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Friday, May 25, 2018

Girls With Guns

Trump Calling MS-13 Animals Is Outrageous!

I Spy ... SPYGATE!

Brutal Instant Karma For A Purse Snatcher...

More Interesting, Compelling, And Jaw Dropping Gifs:

This Is What The News Media Looked Like Trying To Stop Trump From Becoming President...

Hitting A Truck At High Speed... BAD IDEA.

I Was Just Driving Along And...BOOM!

It's So Good To Know The Deep States Wanted To Protect President Trump...

How Dumb Do They Think We Are?

Deep State Leaks, Lies And Videotape

Top 20 States With More Registered Voters Than Adult Citizens:

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

Why It’s Ridiculous To Say FBI Spying Meant To Protect The Trump Campaign

An interesting thing happened last Friday: a bizarre confluence of events that left many of us wondering if we’d stepped into the Twilight Zone.

It began without much acclaim. Reps. Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy had been scheduled to meet with Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials to finally review the classified information to which they’d been denied access until Nunes threatened to subpoena the information and hold the officials in contempt.

But they decided not to attend the meeting. According to Nunes, after getting word that they wouldn’t be provided the unredacted information they sought, they declined the invitation.

Here’s where it gets interesting. Shortly after the meeting would have ended, The New York Times and Washington Post published articles describing the dispute between Nunes and the DOJ, in which the authors referenced the FBI informant whose actions before the initiation of a formal FBI investigation into the Trump campaign apparently provoked Nunes’ interest in having the information unredacted.

The Post and Times’ Reporting on Stefan Halper

The Post and Times had been writing about the suspected source, Stefan Halper, all week, but generally refrained from including information that could reveal his identity. That all changed Friday evening. Both papers did everything but provide his Social Security number and home address.

Their descriptions of his prior association with the FBI and CIA, his meetings with at least two of the Trump campaign members, and the timing of these meetings closely tracked Chuck Ross’s reporting in The Daily Caller two months ago, in which Ross named the informant as Stefan Halper.

The Times and Post declined to include Harper’s name in their otherwise-illuminating biographical profiles of him. They wrote that they withheld the name to protect him and others who may be placed in danger if his identity became public, while knowingly and effectively making his identity public.

As if that bizarre departure from reality wasn’t enough, they then blamed it all on Nunes, Gowdy, and President Trump. They said their own role in identifying the informant was a direct result of Republicans’ interest in viewing the unredacted FBI records initiating the investigation. They made us do it. We had no choice.

Nunes appeared on Fox News the next day and pointed out the curious timing of the revelatory reports. He wondered if the decision to reveal Halper’s identity (in all but name) was timed to follow his scheduled meeting, inviting speculation that Nunes, his colleagues, or someone in the Trump administration had leaked all that information on Halper to the press. Under the circumstances, he was right to wonder.

If The FBI Really Were Trying to Protect Team Trump

All of this, though, was incidental to the core issue of the raging debate following the revelation the FBI had employed Halper: Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, and if so, what was the goal of their operation?

The answer, according to a parade of pundits, politicians, and former officials, was no, the FBI didn’t “spy” on the Trump campaign. They were simply employing standard tradecraft associated with any counterintelligence operation. They were using the “least intrusive method” to try to protect the Trump team from Russian spies attempting to gain access and leverage influence over the campaign officials. To suggest that they may have had other options to accomplish that mission was to betray ignorance.

But there are legitimate questions here. If the FBI was trying to use the least intrusive method to conduct their counterintelligence duty to protect the Trump campaign from Russian intelligence attempts to infiltrate, influence, entrap, compromise, or recruit Trump campaign officials, why didn’t they have the wily Halper deliver the appropriate warnings to Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis during his...

Accused of Murder: Previously Deported MS-13 Gang Member Who Entered U.S. as ‘Unaccompanied Minor’

An MS-13 gang member who entered the United States as a so-called “unaccompanied minor” is now being accused of murdering a man in the Houston, Texas area.

Franklin Platero-Rodriguez, 21-years-old, originally entered the U.S. illegally after crossing the southern border. After being deported, Platero-Rodriguez re-entered the country as an unaccompanied minor, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials told Fox News.

According to the Berkeley County Sheriff Department, Platero-Rodriguez was arrested in Ladson, South Carolina after allegedly murdering a man in the Houston area.

Authorities claim that Platero-Rodriguez killed the man and then disposed of the man’s body in the trunk of his car and lit him on fire, leaving the entire car to burn. That’s when Platero-Rodriguez ditched town for South Carolina, police say.

Platero-Rodriguez is currently facing multiple gun charges.

The violent El Salvadorian MS-13 gang has flourished in the U.S. after decades of open borders policies whereby unaccompanied minors are resettled throughout the country. Sometimes, those unaccompanied minors are already members of MS-13 or become members.

As Breitbart Texas reported, there have been at least 200 murders by the MS-13 gang across 22 states since 2012. Most recently, Border Patrol revealed to Breitbart Texas that an MS-13 gang member traveling with a caravan of 1,200 Central Americans posed as an unaccompanied minor to gain entry to the U.S.

An explosive report by Breitbart News revealed that nearly 100 MS-13 gang members had been resettled across the country by the federal government as unaccompanied minors. Nearly 65 of those gang members were granted Special...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #267

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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