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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Log Cabin TIMELAPSE Built By ONE MAN In The Forest

Girls With Guns

The Horror Of Government Shutdown...

The Stars Have Aligned, BEHOLD The Amazing Happy Miracle!

This Proves Trump Will Have 7 More Years As President...

I Trust This Man More Than Anyone Else In Washington D.C.

I Have A Dream That All Men And Women Would Be Judged By The Content Of Their Character...

Thank You Stephen Miller!

One White House staffer holds the reins to American immigration policy, apparently.

Democratic and Republican senators who were hoping for a clean amnesty for illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors have expressed their frustration that Stephen Miller, senior adviser to President Trump, is ruining their plans.

“Every time we have a proposal it is only yanked back by staff members. As long as Stephen Miller is in charge of negotiating immigration, we’re going nowhere,” Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Sunday.

Graham added that Miller’s hawkish views on immigration are an “outlier” and don’t reflect what the American people truly believe.

Several news outlets ran stories in the last two weeks on how Miller is single-handedly preventing a deal to legalize so-called “Dreamers” because he insists on Congress satisfying President Trump’s demands.

This is a terrible thing, according to the chattering class. As one MSNBC segment described Miller’s influence, he’s “poisoning” Trump’s views on immigration. The right thing to do would be for the White House to agree to amnesty without wanting anything in return.

A terrible deal for Republicans and Trump, one which Miller clearly recognizes as such.

The reason Miller generates so much hate from people like Joe Scarborough — who takes every opportunity to take potshots at the White House adviser — and others is that he is an effective aide in advancing the campaign agenda Trump won the presidency on.

Miller has done much to make sure Trump sticks to his principles in the fight over finding a legislative fix to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. When the president first announced back in September he was scrapping the program implemented by Barack Obama through executive order, it looked as if he would quickly give what the Democrats wanted.

Both Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Trump was ready to make a deal favorable to their interests at the time. Thankfully, Miller stepped in and Trump issued tough demands — such as funding for the wall, ending chain migration and mandatory e-Verify — that made sure a capitulation on DACA was not possible.

A similar thing occurred last week when Graham and other senators presented their DACA “deal” to the White House. The bill would have only given an insufficient amount for border wall funding, done nothing to end chain migration and legalized not only millions of Dreamers, but their parents as well.

According to reports, the White House rejected the bad deal based on the advice of Miller and White House chief of staff John Kelly, sending lawmakers make to the negotiating table to get a deal more in line with...

Hari Kari Not So Scary...

Despite Hollywood’s Scorn, Melania Trump Has Accomplished Much as First Lady

Hollywood’s feminist hypocrisy was on full display Sunday night at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Actress Kristen Bell, who was hosting the event, joked about being a “first lady.”

“I think my first initiative as first lady will be cyberbullying,” Bell said to “much laughter” from the audience, according to the The Huffington Post. “Because I have yet to see any progress made on that problem quite yet.”

Melania Trump, of course, had said she wanted to work against cyberbullying while in the White House.

Unfortunately, Bell isn’t the only one missing—or choosing to overlook—the considerable achievements of Melania Trump and the other women in the Trump White House.

Women across the country marched for a variety of reasons Saturday, but a singularity was a particular dislike, even hatred, for President Donald Trump. To counteract that, the president took to Twitter to cite the incredible achievements that have helped women, noting in particular: “Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!”

Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!

Not only have Trump’s policies benefited women, his administration is full of dynamic, intelligent, exceptional women in a variety of roles. They include Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, Hope Hicks, and Nikki Haley, just to name a few.

To say the left portrays first lady Melania Trump unfairly is an understatement. She is frequently cast as a distant, one-dimensional woman plucked from an ivory tower and thrown into the White House unwillingly.

The opposite is true. The first lady has brought a remarkable degree of grace, dignity, and quiet strength to a position that, while unofficial, is steeped in tradition and significance for our country.

She is an extremely qualified and accomplished person on her own merits, and has expressed her delight and desire to serve in the capacity as first lady.

Here are the first lady’s top moments of her first year in the position:

Sarah Sanders Goes Scorched Earth On Reporter For Trying To Blame Trump For School Shooting [VIDEO]

Sarah Sanders held Wednesday’s White House press briefing in the wake of a horrific school shooting in Kentucky Tuesday.

The shooting left two dead and seventeen injured at a Kentucky High School, and the shooter’s motive is still unknown. The final question Sanders took asked about school shootings in the United States.

The reporter, NBC’s Peter Alexander, asked “What has the president done since October to prevent any of the shootings from taking place?”

Sanders replied that “The president believes that all Americans deserve to be safe in their schools and in their communities,” and that “we’ve tried to crack down on crime throughout the country.”

The conversation got heated when Alexander ultimately asked Sanders “What is the president specifically doing to prevent shootings?”

“Will the president come forward before the nation and tell people how he fells and use the bully pulpit,” he continued before the press secretary interrupted him.

Sanders raised her voice in disbelief, asking if the reporter was implying that Trump was “complicit” in the school shooting. She said:

“The fact that you’re basically accusing the president of being complicit in a school shooting is outrageous!”

When the reporter clarified, Sanders made the following point:

Afraid of a major conflict? The German military is currently unavailable

BERLIN — Three years ago, Germany's military made headlines when it used broomsticks instead of machine guns during a NATO exercise due to a shortage of equipment. The lack of real weapons in the European Union's most populous nation was seen as symptomatic of how underfunded its military has long been.

One Russian annexation later, if anything, the state of affairs has only gotten worse.

The parliamentary commissioner for the country's armed forces has now reached the conclusion that the German military is virtually "not deployable for collective defense," at the moment. Independent commissioner Hans-Peter Bartels also indicated in a recent interview that Germany was unprepared for the possibility of a larger conflict even though smaller operations abroad may still be possible.

Last October, reports emerged that not a single German military submarine was operational - at a time when Russian submarine operations in the Baltic Sea were raising new concerns.

The most commonly used German assault rifle stops functioning correctly in hot weather or if it overheats from too much use. Bundeswehr pilots are using choppers owned by a private automobile club to practice because so many of their own helicopters are in need of repair. And about half of all tanks were out of order as recently as last November, which left the country with only 95 functioning...