90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bill Bye, The Foul Mouthed Idiot Guy...

Bill Nye: Trans-Scientist

Somali Muslim Mob with Hammers Descends on Minneapolis Train Station...

A mob of eight to 10 males wielding hammers descended upon bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station on Friday night injuring several, according to recorded police dispatch audio.

The incident was apparently reported to 911 just before 10 p.m. on Friday according to the audio and other social media police scanner reports. A 9:48 p.m. Facebook post on 2nd Precinct Minneapolis Crime Watch page said that University of Minnesota (U of M) police were requesting assistance from Minneapolis police (MPD) and Metro Transit police for “a group of 8-10 males chasing people with hammers” and that some people were injured. A Facebook post a minute later on Minneapolis Scanner page said that the three police departments were responding to “multiple [911] calls” about “10-12 Somali teen males armed with hammers chasing people,” also with “several injuries reported.” Both Facebook pages regularly post summaries of police scanner audio.

A person who claimed on social media to have been at the station when the incident occurred said that the group of males had “hammers and bars,” and that they seemed to be “attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white.” The witness, who said he isn’t white, said he didn’t want to “[take] on a bunch of dudes with blunt objects,” and that he “hurried an older white lady away” and they walked a few blocks to catch a bus.

On Wednesday there was an attempted robbery at the same location during which two U of M students were injured, according to...

Do NOT Get This Type Of Headache...

It Is Futile And Will Only Result In A Bigger Headache...

Proud Boys Suing Ultra Leftist SPLC Over ‘Hate Group’ Designation

A fraternal organization of conservatives is following its founder in suing the legal non-profit.

A conservative fraternal organization is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after the Alabama non-profit labeled it “hate group.”

“We are taking legal action against the SPLC and we are going to win,” Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio said.

“The SPLC is the glue holding together all the media lies used against us and many others,” Tarrio continued. “Dishonest reporters use SPLC ‘designations’ and lists like they hold some official weight. But the SPLC isn’t some kind of hate barometer. They are not a group of scientists measuring extremism. The SPLC is a far-left advocacy group that advances its own agenda in pursuit of donor money.”

The Proud Boys are crowdfunding the lawsuit.

“Donate today to help fight the fake news frenzy to defame and destroy the Proud Boys,” the group’s legal defense website says. “Your donation today will help preserve the honor and legacy of one of America’s finest organizations.”

Tarrio and the Proud Boys will announce the legal action near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., where the viral video of the Covington Catholic High School boys was filmed. The boys were approached by a Native American man beating a drum in their faces, and were subsequently vilified by mainstream press, which chose only to play a short clip of the altercation.

Tarrio said:
We chose this location to make an announcement today for a reason. Right here is where the viral video of the Covington Catholic School kids was filmed. That video perfectly illustrates the situation conservatives find themselves in today.

For the first week after the video came out, the mainstream media gleefully played a doctored version of the footage. They said again and again it proved the nasty and racist nature of Trump supporters. But astute viewers could tell something was off.

The Covington video turned out the great eye-opener of the year. We all know now that it was not a case of the evil white male oppressing everyone in earshot, but the opposite. It was the leftist mob run amok. And when the filter of the media was removed, everyone saw the rip off they’d been sold.
He also said that the group is considering legal action against other organizations, including Facebook, The Daily Beast, BBC, Chase Bank, and far-left Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King. Chase Bank abruptly closed Tarrio’s account in February, and a later Project Veritas exposé found that the bank has standards in place to close accounts based on political leanings.

Tarrio, who is Afro-Cuban, mocked those who he says have...

This Message Brought To You From CAIR...


5G Danger: Hundreds Of Respected Scientists Sound The Alarm About Health Effects As 5G Networks Go Up Nationwide

Even though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have on the general population, Verizon and AT&T are starting to put up their 5G networks in major cities all across the nation. Today, the total number of cell phones exceeds the entire population of the world, and the big cell phone companies are making a crazy amount of money providing service to all of those phones. And now that the next generation of cell phone technology has arrived, millions of cell phone users are looking forward to better connections and faster speeds than ever before. In fact, President Trump says that 5G networks will be up to 100 times faster than the current 4G networks that we are using right now…
5G will be as much as 100 times faster than the current 4G cellular networks. It will transform the way our citizens work, learn, communicate, and travel. It will make American farms more productive, American manufacturing more competitive, and American healthcare better and more accessible. Basically, it covers almost everything, when you get right down to it. Pretty amazing.

And just as 4G networks paved the way for smartphones and all of the exciting breakthroughs — they made possible so many things — this will be more secure and resilient. 5G networks will also create astonishing and really thrilling new opportunities for our people — opportunities that we’ve never even thought we had a possibility of looking at.
Sounds great, right?

But in order to achieve such vastly superior performance, 5G networks will use technology that is completely different from 4G networks.

5G waves are “ultra high frequency” and “ultra high intensity”, but they are also easily absorbed by objects such as buildings and trees. So although cell towers will be much, much smaller, but they will also have to be much, much closer together than before. According to CBS News, it is estimated that the big cell phone companies will be putting up at least 300,000 of these small towers, and it has been projected that it will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to fully set up the 5G network nationwide.

Needless to say, there is a tremendous amount of money at stake, and the big cell phone companies are trying very hard to assure everyone that 5G technology is completely safe.

But is it?

Today, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that indicates that the electromagnetic radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with is not good for us. Hundreds of scientists that are engaged in research in this area have signed the “International EMF Scientist Appeal”, and this is how that document begins…

We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. These include–but are not limited to–radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).

In the next paragraph, we are told that “cancer risk”, “genetic damages”, “functional changes of the reproductive system”, and “neurological disorders” are some of the health risks that have been discovered by the scientific research that has been conducted so far…
Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on...

Freedom Is Lost Gradually....

 -Thomas Jefferson

The Two Enemies Of The People Are..

The War on History Comes for George Washington

They finally came for George Washington.

The perpetual war on history now has the father of our country in its sights as the San Francisco Board of Education considers removing a mural of Washington from a local school.

If the board succeeds in politicizing Washington, whose legacy was once so secured and uniting that his home at Mount Vernon was considered neutral ground during the Civil War, then we have clearly crossed the Rubicon of social division.

Critics of the mural point out that, in addition to Washington, it also depicts slaves and Native Americans—and one of the Native Americans appears to be dead.

They have called the artwork offensive, and the school board says it “traumatizes students” and “glorifies slavery, genocide, colonization, manifest destiny, white supremacy, oppression, etc.,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

But the original intent of the mural was actually the exact opposite.

It was painted in 1936 by artist Victor Arnautoff, a man of the left in his own time who, according to historian Fergus M. Bordewich, wanted to depict Washington in a less glamorized way by including images of disturbing realities. Bordewich explained:
[Arnautoff] included those images not to glorify Washington, but rather to provoke a nuanced evaluation of his legacy. The scene with the dead Native American, for instance, calls attention to the price of ‘manifest destiny.’ Arnautoff’s murals also portray the slaves with humanity and the several live Indians as vigorous and manly.

Those who condemn the murals have misunderstood it, seeing only what they sought to find. They’ve also got their history seriously wrong. Washington did own slaves—124 men, women and children—and oversaw many more who belonged to his wife’s family. But by his later years he had evolved into a proto-abolitionist, a remarkable ethical journey for a man of his time, place, and class.
No matter to the modern iconoclasts. It’s too much to expect one to think about what one is rushing to destroy. Obliterate now and ask questions, well, never.

This is just the latest example of attempts to purge American history of its historical figures. Not only is this trend wildly misguided—how destroying statues and paintings bring an end to racism and prejudice is never fully explained—but it also cheapens the debate over America’s past by ignoring nuance.

From the beginning, it was clear that this movement had far less to do with genuinely criticizing past historical figures, but instead reflected the need of modern radicals to feel good about themselves and think they are “doing something” to...

Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept

Ranking House Intelligence Committee member Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said it was “likely” he would send another criminal referral to the Department of Justice relating to a meeting between the State Department and anti-Trump dossier author, Christopher Steele.

Speaking to Fox News yesterday, the Washington Examiner reports that Nunes said notes from State Department official Kathleen Kavalec about her October 2016 meeting with Steele were withheld from the House Intelligence Committee during its investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

“It’s likely now, as we do our investigation as to why we didn’t get this information that we’ve just been discussing from the State Department two years ago when we should have received it, there could be another referral coming on obstruction a congressional investigation,” he said.

Matt Palumbo of Bongino.com detailed the contents of Kavalec’s notes last week:
The State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Kavalac interviewed Steele on October 11th, which she chronicled in handwritten notes that were later typed and given to the FBI. Thanks for a Freedom of Information Act request from ‘Citizens United” these notes were unearthed. In those notes, Kavalec detailed Steele’s story of how Russians constructed a “technical/human operation run out of Moscow targeting the election” that recruited emigres in the United States to “do hacking and recruiting.”

Steele also said that “Payments to those recruited are made out of the Russian Consulate in Miami,” which leads Kavalec to make a note that “there is no Russian consulate in Miami.” That’s only the first comment Kavalec must have seen as damaging to Steele’s credibility.

Kavalec made note of comments that indicated Steele was speaking to the media (a cardinal sin for those working with the FBI, and a violation of his confidentiality agreement. It’s interesting that Steele was eventually fired by the FBI for speaking to the press, but not until after they got the FISA they wanted)….

Kavalec also made note of Steele’s obvious political motivations, noting that Steele’s client (Fusion GPS) “is keen to see this information come to light prior to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #628

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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