90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, May 4, 2018

She Made The Devil Do It...

Bill Clinton’s Rape Accuser Unloads EPIC Truth Bomb on Hillary

MSNBC Hits New Low, Pushes Idea Trump Has STD

It’s no secret that MSNBC has a strong liberal slant, but the network may have just devolved into complete parody.

During a “Morning Joe” segment that can only be described as an anti-Trump hate fest, hosts Mika Brzezinski and Elise Jordan set a new low for crass unprofessionalism when they implied on live television that the president of the United States might have a sexually transmitted disease.

The exchange started when MSNBC gleefully repeated insults against Trump that have allegedly been uttered by administration officials like John Kelly.

Clearly enjoying smearing the president, “Morning Joe” hosts reported the quotes even though most were unproven and came from questionable sources like BuzzFeed and the admittedly-embellished “Fire and Fury” book.

The discussion was about whether White House staff members who clash with the president would have a tough time continuing their careers afterward. That question was fair enough, but then Jordan purposely steered the debate into the gutter.

“You leave with the political equivalent of an STD — to talk about something that Donald Trump worries about constantly,” Jordan quipped.

Yes, a major news network just declared that the commander in chief has a sexually transmitted disease in order to make an analogy.

“It’s something that you just don’t get rid of very easily,” Jordan went on, hammering home her sick example.

There was a bit of chatter, and then Brzezinski decided to get in on the sleaze.

“Wait a minute,” she interjected. “Maybe that’s (an STD) why they raided his...

How a ‘Far-Left Propaganda Machine’ Got a Respected Legal Group Expelled by Amazon

Alliance Defending Freedom has won seven cases at the U.S. Supreme Court in as many years, including one that upheld an Arizona school choice program and another that prevented the state of Missouri from discriminating against a Christian preschool.

The legal powerhouse, which fights for religious freedom, is awaiting decisions in two more landmark free speech cases it argued this term before the high court. It is counted as one of the most successful legal advocacy organizations in the country.

But even that stellar record was not enough to prevent Alliance Defending Freedom from being banned from participating in AmazonSmile, which allows Amazon.com customers to contribute “0.5% of eligible purchases” to “almost one million eligible 501(c)(3) public charitable organizations.”

ADF had been one of those charities since the 2013 launch of AmazonSmile until recently, when those who had assigned the legal organization as their charity were notified that it was no longer eligible.

The reason? Southern Poverty Law Center.

Those who had selected ADF as their charity received the following explanation of why they’d no longer be able to give to the religious freedom group through the program:

The AmazonSmile Participation Agreement states that certain categories of organizations are not eligible to participate in AmazonSmile. We rely on the Southern Poverty Law Center to determine which charities are in certain ineligible categories. You have been excluded from the AmazonSmile program because the Southern Poverty Law Center lists Alliance Defending Freedom in an ineligible category.

For those unfamiliar with SPLC, they are the hysteria-stokers responsible for producing a slanderous list of “hate groups” that lumps together actual violent extremists with respectable organizations such as Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Research Council and with international human rights activists such as Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

So, the “ineligible category” to which Amazon’s statement refers is really nothing more than a hit list of groups and people SPLC disagrees with. Amazon’s decision to rely on the false accusations of ...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #246

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows...

Thursday, May 3, 2018

What Is Life Really Like in North Korea? One Woman's Story

Girls With Guns

North Korea Getting A McDonald's?

North Korea embassy staff caught SMUGGLING McDonald's

McDonalds in Pyongyang: N Korea Reportedly Seeks US Investment

This Is Only For U.S. Citizens!

On Socialized Healthcare And The Ruling Class...

Socialized Healthcare..