90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Ayatollah Should Listen To The Voice Of Experience...

Why Did Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton Shut Down A State Department Pedophilia Investigation?

Please note this story first broke in 2013. Within a year this same story disappeared and the same media was fawning over Hillary Clinton becoming president in 2016. The clues in the video are significant regarding the scope of the crime and the “higher up” powers involved. An Obama administration ambassador was allegedly found participating in a far-reaching pedophilia ring – and that’s where the story ends. No further disclosures. No trial. No media frenzy. No charges filed. No punishment. No justice. Nothing. 

The Deep State covered it all up. The question is why. The potential answer is chilling.

(NOTE: Robert Mueller was FBI Director at the time. Yeah, let that sink in…)

Despite the Media, Trump Pulling Down Wins for We the People

I love the old gospel song "Peace in the Midst of the Storm." In the midst of the Deep State's raging, unprecedented hate-storm against Trump, he remarkably remains at peace, and so should we.

Trump and We the People are winning. The fake news media sell their lie 24-7 that voters regret voting for Trump and he is mere days from impeachment. In truth, Trump's approval has risen to 51%. Leftists are pulling their hair out in frustration, screaming, how can we stop this freaking outsider amateur politician? The tide is turning in our favor.

The Deep State's billions, traps, and lies continue to fail. Incredibly, Trump repeatedly lands on his feet, confidently pressing forward on making America great again. It's a God thing, folks.

At the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner, Michelle Wolf wrongly assumed that her hate-filled attacks on Trump and the women in his administration, along with her callousness against unborn babies, would score a home run for liberalism. Even devout leftists were uncomfortable with Ms. Wolf vomiting the left's pure hatred for traditional Americans for all the world to see. Wolf's foul-mouthed, mean-spirited monologue hit a home run for conservatism. We are winning, folks.

Pop icon Kanye West's recent conservative comments and praise for Trump are huge. With Kanye's 27 million Twitter followers, millions of blacks heard conservatism for the first time. Since Kanye's conservative tweet, black male approval of Trump has doubled. In essence, Kanye's message mirrors mine: stop weakening yourselves with victim mindsets, make right choices, and simply go for your dreams. Liberate yourselves from slavery on the Democrats' government dependency plantation. In Trump and Kanye, God is using unexpected vessels to spread His truth. Conservatism truly is best for all people. Kanye represents a huge crack in the left's wall of ignorance enslaving low-info voters.

It was thrilling to hear Trump announce that the United States will withdraw from Obama's insane Iran nuke deal. Trump pulled no punches in explaining why Obama appeasing Iran was dangerous for America and our ally, Israel. For crying out loud, folks...what idiot president gives $150 billion to a regime that chants, "Death to America!"?

Israel is despised by most leftists. Trump having the courage to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and actually move our U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is amazing. Regarding Israel, God said, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse" (Gen. 12:3).

Remember Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who was outrageously held in a Mexican jail for seven months? Obama refused to make a phone call for Tahmooressi's release. Presidential candidate Trump intervened, successfully freeing Tahmooressi.

Amazingly, Trump's secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, is headed home from North Korea with three previously held hostages – a gesture of good faith for Trump's meeting with Kim Jong-un. Can you say "Trump: The Art of the Deal," boys and girls?

In essence, Obama received an affirmative action Nobel Prize because he is black and for touring the world apologizing for...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #252

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Stormy Daniel's Strange Mark Looks Similar To Allison Mack's Brand

Girls With Guns

Question: Is Income Redistribution Moral?

Oh Hells No.

John Kerry Should Be Prosecuted For Failing To Register As A Foreign Agent..


Oracle Trump Predicts Demise Of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman...

Ex-CIA Officer: Obama Intel Chief’s Attacks on Trump Putting National Security at Risk

For supporters of President Donald Trump, it’s the Deep State at its most dangerous.

When former President Barack Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan took to MSNBC in March to insinuate that the White House is vulnerable to specific, personal blackmail by Russian President Vladimir Putin, liberals hailed it as the kind of “truth to power moment” they needed to tarnish the Trump presidency as fundamentally flawed.

But a veteran of the Cold War’s shadowy front lines is fighting back.

In an interview with The Washington Times published Monday, Daniel Hoffman, the CIA’s former station chief in Moscow, said Brennan’s deliberate smearing of the president — without a shred of evidence to back it up — was the kind of partisan tactic that could directly damage the work of intelligence agencies in the field.

related: Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

If Brennan really was alarmed at a potential security threat involving Trump being vulnerable to Russian pressure, Hoffman said, he could have brought it up to special counsel Robert Mueller, who has now spent almost a year investigating the possibility of “Russian collusion” by the Trump campaign.

“That way, he could avoid collateral damage to those with whom we are working, whether it’s a spy who’s risking his life to be the source of secrets for us, who’s now going to wonder whether he should be doing that because his boss Vladimir Putin has dirt on our president, or a partner liaison service, which might want to work with us against the Russia target,” Hoffman told the Times.

But that isn’t what Brennan chose to do at all. Instead, he sat on the set of the rabidly anti-Trump “Morning Joe” program and said something about the president of the United States that had to chill any American.

“I think he is afraid of the president of Russia,” Brennan said. “…I think one can speculate as to why. That the Russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll out and make his life more difficult. Clearly, I think it’s important for us to be able to improve relations with Russia, but the fact that he has had this fawning attitude toward Mr. Putin, has not said anything negative about him, I think continues to say to me that he does have something to fear and something very serious to fear.”

(Check out the video on RealClear Politics here. Brennan’s sneering attititude make the words even worse than they appear in print. And he doesn’t look like he’s guessing.)

Brennan later tried to walk back that damning statement, telling The New York Times in an interview after the appearance that his words had been entirely speculative.

“I do not know if the Russians have something on Donald Trump that they...