90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, December 29, 2017

A Motorcycle Crash Shouldn't Interrupt A Good Phone Call!

More Amazing Gifs:

Baby In A Stroller Vs. Car...

Ever Been Kicked By An Elephant?

He Didn't Expect That... KNOCKOUT!

This Is What You Get For Littering Ahole....

This Is The Future Site Of The Donald J. Trump Presidential Library..

What Obama Sent To Terrorists Vs. What Trump Sent To Terrorists..

Shock Revelation: Obama Allowed Terror Group To Smuggle Drugs Into The US All To Protect Iran Nuke Deal


It’s that time of the year when media outlets write up the people and trends who defined the year while ignoring the man who redefined it.

2017 was the year that the United States of America got up off its knees. It was the year that we stopped following the world and started leading it. It was the year that our booming economy accomplished the impossible. It was the year that we became a great nation again.

And one man is responsible for that.

President Trump promised to make America great again. And every day, it’s happening. Factory workers and small businessmen, farmers and ranchers, soldiers and police officers are waking up to a renewed America. Time chose a social justice hashtag as its ‘Thing of the Year’. We’re choosing the man who turned the country around as our “Man of the Year”.

When President Trump promised 4% economic growth, the media herded together economists to prove it couldn’t happen. CNN surveyed 11 economists and Bloomberg asked 80 economists. They agreed it was impossible. 2% growth was the best that we could hope for. And we would have to get used to that.

And then the GDP growth estimate for the fourth quarter of 2017 approached 4%.

Americans are realizing that maybe we don’t have to just get used to dividing up the last torn shreds of a failing economy between leftist crony billionaires and their officially entitled victim groups.

Maybe we can do better.

The S&P 500 Index has gone up 20% this year and the Dow is up 25%. Holiday shopping season sales are up almost 5% over last year. Consumer confidence is at a 17-year high. The unemployment rate is at a 17-year low. The manufacturing industry just had its best month of job gains for the year.

All of this isn’t just a matter of dollars and cents. It’s the knowledge that things are getting better. You can’t fake it. The media spent eight years promising a recovery that no one believed in. Obama announced that the recovery had happened more times than he ended the Iraq War. And just like the end of the war, it never happened. It’s happening now because people are living a better future.

Call it… making America great again. Not for government officials, but for....

The Cancer Of Chain Migration..

Muslim NYC Terrorist Got To US Through Chain Migration

Judicial Watch: DOJ, Mueller 'Wanted to Hide the Truth' on How Agent Strzok's Biases Have Compromised Clinton and Collusion Cases

Adulterers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page
Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group based in Washington, D.C., has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the FBI for records about the reassignment of FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, who was removed from Speical Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 presidential campaign apparently because of anti-Trump and pro-Clinton texts he shared with his mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer who also briefly worked on the Mueller team.

"It is disturbing the FBI has stonewalled our request about the Mr. Strzok demotion for four months," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

"One can only conclude the FBI and Justice Department (including Mr. Mueller's operation) wanted to hide the truth about how Strzok's and Page's political biases and misconduct have compromised both the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations," said Fitton.

Both Strzok and Page worked at the FBI under FBI Director James Comey, who exonerated Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her illicit use of a private email server and mishandling of classified government documents. Comey was fired by President Donald Trump on May 9, 2017.

At the FBI, Lisa Page -- who started an affair with Strzok as early as 2015 -- worked in the office of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who worked under Comey. The Mueller special counsel investigation was launched on May 17, eight days after Comey...

Cutting Through the Media’s Falsehoods About ‘Dreamers’

When members of Congress battled over the budget, some threatened to block funding unless Congress provided amnesty to illegal alien Dreamers who benefited from President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which President Donald Trump announced he is ending.

Conscientious members of Congress should not give in to this threat. Amnesty will encourage even more illegal immigration—just as the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act did.

That bill provided citizenship to 2.7 million illegal aliens. Yet by 1995, another 5.7 million illegal aliens were residing in the U.S. Many of them crossed the border to join their newly legalized friends and family. Others, no doubt, believed that since the U.S. provided amnesty once, it would do so again.

However Congress decides to deal with Dreamers, it should be based on the real demographics of the DACA populace, not the glamorized image typically presented by the media.

Watching television reports concerning Dreamers, one would think that the DACA program applied only to college-educated immigrants who were just a few years old when their parents brought them into the country illegally.

We are led to believe that most are so fully Americanized that they would now have trouble speaking their native language and are all but ignorant of their birth countries’ cultural norms. Thus, we are supposed to believe returning them to their native lands would be a cruel hardship.

In fact, many DACA beneficiaries came here as teenagers. All were eligible for the program as long as they entered the U.S. before their 16th birthday. By that time, there is no doubt that they spoke the language of their native countries fluently and knew their culture intimately.

DACA had no requirement of English fluency, as evidenced by the application form that had a space to list the translator used to complete the form.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that “perhaps 24 percent of the DACA-eligible population fall into the functionally illiterate category and another 46 percent have only ‘basic’ English ability.”

Unfortunately, many Dreamers are poorly educated. Only 49 percent of DACA beneficiaries have a high school education, even though a majority are now adults. And while military service could also qualify an illegal alien for DACA, out of the current 690,000 DACA beneficiaries, only 900 are serving in the military.

The Obama administration did not check the background of each DACA beneficiary, despite a requirement that they have no felony convictions and pose no threat to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #120

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, December 28, 2017

"WHITE LEFT" : China's New Internet INSULT - Bugmen BTFO

Girls With Guns