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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Black Parolee Who Raped White Woman Said She “Deserved” it Because of “Slavery”

A black parolee who raped a white woman in New York said she “deserved” it because of “slavery,” another example of how identity politics hysteria is having real world consequences.

The brutal attack, described as “one of the worst he’s ever seen” by a Special Victims Division investigator according to police sources, took place earlier this month in the Bronx.

23-year-old Temar Bishop punched the victim in the face numerous times before raping her on a rooftop on Alexander Avenue in Mott Haven.

After the sexual assault, Bishop continued to punch and kick the 20-year-old woman until she passed out. The victim suffered a fractured nose and lacerations to her face and body.

It’s now been revealed that Bishop justified the attack by claiming it was justified because of the historical enslavement of African-Americans.

“She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery,” Bishop allegedly said to a witness who saw the attack.

“This is what they used to do to us. This is what they did to us during slavery. They used to beat us and whip us,” he added.

The debate surrounding slavery and reparations has come to the fore once again in recent weeks.

Earlier today saw the first congressional hearing in a decade to explore whether the descendants of slaves should be compensated.

Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson-Lee also proposed a bill which would set up a commission to explore whether African-Americans should be given reparations for...

Girls With Guns

If Trump Keeps Winning....

 ...I Will Be Vacationing In South Dakota...

Voting For Democrats Leads To Bubonic Plague...

True Dat.

The Answer My Friend....

...Is Blowing In the Wind,
The Answer is Blowing In The Wind....

Democrats Should Pay Restitution...

FBI Won’t Say Whether It’s Seen Un-Redacted Tech Documents to Draw Conclusions on DNC Hack

The FBI would not provide a comment when asked whether it saw the un-redacted sections of three reports from the private firm CrowdStrike that served as a basis for the Obama-era intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russian agents hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee.

“The FBI does not have a comment to provide,” a spokesperson for the FBI Office of Public Affairs wrote in response to a Breitbart News email request on the matter.

Yesterday, this reporter documented that, according to a U.S. government filing, the Obama-era intelligence community relied on three redacted CrowdStrike reports marked as drafts to reach the Russia hack conclusion.

The U.S. government further admitted in the same lawsuit that it does not possess the un-redacted CrowdStrike reports about what allegedly happened to the DNC servers and that it relied upon DNC lawyers to generally characterize what was in the redacted sections. The revelation prompted Breitbart News to request comment on whether the FBI ever saw the un-redacted sections of the reports at all.

The admissions about the CrowdStrike reports were contained in a U.S. government court response to a motion filed by attorneys for former Trump confidante Roger Stone, seeking to compel the government to release un-redacted CrowdStrike reports about the alleged hacks — reports the government says it doesn’t possess.

The DNC famously refused to allow the FBI to access its server to verify the allegation that Russia carried out a hack during the 2016 presidential campaign. Instead, the DNC reached an arrangement with the FBI in which a third party company, CrowdStrike, conducted forensics on the server and shared details with the FBI.

As Breitbart News previously documented, CrowdStrike was financed to the tune of $100 million via a funding drive by Google Capital.

Google Capital, which now goes by the name of CapitalG, is an arm of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, has been a staunch and active supporter of Hillary Clinton and is a longtime donor to...

2 Things You Can Never Have Too Much Of:

Leak: ICE raids to round up illegals who have been ordered out of the country to begin

It’s a good thing the federal bureaucracy and American press weren’t as politicized in the 1940s as they are today, otherwise, America would either have lost World War II with the Axis Powers or us and our allies would have suffered millions more casualties.

The plans for D-Day and several other major operations would have been leaked to willing media accomplices in order to ’embarrass’ or ‘thwart’ President Franklin D. Roosevelt the way details about presidential actions, policies, and decisions are leaked today to subvert President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Like his immigration enforcement efforts.

Earlier this week the president himself tweeted that Immigration and Customs Enforcement would begin mass deportations of illegal aliens who have been ordered out of the country by immigration courts but who have refused to leave.

Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in. Mexico, using their strong immigration laws, is doing a very good job of stopping people.......
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“Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States,” the president tweeted on Monday night.

“They will be removed as fast as they come in,” the president continued, adding that Mexico is now “doing a very good job of stopping people” from entering its country.

Now, some have questioned why the president would publicly announce such raids, and the answer is, perhaps our compassionate commander-in-chief wanted to give those in our country illegally a chance to leave on their own.

Fair enough. But beyond that very public warning, the details of ICE operations would necessarily remain covert so that agents could achieve maximum results for their efforts.

But no. Someone within government leaked to The Washington Post details of the raids which, if the Post leak is correct, will begin on Sunday in major U.S. cities the paper named specifically:

Milking Victimhood...

It Helps No One, Hurts Everyone.

Foiled Pittsburgh Terror Attack Is A Warning Immigration Laws Must Be Fixed

A 21-year-old Syrian refugee, was arrested Wednesday after the FBI discovered he was plotting to carry out several terrorist attacks in Pittsburgh, PA in the name of ISIS but his arrest is a reminder that failed immigration laws put American lives at risk, said Sara Carter who spoke to Laura Ingraham on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” Thursday night,

According to investigators, he had extensive plans to carry out an attack on a local church and was also planning to follow up the attack with a secondary bomb to target first responders and police.

The suspect arrived in the U.S. in 2016 before President Donald Trump instituted a travel ban on countries with terrorist activity and issues with vetting individuals exiting and entering their borders. Syria was at the top of the list because it’s a hotbed for Islamic State terrorists.

The suspect appeared to have some training and had some tactical understanding of conducting terror strikes, similar to what has been seen in previous terror attacks in Europe and the United States, Carter said.

“He was planning on a secondary bomb after the church was attacked, he had discussed this with the two FBI agents,” said Carter.

"This is not just about immigrants. This is a national security problem. The Democrats don't want to bring this up." @SaraCarterDC @IWF joined @IngrahamAngle to discuss the Syrian refugee who plotted to bomb a church and immigration.
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Carter spoke on her own experiences as a journalist whose covered the war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.

“When I covered the war, they would always say, don’t go right after the bombing because there’s always a secondary,” that could possibly occur, said Carter.

With the rise of extremist groups, like al-Qaeda and Islamic State, there has always been incredible concern that the roughly 2,000 mile porous border with Mexico could be used to infiltrate terrorists into the country. Broken and failed immigration laws, coupled with narco-traffickers operating with impunity to the south make the situation precarious for U.S. federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Guatemalan officials told Carter Thursday that they’ve seen large numbers of illegal migrants heading to the U.S. from both Africa and the Middle East in recent months. This is due in part to U.S. lawmakers who fail to come to an agreement on the border crisis. This should not be political but instead lawmakers should be looking at the national security implications of not securing the...