mistress