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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Fondling Fathers....

 It's OK Though... They Are Democrats.


LAFAYETTE, LA (U.S. Attorney’s Office) – United States Attorney David C. Joseph announced that a 49-year old Mexican National, who was formerly on ICE’s Most Wanted list, has been sentenced to serve time in federal prison for immigration violations.

Jose Melchor Martinez, of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, pleaded guilty on January 30, 2019, to illegal reentry of a removed alien and was sentenced today to 18 months in federal prison by U.S. Chief District Judge S. Maurice Hicks Jr.

At the time of Martinez’s arrest near Church Point, Louisiana, on October 12, 2018, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement considered Martinez one of its most wanted fugitives.

He was removed from the United States on September 6, 2003 via the Hidalgo, Texas, port of entry following a 2002 conviction in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, for indecent liberties with a child. After serving time for the conviction, he was removed from the United States but later returned on an unknown date. Martinez faces...

To Mock Socialism Is To Love The American Way....

Deep State FBI Agent Indicted For Perjury After Fabricating Evidence Against A Republican...

A former FBI agent hired by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner to help in the criminal investigation of then-Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was hit with charges of perjury and tampering with evidence Monday.

William Tisaby had been hired by Gardner just days after Greitens, a Republican, admitted to having an affair with a St. Louis hairdresser in January 2018. Tisaby was tasked with investigating allegations that Greitens took an unauthorized photo of a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair while she was partially nude during a sexual encounter in 2015, one year before he was elected. Greitens also was accused of threatening to share the photo if she exposed their affair.

Tisaby turned himself in on Monday, the same day that an indictment against him was unsealed.

Former FBI agent William Don Tisaby, left, accompanied by attorney Jermaine Wooten, as he turned himself in at St. Louis Police headquarters on Monday. (Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP)

The indictment, which was filed under seal on Friday in St. Louis Circuit Court, alleged that Tisaby lied under oath “about matters which could substantially affect, or did substantially affect, the course or outcome of the Greitens case.”

The indictment said Tisaby denied taking notes while interviewing the hairdresser, even though a recording of the interview -- which he initially said was unwatchable because of an equipment malfunction -- showed him taking notes.

It also said that he claimed he never got notes from the prosecutor’s office before he interviewed the hairdresser, even though a document uncovered during the grand jury proceedings showed that Gardner gave Tisaby her notes from an interview.

Tisaby also was accused of tampering with evidence by allegedly keeping several documents from defense attorneys.

The indictment also said Gardner never tried to correct false...

I Have Have A Place Of Great Evil: WHERE LEFTISTS LIVE....

New York passes law granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, but vows to hide data from feds

In a move that could greatly backfire on him, on Monday New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill that grants illegal aliens the right to obtain a driver’s license. The move came shortly after the Democrat-led New York Senate approved the controversial measure 33-29.

“The vote ended months of uncertainty at the state Capitol, where Democratic lawmakers in marginal districts struggled with the controversial bill as legislative leaders weighed whether it had enough support to pass,” the Democrat and Chronicle reported.

Slated to take effect in 180 days, the bill will not only grant illegals access to drivers’ licenses but also allow them to apply for a license by using “foreign documents such as passports,” according to the Rochester newspaper.

New York Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins issued a statement praising the vote as the “right step forward for New York state.”

“Today, we passed legislation restoring the right for all qualified drivers to obtain drivers licenses regardless of immigration status,” she said. “By passing this needed legislation, we are growing our economy while at the same time making our roads safer. This is the right step forward for New York State as we continue to advocate for comprehensive...

History: TransRinoRepublican Comes Out Of Closet....

How Is Junior Senator Mitt Romney Just Like Stormy Daniels...

Select All Images That Contain A U.S. President:

REPORT: Democrats Struggle To Attack Biden Without Damaging Obama Legacy

The far-left extremists who now control the Democrat Party don’t want Joe Biden to be the party’s presidential nominee.

They also adore Barack Obama.

So, how do they attack Biden who was so faithful to Obama for eight years without harming the (disastrous) Obama legacy?


Via The Daily Caller:
Democrats trying to bring down 2020 frontrunner Joe Biden are divided on how to criticize his vice presidential record without alienating voters still in the thrall of former President Barack Obama.

Biden has faced criticism from all sides over his work on harsh drug legislation from the 1980s and 1990s and his recent flip on the Hyde Amendment.

Some on the left want to go scorched earth and attack him for his work under Obama. Others warn that approach could alienate many Democrats and especially African-American voters. Black voters most enthusiastically support Biden, according to a June survey.

“Biden’s early advantage among African-Americans has more to do with Obama than Biden. And if you attack that, you start to alienate those voters,” Simpson continued according to Politico.

With such a wide field of Democratic candidates, strategists predict the path to the party nomination will be through coalition-building, and nostalgia for Obama can be found in nearly every coalition. For example, FiveThirtyEight predicts the party nominee will need to...

Schifty Schiff, Schellgame Schenanigans...



America’s First Third-World State

A man who said he is homeless stands outside his makeshift home near a housing construction project in San Francisco, California.

Medieval diseases, gangs, corruption, crime, crumbling infrastructure, out-of-touch wealthy elites …

‘Third World” is now an anachronistic geographical term of the old Cold War. But after 1989, “Third World” was reinvented from a political noun into an adjective to mean more than just Asian, African, and Latin American nations nonaligned with either the West or the Soviet bloc.

Rather, the current modifier “Third World” has come to transcend geography, politics, and ethnicity. It simply denotes poor failed states all over the globe of all races and religions.

Third World symptomologies are predictably corrupt government, unequal or nonexistent applicability of the law, two rather than three classes, and the return of medieval diseases. Third World nations suffer from high taxes and poor social services, premodern infrastructure and utilities, poor transportation, tribalism, gangs, and lack of security.

Another chief characteristic of a Third World society is the official denial of all of the above, and a vindictive, almost hysterical state response to anyone who points out those obvious tragedies. Another is massive out-migration. Residents prefer almost any country other than their own. Think Somalia, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, or Guatemala.

Does 21st-century California increasingly fit that definition — despite having the nation’s most amenable climate and most beautiful and diverse geography, with major natural ports facing the dynamic Asian economies, and being naturally rich in timber, agriculture, mining, and energy, and blessed with a prior century’s inheritance of effective local and state government?

The California Manor

By many criteria, 21st-century California is both the poorest and the richest state in the union. Almost a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. Another fifth is categorized as near the poverty level — facts not true during the latter 20th century. A third of the nation’s welfare recipients now live in California. The state has the highest homeless population in the nation (135,000). About 22 percent of the nation’s total homeless population reside in the state — whose economy is the largest in the U.S., fueling the greatest numbers of American billionaires and high-income zip codes.

But by some indicators, the California middle class is shrinking — because of massive regulation, high taxation, green zoning, and accompanying high housing prices. Out-migration from the state remains largely a phenomenon of the middle and upper-middle classes. Millions have left California in the past 30 years, replaced by indigent and often...

Trump says U.S. agency will begin removing millions of illegal immigrants

WASHINGTON, June 17 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday that U.S. authorities would begin next week removing millions of immigrants who are in the United States illegally.

"Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States," Trump tweeted, referring to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. "They will be removed as fast as they come in," he said. He did not offer specifics.

There are an estimated 12 million immigrants who are in the United States illegally, mainly from Mexico and Central America.

Under a deal reached earlier this month, Mexico has agreed to take Central American immigrants seeking asylum in the United States until their cases are heard in U.S. courts.

The agreement, which included Mexico pledging to deploy National Guard troops to stop Central American immigrants from reaching the U.S. border, averted a Trump threat to hit Mexican imports with tariffs.

Trump also said in the tweet that Guatemala "is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement."

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence suggested last week that Guatemala could receive asylum seekers from its neighbors as a so-called safe third country.

Details of the plan have not been made public, and Guatemala has not publicly confirmed talks that the U.S. State Department said were taking place in Guatemala on Friday.

U.S. rights group Human Rights First said, however, it was "simply ludicrous" for the United States to assert that Guatemala was capable of protecting refugees, when its own citizens are fleeing violence.

Mexico has agreed that if its measures to stem the flow of migrants are unsuccessful, it will discuss signing a safe third country agreement with...

Morning Mistress