90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, September 15, 2017

Robots & Cyborgs: The Young Turks Become Left Wing Info Wars

Thursday, September 14, 2017

"All you do is Slander" Ann Coulter DESTROY Katie Couric

Girls With Guns

How Does Mexico Treat American Citizens?

Donald Trump Quietly Helped Marine Left To Rot In Mexican Prison For 214 Days, Who Obama Ignored

The Dream Catcher...

All Dreams Are Valid Except The Illegal Ones.

How To Impress A Communist...

Communists Love MASS MURDER.

Socialism Leads To Communism, Communism Is Death..

With Hillary, It Never Ends...

Seven Things Every Kid Needs To Hear..


This baby is born without guilt. This baby has harmed no one. This baby is responsible only for his or her own actions and nothing more. This baby is not your slave or indentured servant. This baby was not created to give you free stuff.

Now go and use all that energy, time and resources to make something out of yourself, focus on becoming a productive citizen and not a grievance activist focused only on receiving free handouts. Hard work is a source of pride and accomplishment, it nurtures the soul and provides a good example to your children and your community. Please stop bullying this poor, innocent little child.

California Governor Jerry Brown To Allow HIV Positive People To Donate Blood

California Governor Jerry Brown is expected to give a green light to a bill allowing HIV positive people to knowingly expose their blood to others.

The bill, SB 239, will reduce the penalties for knowingly exposing someone to HIV without telling them, allowing HIV positive people to donate their blood to others. Lawmakers claim the current felony charge for the crime is ‘discriminatory.’

Foxnews.com reports: State Sen. Scott Wiener, a San Francisco Democrat who introduced the bill, said the current law discriminates against people with HIV because people who expose others with different viruses get only a misdemeanor rather than a felony.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener said during the floor debate, according to the L.A. Times. He added that modern drugs allow someone with HIV to be noninfectious to others, while the...

Berkeley Receives Grant To “Honor The Legacy” Of Marxist Terrorist Group

In this week’s episode of Your Tax Dollars At Work, we bring you a nearly $100K grant handed out by the National Park Service (NPS) to U.C. Berkeley. You might be wondering what Berkeley is doing that involves parks, but it turns out not to really have anything to do with the grand spectacle of nature. It’s a grant to compile information intended to celebrate and “honor the legacy” of the Black Panther Party (BPP).

I’ll just let that sink in for a moment. Hey! Maybe this is something that Ben Shapiro can bring up tonight when he’s speaking there. The full details are...

Morning Mistress