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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Girls With Guns

What Is The Purpose Of The Modern Rifle?

A Rifle Is A Work Of Art.  Support Art At Your Local Gun Store!

That Moment You Realize....

..And Remember To Vote For Pedro...

She Was That Girl.....

Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top

Top Democrats Fighting To Make Sure Our Kids Are NOT Safe In School

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) is fighting to ensure federal money cannot be used to arm teachers for self-defense or train armed teachers for classroom defense, Breitbart reports.

Murphy is joined by Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT).

In fact, most- if not all dems are against the idea.

Education Week reports that Murphy and Hayes released resolutions designed to bar the U.S. Department of Education from using funds to arm teachers for self-defense or train those teachers in the best usage of firearms.

“Teachers have way too much to do today as it is,” Murphy said at a news conference. “They need to be educators, they need to be social workers, they need to be grief counselors. They don’t need to be marksmen.”

Murphy and Hayes—a former National Teacher of the Year whose Connecticut district includes Newtown, the site of a 2012 school shooting— said their resolution would clarify existing law.

Their move follows months of sparring between lawmakers and U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos over whether states can allow schools to use federal grant funds provided through Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act to arm teachers or provide firearms training. Student Support and Academic Enrichment funds under Title IV can be broadly used to...

On Facts Being Dis-Abused By Democrats To Stir Fake Outrage...

De Blasio still doesn’t see what a monster Che Guevarra was

Mayor de Blasio apologized pretty quickly for quoting Che Guevara to a Miami audience full of Cuban-Americans, but he still doesn’t get it — and neither do the countless lefties who think Che is cool.

Encouraging airport workers to unionize in protest of poor conditions and wages, the mayor closed with a Spanish phrase he’s surely used in like circumstances: “Hasta la victoria, siempre” — “Ever on to victory.”

Expressing his regrets after an hour of furious criticism, Blas claimed he didn’t know Guevara had (famously enough) coined it.

More likely, a mayor who honeymooned in Cuba and spent much of his early life enamored of Latin lefties is ignorant of Che’s bloody record.

Fidel Castro’s right-hand man oversaw the murder of tens of thousands, most of them not tools of the old Bautista regime, but dissidents, journalists, businessmen and even fellow revolutionaries who grew disenchanted with the new government.

He created Cuba’s own gulag — concentration camps for political prisoners. Running the central prison after the revolution, he made torture routine. Where firing squads normally have just one gun with live ammunition, so that no member knows he was the killer, Che had all ammo live, so that every member would be an executioner. And when none of the squad managed a fatal shot, he gleefully pulled out his own gun and finished the job.

Another of his sayings: “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.” In a letter to his father, he confessed, “I really like killing.”

He lost his life after years spent trying to...

Please Re-Read....

Just days after Eric Trump spat upon by waitress, WaPo publishes op-ed justifying harassment of restaurant customers over politics

The Washington Post is all-in on stoking the fire of public harassment of Trump supporters, denying them public accommodations. So much for civility and mutual respect.

That’s the only conclusion to draw fromthis op-ed (non-paywall version here) published by the largest newspaper in our nation’s capital, written by Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen Restaurant that kicked out Sarah Sanders and her family while dining there.

The paper proudly tweeted out its contribution to the loss of civility.

Savor the irony of the graphic that accompanied the tweet and the article:

If anyone is spreading hate, it is Wilkinson and spitting waitresses. The projection here is so obvious that one might think editors at the WaPo would get it, But no, the paper is part of the problem.

In the op-ed, Wilkinson feigns reasonability while justifying incivility:

…the fact remains that restaurants are now part of the soundstage for our ongoing national spectacle. (snip)
if you’re an unsavory individual — of whatever persuasion or affiliation — we have no legal or moral obligation to do business with you. And that, too, is right. (snip)
…at bottom this isn’t about politics. It’s about values, and accountability to values, in business.
Conflating other issues with harassment based on political views, she writes:
The rules have shifted. It’s no longer okay to serve sea bass from overfished waters or to allow smoking at the table. It’s not okay to look away from the abusive chef in the kitchen or the handsy guest in the dining room. And it’s not okay to ask employees, partners or management to clock out of their consciences when they clock in to work.
The closest to setting any limits on harassment Wilkinson can find is this: 

A hatemonger with murderous intent doesn’t deserve anyone’s hospitality. [Implicityly, she is calling Sarah Sanders and her family a "hatemonger with murderous intent," since that's who she denied hospitality - TL] But no one in the industry condones the physical assault of a patron.

By publishing the self-justification of a person driven to...

WARNING: Graphic Depiction Of Socialism In Action....

Journalist Andy Ngo Attacked At Portland Rally. He’s Reportedly Sustaining Injuries

Journalist Andy Ngo, who covers Antifa activity, was attacked at a Portland rally Saturday and has reportedly been admitted to the hospital.

Masked individuals attacked Ngo at a rally in Oregon, throwing what appeared to be milkshakes at him and punching him, according to footage of the attack.
Ngo is an editor for Quillette who describes himself as “hated by [A]ntifa” on his Twitter profile. He recorded the aftermath of the day’s events on social media. The video showed Ngo with scars on his face in addition to what appeared to be swelling.

Ngo is being “admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed,” Harmeet Dhillon, a legal representative, tweeted hours after the protest. 

Update to @MrAndyNgo supporters — he is being admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed. You sick “journalists” and other hacks gloating about this should be ashamed. As for the rest, please pray for @MrAndyNgo who we need back in health — brave man!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️ https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1145116276605329408 

Suspects in the case have not publicly been identified, and the Portland Police Department did not...

Shepard Smith - Leftist Shill

Fox News' Shepard Smith Defends CNN's Fake News - After Trump Calls Them Out