90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

MILO Down Under - Full Speech

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Absolute State of Vibrantly Enriched Christmas

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Merry Christmas!
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Democrats Believe That Your Money Is Their Money...

Communism, The Massively Multiplayer Genocide Game...

The Old Knight...

You Can Get People To Protest Against Nearly Anything...

The Chemical Formula For This Acid Is: H2O

The Jackass Wears Blinders...

32% of Federal Inmates Are Aliens

On December 21, the Department of Homeland Security released the Alien Incarceration Report for Fiscal Year 2017. The report discloses the number of confirmed and suspected foreign-born inmates in the custody of the federal prison system, which includes the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS).

DHS reported a total of 58,766 "known or suspected" aliens in the custody of federal authorities. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, there are 184,379 total federal inmates, meaning that almost 32 percent of all federal inmates are aliens. The number of aliens in federal custody has risen since the last report: At that time, the Justice Department estimated that there were 42,000 aliens, representing 24 percent of the federal prison population.

Of the 58,766 "known or suspected" aliens, ICE could confirm that 37,557 (64 percent) are confirmed aliens, defined as meaning that they are non-citizens and foreign-born. From that group of 37,557 ICE-confirmed aliens, an astonishing 35,334 (94 percent) were illegally residing in the United States.

Prisoners known or suspected to be aliens are reviewed by ICE to determine their immigration status, and are placed into one of five categories:
  1. Under Investigation: Further investigation by ICE is required to confirm alienage and establish potential removability
  2. In Proceedings – Legal: Confirmed alien who is lawfully present in the United States, but has been charged as a removable alien; removal proceedings are ongoing
  3. In Proceedings – Illegal: Confirmed alien who is unlawfully present in the United States; removal proceedings are ongoing
  4. Subject to Final Order of Removal: Confirmed alien who is subject to a final order of removal
  5. Relief/Benefit: Confirmed alien who has been granted relief or protection from removal that would generally be considered lawful status
Of the known and suspected aliens under investigation by ICE, the vast majority (31,699) are confirmed as illegal aliens and awaiting removal from the country or are still under investigation (21,209).

Immigration courts found that only 10 aliens qualified for relief and will not face removal proceedings.

Open-borders advocates and the mainstream media frequently make the claim that aliens are less likely to commit crimes (see here, here, here, and here, for example). This data casts doubt on that assertion. Many of the aliens in federal custody are held for immigration violations, but that does not diminish the fact that a full 32 percent of federal prisoners are aliens, and that over 90 percent of those are in the country illegally.

As Jessica Vaughan wrote earlier this year:
These statistics ... confirm what every law enforcement agency in America already knows: Border security and immigration enforcement serve an important public safety function and cooperation between state, local, and federal law enforcement officers is essential to ensuring that deportable criminal aliens are removed from the country instead of released back into our communities. Further, these statistics undercut the argument of sanctuary policy proponents who argue that...

Gun Control Requires Concentration And A Steady Hand...

This Is The Only Gun Control Needed...


HIDALGO COUNTY, TX (KGBT) – A 34-year-old Mercedes woman was charged Sunday after investigators say she admitted suffocating her one-month-old daughter, according to a news release from the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office.

Maria Guadalupe Cardenas, 34, was charged with capital murder, a capital offense.

Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers received a call Saturday from a woman — later identified as Cardenas — who said she had just killed her infant, according to the news release.

At about 1:24 p.m., deputies responded to a Mercedes home on Mile 9 North east of Mile 1 East in reference to the call.

Deputies met with Cardenas, who said she killed her baby. During an investigation of the home, deputies found the body of an unresponsive female newborn and secured the scene, according to the news release.

Justice of the Peace Jesus Morales pronounced the infant dead and ordered an autopsy. Evidence from the scene was...