90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What It Is Yo...

MS-13 suspected illegal alien killers freed by sanctuary city to kill again

Police in a sanctuary city released two teenaged members of the MS-13 gang. This was despite the fact that the two illegal aliens became suspects in a violent crime.

The boys, Josue Rafael Fuentes-Ponce, 16, and Joel Ernesto Escobar, 17 — both Salvadoran nationals — were in the United States illegally. They should have been deported upon release.

They were picked up for a crime on May 11, 2018 by Prince George’s County Police Department. The boy were accused of attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, participation in gang activity, conspiracy to commit murder, attempted robbery, and other related charges.
ICE officers lodged a detainer with PGCDC (Prince George County Department of Corrections), however, both were released on an unknown date and time without notification to ICE.

As it turns out, they were released to a state-run youth detention center and were freed from there.

The two gangsters committed another robbery on April 17 and, along with 14-year-old Cynthia Hernandez-Nucamendi of Lothian, murdered another 14-year-old girl by beating and stabbing her with a machete. They were afraid Ariana Funes-Diaz would go to police about the robbery she helped commit after she expressed regrets.

“As law enforcement officers, we must continue to serve and protect the American public and act in the interest of public safety first,” said Baltimore Field Office Director Diane Witte. “These individuals had demonstrated violent criminal behavior before, and because they were released in spite of the lawful detainer, they were afforded an opportunity to take a life.”

According to authorities, ICE officers have again lodged detainers with Prince George’s County Police and will again seek to take custody of these public safety threats pending the outcome of...

A CIA Director, FBI Director And An Attorney General Walk Into A Barr...


Attorney General William Barr condemned the rise of nationwide injunctions Tuesday, saying such sweeping orders undermine the rule of law.

Nationwide injunctions prohibit the federal government from enforcing a particular law or policy across the entire country. Progressive cause lawyering groups have used such injunctions to stymie a wide array of Trump policy priorities.

“Since President Trump took office, federal district courts have issued 37 nationwide injunctions against the executive branch — that’s more than one a month,” Barr said during a Tuesday evening speech to the American Law Institute.

“According to the [Justice] Department’s best estimates, courts issued only 27 nationwide injunctions­ in all of the 20th century,” he added, before bristling at the notion that the disparity is a function of the president’s “lawlessness.”

Barr cited the Trump administration’s attempt to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as the starkest example of a nationwide injunction’s harmful effects. After the government took steps to end terminate DACA in 2017, three federal trial judges entered injunctions requiring that Trump maintain the program.

Appeals of those injunctions have since reached the Supreme Court, though the justices have declined to broach the issue for months. As a result, Barr says the nationwide injunctions have paralyzed political debates around immigration, culminating in the 35-day...

Impeachment Supporter Justin Amash Is Only Republican With 75% CAIR Approval Rating

Amash is the only "Republican" to receive such a high rating.

Rep. Justin Amash, who over the weekend called for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter, is the only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist-affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR.

Over the weekend, Amash came to a radically different conclusion than most politicians and commentators, and claimed that after reading the redacted Mueller report there was ample evidence indicating President Trump should be impeached.

Amash received a spat of positive coverage for his radical stance, leading many to research the young congressman and his supporters.

According to Vote Smart, Amash is the only Republican who received a passing grade of 75 per cent from CAIR for its 2017-2018 year. He scored as high as many high ranking Democrats, including Sen. Dick Blumenthal, Sen. Tim Kaine, and just below Sen. Ron Wyden’s 80 per cent score.

Notably, Amash’s rating went up from 67 per cent to 75 per cent between the 2015-16 cycle and the latest ratings. No other Republicans received a 75 per cent score.

Below Amash from the Republican Party is notorious establishment conservative Sen. Lisa Murkowski, and Rep. Steve Scalise, who both scored 67 per cent.

Aside from his comfortable relationship with CAIR, Big League Politics reported that his business interests in China may have held sway over his left-field endorsement of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #629

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

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