90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #630

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pelosi, Schumer Whine And Cry After Trump Owned Them On Live Television

House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Charles Schumer were the walking wounded after meeting with President Donald Trump.

The trio were supposed to meet in The White House to discuss plans to fix America’s infrastructure but that is not what happened.

The president walked in the room, read the two top Democrats the riot act, and then went to the Rose Garden to speak to the gathered reporters.

President trump explained that there would be no new legislation done as the Democrats continue to go after him with ridiculous investigations.

He torched them both for their subpoenas and their talk of impeachment based on, what he perceives to be, nothing.

Immediately after the president’s speech Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Schumer took to their own podium to lick their wounds and...

Girls With Guns

On The Inalienable Right To Defend Liberty....

And Those Who Speak The Truth Are The Most Dangerous Of All

More Tommy Robinson:

Government Tyranny In The Western World Is A Red Flag For ALL The Western World...

Nehemiah, Builder Of Walls....

Nehemiah Rebuilds The Wall Because "Strong Walls Make Strong Cities..."

Gaetz says 'most compelling' evidence in the Trump-Russia probe could be days away

Florida congressman Matt Gaetz revealed Monday night that "most compelling" evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation is days, if not weeks away.

According to Gaetz, R-Fla., secret unreleased transcripts involving former Trump aide George Papadopoulos reveal that he denied there was an illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that intelligence officials did not present that information to the FISA court.

"I believe we are days if not weeks aways for the most in compelling evidence in the biggest political scandal in American history," Gaetz said on "Hannity" Monday.

"There was western intelligence sent to spy on Papadopoulos and there's a recording and transcript of the conversation. And there, Papadopoulos denies any illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. So, they had evidence presumably that was against Papadopoulos and for him. What they will wont be able to defend is that they never presented that evidence to the FISA court."

Former congressman Trey Gowdy made mention of such transcripts during an appearance on Fox News' “Sunday Morning Futures,” suggesting it is likely the FBI would have transcripts of discussions between informants and Papadopoulos and calling them game-changing if made public.

Gaetz said that this information is what Attorney General William Barr spoke about last week with Fox News' Bill Hemmer.

"This is what Attorney General Barr means when he talks about them putting their thumb on the scale. The government has an obligation before a secret court with no defense attorney to present all of the exculpatory evidence that they are provided, all of the exculpatory evidence," Gaetz said.

Gaetz argued why the evidence is so important.

"Here they only presented evidence that would cast people associated with the Trump campaign in a bad light without their ...

The Lunatic Fringe Episode #3

If you are far left of center, this will trigger you.
This will upset you.

Now if you have a healthy sense of humor, prepare for leftist lunacy that we will mock, laugh at, and disparage in every way possible. We will intentionally trigger leftists, and enjoy every second of it.

Spygate: Obama Admin Cut Situation Room’s Video Feed During Meetings on Russia Investigation

Comments made by Attorney General William Barr about extraordinary arrangements regarding the original handling of the Russia investigation may take on more significance in light of a previous report showing a high and unusual degree of compartmentalization in the Obama-era intelligence community’s initial intel set up of the Russia probe.

In an interview with Fox News that aired Friday, Barr commented that the intelligence community’s early handling of the Russia investigation may raise questions. He noted it was first handled at a “very senior level” and then by a “small group.”

Barr stated:

The thing that’s interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level of these departments. It wasn’t handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted. It was sort of an ad hoc, small group — and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved. I think there’s a misconception out there that we know a lot about what happened. The fact of the matter is, Bob Mueller did not look at the government’s activities.

Deep inside a 7,700-plus word Washington Post article published June 23, 2017, the newspaper detailed the highly compartmentalized nature of the original Russia interference investigation and the manner in which other U.S. intelligence agencies were deliberately kept in the dark.

According to the newspaper, in the summer of 2016, CIA Director John Brennan convened a “secret task force at CIA headquarters composed of several dozen analysts and officers from the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.”

The Post described the unit as so secretive it functioned as a “sealed compartment” hidden even from the rest of the U.S. intelligence community; a unit whose workers were all made to sign additional non-disclosure forms.

The unit reported to top officials, the newspaper documented:

They worked exclusively for two groups of “customers,” officials said. The first was Obama and fewer than 14 senior officials in government. The second was a team of operations specialists at the CIA, NSA and FBI who took direction from the task force on where to aim their subsequent efforts to collect more intelligence on Russia.
The number of Obama administration officials who were allowed access to the Russia intelligence was also highly limited, The Post reported. At first only four senior officials were involved: Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey. Their aides were all barred from attending the initial meetings, The Post stated.

The newspaper continued :

Sometimes It Is Just Time To Put An End To That Shit...

Daughter of slain CIA officer appeals to Trump to stop ‘American Taliban’ release: ‘Slap in the face’ to all killed on 9/11

Both the daughter and the father of a CIA officer who was murdered in Afghanistan shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks are speaking out against the upcoming early release from prison of John Walker Lindh, an American-born terrorist affiliated with both the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

“I’ve spent 18 years without my dad. It never crossed my mind that the United States would let someone like this out early,” Alison Spann, now 27, said in an interview with the Washington Examiner. “Lindh is a traitor, and I think his early release is a slap in the face.”

Shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, Spann’s father, CIA paramilitary officer and former Marine Johnny “Mike” Spann, was deployed to northern Afghanistan for an undisclosed mission.

“Less than two months later — and moments after he had been questioning a bedraggled Taliban detainee named John Walker Lindh — he was killed by a mob of prisoners attempting to escape from the remote fortress of Qala-i-Jangi,” the Examiner reported.

Spann’s mother reportedly died of cancer a month later.

Terrorist John Walker Lindh needs to be rotting in Guantanamo for Life .. what sort of BS is this @realDonaldTrump @POTUS ? , he participated in a uprising that Killed @USMC Veteran & @CiA Officer Johnny Spann that went to Afghanistan in 2001 shortly after 9/11 .
See  π's other Tweets
Upon his recapture, Lindh was identified as a California-born man who had converted to Islam at the age of 16 and later traveled to the Middle East, trained with al-Qaeda and joined the Taliban. He was eventually returned to the states and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

During his sentencing hearing on Oct. 4, 2002, he tearfully expressed remorse and claimed his decision to join the Taliban had been a mistake. However, the evidence suggests he’d been lying.

Learn more about his sentencing below: