90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, January 8, 2018

New Years Resolution: Put The Government On A Diet!

Graphic Depiction Of Why The Press Hates Donald Trump...

Hellzapoppin: FBI, DOJ, and Clinton Share the Hot Seat

The new year began with a bang as the long stalled congressional investigations of the top FBI and Department of Justice officials and Fusion GPS begin to see daylight and the Clinton Foundation slush fund investigation resumed, this time with greater probity than the former top officials at the FBI and DOJ permitted.

Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, and Judiciary chairman Senator Chuck Grassley (along with Judiciary member Lindsey Graham) fired the first salvos of the year.

Devin Nunes

Chairman Nunes demanded and got from the long stonewalling FBI and DOJ the FD-302s and FD-1023s relating to the unverified, unverifiable, and totally discredited Steele dossier. These forms document interrogations and interviews by agents. Nunes now has the record of what Steele was asked by the FBI and what he answered. I assume that this is the predicate for establishing that the FISA warrant permitting the spying on the Trump campaign (and subsequent unmasking) by the Obama administration was not based on legally adequate grounds to get a warrant. Possibly, as well, they will show that certain individuals deliberately misled the FISA court (FISC).

Additionally, Nunes demanded and has received assurances that his committee will get access to eight key witnesses. The witness list includes FBI agent Peter Strzok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page (who previously worked on the Russian probe), and FBI general counsel James Baker (who has been reassigned). Also on the list are FBI head of...


NOGALES, AZ (AZCENTRAL) – Border Patrol agents in southern Arizona arrested a Guatemalan man previously convicted of murder, after he crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in a rural area west of Nogales.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said agents were on patrol on Thursday afternoon near the community of Arivaca when they came across Walter Ramirez-Perez.

After determining he was in the country illegally, they ran his fingerprints in database records, the CBP said. Agents discovered that in 2005, Ramirez-Perez was convicted of criminal negligent homicide in Houston.

The 37-year-old migrant spent four years in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #130

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Stephen Miller explodes on CNN during fiery interview with Jake Tapper

Girls With Guns

Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff's Entire Sold Out Trump Book As A PDF

Considering that Wikileaks made its name by leaking confidential and/or hard to find documents and information, and also considering the reversal in the Trump administration vis-a-vis Julian Assange, whom it first lauded only to threaten with incarceration in recent months, it is perhaps not surprising that moments ago the official Wikileaks twitter account published Michael Wolff's controversial - and largely sold out - book, "Fire and Fury" in pdf format.Since, somewhat ironically, WikiLeaks picked a google drive to host the leaked pdf, it will unlikely remain available for an extended period, as it would mean substantial lost revenue for book published Henry Holt and Company. So for those who wish to read what all the hoople is about - for free - they are advised to do so sooner rather than later.


A liberal college is facing a lawsuit over a staggering one-hundred percent conviction rate of male students who have been accused of sexual assault.

A student who was expelled by Ohio’s Oberlin College is fighting back against what appears to be a failure of the school’s authorities to exercise due process when investigating allegations made by females who are not subject to having to produce proof against those they accuse.

Via the Washington Times “Oberlin College’s 100% sexual assault conviction rate prompts lawsuit, due process concerns”:

Ohio’s Oberlin College boasts a conviction rate for students accused of sexual assault that would make Vladimir Putin blush.

A lawsuit filed last year by a student expelled from Oberlin reveals that every student who went through the college’s formal sexual assault adjudication process was found responsible on at least one count.

William A. Jacobson, a professor at Cornell Law School who runs the Legal Insurrection blog, said the conviction rate “calls into question whether Oberlin’s sexual assault hearings amounted to nothing more than show trials in which the accused were presumed guilty.”

“At least Oberlin afforded the accused an opportunity to present a defense, which is not always the case,” Mr. Jacobson said in a statement. “But whether that was a meaningful opportunity, or just a procedural formality, is another matter in light of campus pressures to always believe an accuser and to fight ‘rape culture.’”

Oberlin officials declined to comment.

In response to Title IX guidelines issued by the Obama administration, colleges and universities implemented disciplinary proceedings curtailing due process protections — such as the presumption of ...


OMAHA, NE (Nebraska Radio Network) – It was in January of 2016 that Sarah Root of Omaha was hit and killed by an illegal immigrant in Omaha. He posted a $5,000 bond and skipped town. Officials never want a situation like that to happen again.

A $1 million dollar bond was set today for an illegal immigrant accused of motor vehicle homicide. Police say 19-year-old Vismar Carmona-Martinez slammed into the back of 67 year old Ann Smock’s vehicle in south Omaha on New Year’s Day. His blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit.

Jim Masteller is a prosecutor with the Douglas County Attorney’s Office and the defendant is a flight risk and they had to make sure that sufficient bond was set.

Masteller says, “It is so important that everyone involved in the system do their part and our part is working with the local ICE officials to make sure we have accurate immigration information. It is our responsibility to make sure we let the judge know that...