90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Democrats Displace U.S. Kids to Favor Economic Migrants

The Democratic-run city of Albuquerque is forcing U.S. kids out of city accommodations to provide cheap temporary housing for foreign migrants.

The first victims were American children in a state 4H club who were expecting to use the temporary accommodation at the Expo New Mexico convention center for a four-day horseriding course.

“My daughter was in tears about this,” Dr. Donny MacDougall told KRQE.com, which continued:
“We were extremely disappointed when we have a quality facility like Expo New Mexico and the rug gets ripped out from under our kids’ feet,” MacDougall says.

Just days ago, parents received a letter explaining the camp would now be held in Las Cruces because the state wants to use the dorms to help with the rush of asylum-seekers entering the U.S.

“A different venue is a challenge for a lot of parents. It will cost more money and be more difficult logistically to get the kids there,” MacDougall says.

“The city says this was an opportunity to save money for the [pro-migration] organizations that help the asylum seekers,” according to KRQE.com, which also quoted a city official saying :
“Right now, many of these [pro-migration] groups host asylum seekers at hotels and places of worship, and so as great as that is for right now, it’s not something that is sustainable. It’s very costly for these groups,” Mariella Ruyz-Angel, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, said.
The facilities at Expo New Mexico can house up to 240 migrants.

Ruyz-Angel’s refugee office was set up by city officials in 2017 to aid migrants. The Albuquerque Journal reported in 2017:
Mayor Richard Berry announced a new city office Tuesday intended to serve Albuquerque’s immigrants and refugees by providing a “central point of contact” for groups and agencies that serve them.

The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs will offer services without regard to the legal immigration status of people who seek help, Berry said at a news conference.
The office and three-member staff are funded by an 18-month $300,000 W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant awarded in July.
The Expo defended its exclusion of the 4H kids:
Expo New Mexico has a proud and well-established history of providing shelter and accommodations for people in need. It has been determined that Expo New Mexico can provide a practical and humane solution through the use of dormitory space, and we are prepared to house dozens of individuals at a time as they make a temporary stop on their way to long-term housing with sponsor families in other states.

Community and volunteer organizations are providing food, water and toiletries via a network of donations. EXPO is an enterprise agency generating its own operating budget through the renting of our facilities, parking, and events. EXPO New Mexico receives no state money from the state’s General Fund. The costs associated with use of the Leon Harms Youth Hall has little to no impact on EXPO’s operating budget.

Expo officials say the exclusion of the 4H members, and the housing for migrants, will not...

On Abridging The Freedom of Speech....

Joe Biden: ‘Not a Single Bit of Evidence’ Son Asked Me to Help Him in Ukraine

Former Vice President Joe Biden denied Monday that his son Hunter Biden asked him for a favor in Ukraine while serving on the energy board of a Ukrainian energy company.

“We never once discussed it when he was there,” Biden told the Associated Press. “There’s not a single bit of evidence that’s been shown in any reporting that’s been done that he ever talked about it with me or asked any government official for a favor.”

When he was vice president, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees for Ukraine if officials did not fire the country’s top prosecutor, who was pursuing a corruption investigation of an energy company while his son Hunter was serving on the board.

The connection was revealed in author Peter Schweizer’s best-selling book Secret Empires,and the reporting was confirmed in the New York Times.
related: Joe Biden ‘Steered $1.8 Billion’ to Ukraine While His Son Bagged ‘Sweetheart Deal’ from Their Government
Hunter Biden was paid as much as $50,000 per month while serving on the board, as his father led the Obama administration’s policy with Ukraine.

Biden’s “not a single bit of evidence” defense echoes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s repeated assertion that there was no evidence of improper paybacks after she approved the Uranium One deal — despite receiving $145 million in pledges and donations for the Clinton Foundation.

Biden’s Ukraine connection made recent headlines after President Donald Trump’s personal attorney suggested he would travel to Ukraine to investigate the issue before ultimately deciding against it.

Biden criticized Giuliani for...

This Idiot Has No One To Blame But Himself...


The NeverTrump Movement Is on Life Support

Bill Kristol’s Never Trump Mag Reportedly Shutting Down in December

Rod Rosenstein Launches Public Attack on James Comey

During a speech Monday night Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein went after former FBI Director James Comey while at the same time defending Mueller’s investigation, as Bloomberg reports:
In his speech, Rosenstein said that based on what he knew by May 2017 from briefings by FBI agents and prosecutors, the Russia investigation “was justified and closing it was not an option.” By then, he said, he knew people with connections to “a presidential campaign were under investigation in relation to their connections with Russian agents.”

But he pointed out the Justice Department’s inspector general is currently reviewing aspects of the investigation’s genesis, and if new facts are found, he could reconsider his opinion.
Rosenstein is clearly covering his butt here. Defending the Mueller investigation but leaving open the option to revise his opinion should the DOJ Inspector General investigation find evidence of malfeasance in the origins of the probe.
Having drawn fire on both sides of the political aisle for some of his decisions, Rosenstein disputed any partisan leanings. When it came to “foreign election interference,” like tens of thousands of other cases he supervised, he said, “I was always on the same team. I was on the American team.”
That remains to be seen. Did Rosenstein really offer to wear a wire to entrap the President? This is still unclear.

Rosenstein then went on to really pound former FBI Director James Comey for his reckless behavior:

Rosenstein said that Mueller’s report states that former that when White House Counsel Don McGahn advised him that Trump had decided to remove Comey, but that to him, “nobody said that the removal was intended to influence the course of my Russia investigation.”

Rosenstein said he does not dislike the former director, and in fact, “at the time I admired him personally and appreciated some of his accomplishments at the FBI.”

But he suggested that Comey had made mistakes, with “the clearest mistake” being to reveal his recommendation about the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email use, discussing details about it, and then sending a letter to Congress “on the eve of the election stating that one of the candidates was under criminal investigation,” a reference to...

One Bad Apple Will Spoil The Whole Bunch Girl...

Now, There Are Those Who Disagree With This Point Of View For Instance, Donny Osmond. But Then, He Wears Purple Socks.


WhatsApp urges users to act after cyber surveillance attack

WhatsApp has urged users around the world to update the messaging app after it was targeted by a cyber surveillance attack.

Dozens of WhatsApp users, including human rights organisations and a UK-based lawyer, are thought to have been targeted after hackers exploited a major vulnerability in the app in an attempt to take over the operating system.

The attackers were able to install spyware through WhatsApp's voice call function, even if the user did not pick up the call, the company confirmed.

What you need to do about the WhatsApp vulnerability

Political dissidents, human rights defenders, opposition politicians and journalists in 45 countries may have been targeted

The breach was discovered in early May and has since been fixed but WhatsApp, which claims to have more than 1.5 billion users, has urged people to update the app to the latest version.

The company said it was targeted by an "advanced cyber actor" and worked with...

That Face You Make...

The Second Amendment Saved These Gun Owners’ Lives in April

The right to keep and bear arms is based on the natural, immutable right to defend oneself and one’s liberties from crime and tyranny.

Unfortunately, too many well-intentioned people today advocate severely restricting the ability of law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and others with the most effective firearms.

Their desire for strict gun control laws is based largely on misperceptions. They believe that Americans rarely use firearms to protect their rights and liberties, and they think commonly proposed gun control laws will meaningfully address gun-related violence.

But the reality is quite different.

Measures like universal background checks, depriving young adults of their Second Amendment rights, and banning commonly owned semi-automatic firearms or magazines impose huge burdens on law-abiding gun owners, and they fail to address the underlying realities of suicidal and criminal behavior.

Moreover, it is undeniable that Americans use guns in self-defense on far more occasions than criminals use them to commit crimes. Yet those defensive gun uses rarely receive the amount of attention given to criminal gun uses.

Every month so far this year, we’ve highlighted just a few of the tens of thousands of Americans who exercised their right to keep and bear arms for self-defense purposes. As with January, February, and March, April was full of underreported good guys using a gun.

—April 1, Mullan, Idaho. A domestic violence incident ended badlyfor the male attacker after his female victim defended herself by shooting him in the face. The man survived and is facing charges of domestic battery and attempted strangulation. The woman was hospitalized with her own injuries from the altercation, but escaped with her life.

—April 3, Duquesne, Pennsylvania. An elderly taxi driver picked up a passenger who, during the ride, proceeded to pull out a gun and demand money from him. The passenger didn’t know that the driver had a concealed carry permit and was armed with his own handgun. The driver shot and killed the passenger in self-defense.

—April 5, Tallahassee. Police responded to calls about a shooting, but arrived to find that the injured man was actually a would-be armed robber who had demanded money from his two victims while threatening to shoot them and their dog. One of the victims, fearing for his life, used his own gun to shoot the man in self-defense. The man was treated for his injuries, then charged with several felonies, including armed robbery and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

—April 7, Largo, Florida. Two good Samaritans stopped to help the victim of an apparent hit-and-run driver, only to have the man pull out a box cutter and threaten them. One of the good Samaritans was a concealed carry permit holder and shot the man in the leg in defense of himself and the other individual with him. Incredibly, the armed good Samaritan then used his belt as a tourniquet to treat the man’s wounds until medical personnel arrived. Local police said the good Samaritan acted in lawful self-defense.

—April 8, Chicago. A 78-year-old homeowner found three men using a...

Barr assigns US attorney in Connecticut to look into government surveillance involving Trump campaign

Attorney General William Barr has appointed a U.S. attorney to examine the origins of the Russia investigation and determine if intelligence collection efforts targeting the Trump campaign were "lawful and appropriate," a person familiar with the situation told Fox News on Monday evening.

John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, will conduct the inquiry, the source said. The move comes as the Trump administration has pushed for answers on why federal authorities conducted the surveillance -- as well as whether Democrats were the ones who improperly colluded with foreign actors.

Two sources told Fox News earlier today that Barr was “serious” and had assigned DOJ personnel to the probe. Durham is known as a "hard-charging, bulldog" prosecutor, Fox News is told.

Sources familiar with matter say the focus of the probe includes the pre-transition period -- prior to Nov. 7, 2016 -- including the use and initiation of informants, as well as potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.

An informant working for U.S. intelligence posed as a Cambridge University research assistant in September 2016 to try extracting any possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia from George Papadopoulos, then a Trump foreign policy adviser, it emerged earlier this month. Papadopoulos told Fox News the informant tried to "seduce" him as part of the "bizarre" episode.

Durham previously has investigated law enforcement corruption, the destruction of CIA videotapes and the Boston FBI office's relationship with mobsters. He is set to continue to serve as the...

Girl Who Rejected Getting Pregnant Because She ‘Doesn’t Want to Create Any More White People’ Celebrated

Tweet receives over 136,000 ‘likes’.

The story of a girl who vowed to never have babies because “she doesn’t want to create any more white people” went viral on Twitter, with many respondents celebrating the prospect.

“Can’t stop thinking about how yesterday a white girl in my class said that she’s planning on never having kids because she doesn’t want to create any more white people,” said the tweet, which was posted by an Asian student.

can’t stop thinking about how yesterday a white girl in my class said that she’s planning on never having kids because she doesn’t want to create any more white people

24K people are talking about this
The tweet was received warmly by the vast majority of respondents. It received over 23,000 retweets and 136,000 likes.

Crucially, the tweet was not ‘ratioed’ – receiving under 500 responses at time of writing, indicating that most people who retweeted or liked the tweet endorsed its message.

Respondents praised the white girl for her valiant sacrifice.

“She deserves a trophy,” remarked one.

“She’s doing the Lord’s work,” added another.
“Wow. WE STAN A WOKE WHITE QUEEN,” commented another.
“Great activism right here,” remarked another.

This is yet another example of how the last form of acceptable racism is racism against...

Morning Mistress