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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ohio Voters Praise Trump’s First Year: He Is Doing “Better Than I Ever Would Have Dreamed”

Girls With Guns

Basket Of Deplorables... Old School...

When The Inmates Run The Media Asylum...

Shout Out To Haiti!

US Poised to Shatter Records for Oil Production, Gas Exports

The U.S. is well on its way to becoming a net exporter of natural gas for the first time in decades after breaking an annual record for oil production, according to the latest government data.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects the U.S. to become a net natural gas exporter once it’s compiled all the data for 2017. The U.S. is sending more gas to Mexico via pipeline and shipping more liquefied natural gas overseas.

It’s good news for President Donald Trump’s administration, which has been promoting an “energy dominance” agenda for the past year, but the implications could be farther reaching. Unleashing U.S. energy exports has the potential to upset longstanding geopolitical and economic arrangements across the world.

The Energy Information Administration expects the U.S. to have the third-largest gas liquefaction capacity in the world by the end of 2019, behind Qatar and Australia, assuming all such projects underway are finished on time. The administration also expects a doubling of gas pipeline capacity to Mexico, furthering pushing up exports.

That news came about after the administration released its short-term U.S. energy outlook this January. In that report, the statistics agency projected U.S. crude oil production averaged 9.3 million barrels per day in 2017.

Production is projected to further increase through the next year, averaging 10.3 million barrels per day and breaking the record set in 1970 of 9.6 million barrels per day. Production could average 10.8 million barrels per day in...

Mexico Is Full Of Hypocrites, Liars, And Very Bad People...

If we fill our country with third world people, we become a third world country.


The president’s actual mental health is irrelevant when you’re carrying out a coup.

Powerless to dislodge the duly elected 45th president from office, desperate left-wingers and their media allies are borrowing a page from Soviet Communism by dishonestly portraying President Trump as mentally unfit.

This is a coup attempt in progress and there is no indication it will go away anytime soon. In an earlier age, it might have been called high treason. The difference is that in the Soviet Union it was the government doing the smearing in order to maintain power. In America today, it is the opposition that is doing the smearing in the hope of removing its enemy from power and becoming the government.

Decades ago Moscow set the example that Trump-haters are now following. (Former Soviet propagandist Oleg Atbashian wrote an excellent piece at FrontPage last week on Soviet-style psychiatry.)

“The Soviets devised a system that allowed for political figures — especially those who posed a threat to party leaders — to be declared mentally unfit for office,” Jordan Schachtel writes at Conservative Review.

To combat unsavory political opinions, Soviet leaders from Nikita Khrushchev to Yuri Andropov called on friendly psychiatrists to diagnose dissidents as mentally incapacitated. Some dissidents were then sent to a psikhushka (mental hospital), where they were imprisoned and removed from political life. The pseudo-psychiatry establishment — which in effect acted as an ideological policing agency — continued until the fall of the Soviet Union.

Pseudo-psychiatrists, along with some actual psychiatrists and psychologists, now smear President Trump daily. “Without evidence that there is anything [in] particular wrong, CNN’s Jake Tapper, NBC’s Chuck Todd, the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, and other media figures are now regularly asking about the president’s mental health,” Schachtel writes.

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), who wants the 25th Amendment invoked and Trump impeached, tweeted Jan. 9: “We have a president who is intellectually ill-equipped for the job. … He is the antithesis of what we should have as a moral leader in our country.”

Left-wing bloviator Keith Olbermann tweeted Jan. 11:

Missile Warning Fail...

Rand Paul SILENCES liberals for latest Trump attack

During an appearance on “Meet the Press” this weekend, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul exposed the truth behind President Donald Trump’s history with Haiti — and there’s not much Trump’s critics can say about Paul’s smoking gun proof.

Leftist critics suggested last week that Trump called Haitian people a derogatory term because he allegedly refered to the country as a “sh*thole” — so, rather than help lead the country the president has spent almost a full week answering questions about his “tough language.”

Paul served up the facts that Democrats were hoping would never get out. Trump isn’t a racist — and there’s proof. He spent thousands and thousands of dollars of his own money, in private, to help give vision back to over hundreds of people in Haiti post-earthquake.

This is before Trump was a politician. He gave the donation because he cared, not because he wanted to score political points.

“I think it is unfair to all of a sudden, paint him, ‘well, he’s a racist,’ when I know for a fact he cares very deeply about the people in Haiti because he helped to finance a trip, we were able to give vision back for 200 people in Haiti,” he said, according to the Washington Examiner.

Paul, an ophthalmologist, planned a medical mission trip to Haiti and Trump donated a large amount of money to help make that trip happen.

Speaking further about this trip while appearing on Fox News, Paul stated, “When I went to Haiti a few years ago, I went on a medical mission trip and we did cataract surgery for about 200 people who were largely blind before their surgery,” he said.

Take a look —

.@RandPaul: "I went to Haiti a few years ago, I went on a medical mission trip...I asked for donations before I went on the trip & one of those was to businessman @realdonaldtrump, who not only helped with the trip to Haiti but also helped with a previous trip that we took."
Would a person who has racist feeling towards the people of Haiti have funded a trip and surgeries for residents of that country? Of course not.

Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton donate thousands from her own checking account to help make surgeries happen for people in Haiti?

No, she would have used those donations towards her daughter’s wedding.

Who do you think is the real racist? Vote here:

How To Ace Your Geography Exam...

Shit Hole Country Bingo...

More On Shit Hole Countries..


DACA-aged illegals commit crimes at twice the rate of young Americans, says a comprehensive summary of crimes and convictions in Arizona during the past 32 years.

The report punctures claims by pro-amnesty advocates that young ‘dreamer’ illegals are vital to U.S. industry and civic life, and indicate that any amnesty will ensure that many more crimes — including murders and rapes — will be inflicted against Americans and legal immigrants, including Hispanics and blacks.

The report says:

Unfortunately, if the goal of DACA is to give citizenship to a particularly law-abiding group of undocumented immigrants, it is accomplishing the opposite of what was intended. As Table 8 shows, DACA age eligible undocumented immigrants are 250% more likely to be convicted of crimes than their share of the population. Those too old for DACA status are convicted at a relatively low rates (45.7% more than their share of the Arizona population).

The summary of the report, titled “Undocumented Immigrants, U.S. Citizens, and Convicted Criminals in Arizona,” says:

Using newly released detailed data on all prisoners who entered the Arizona state prison from January 1985 through June 2017, we are able to separate non-U.S. citizens by whether they are illegal or legal residents. These data do not rely on self-reporting by criminals. Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% more likely to be convicted of a crime than other Arizonans. They also tend to commit more serious crimes and serve 10.5% longer sentences, more likely to be classified as dangerous, and 45% more likely to be gang members than U.S. citizens …

If undocumented immigrants committed crime nationally as they do in Arizona, in 2016 they would have been responsible for over 1,000 more murders, 5,200 rapes, 8,900 robberies, 25,300 aggravated assaults, and 26,900 burglaries.

The report was prepared by John R. Lott Jr. at the Crime Prevention Research Center, in Alexandria, Va. He told Breitbart News:

The data there shows the convictions for everybody who entered the prisons system from...