90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #740

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, September 9, 2019

This Illegal Alien was arrested after ‘having sex with cow’ released by CBP — just arrested again for DWI

An illegal alien who was arrested in Texas for bestiality earlier this year has been arrested again for allegedly driving while intoxicated today.

KGBT’s Sydney Hernandez reports Mexican national Jose Nino was arrested in March for “having sex with a cow”.
The man who was arrested after police say Border Patrol agents saw what appeared to be him "having sex with a cow" near the border was arrested again, this morning, on different charges.

TX DPS Troopers arrested Mexican national Jose Nino for DWI in Rio Grande City.
View image on Twitter
CONT: Niño remains behind bars today at the Starr Co. Jail with an ICE detainer placed on him, according to Texas DPS.

Nino was arrested and charged with Bestiality, which is a State Jail Felony back on March 15, 2019, for the cow incident.
See Sydney Hernandez's other Tweets

CBS 4 reported in March:
Starr County deputies were called out to the Starr/Hidalgo County line on Friday night in reference to a bestiality case.

When deputies arrived, they spoke with Border Patrol agents and stated that they witnessed a man who appeared to be “having sex with a cow.”

After investigation, authorities determined that Nino was the suspect.
According to the news station, Nino was “in U.S. Border Patrol custody” after the incident.

For some reason, CBP let him go, where he was arrested again on Monday for DWI in Rio Grande City by Texas troopers.

He’s currently residing in...

Girls With Guns

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That's The Only Thing That There's Just Too Little Of...

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

What is Rule 5?

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: All Hail KBDaBear
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

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Borders Protect Children From Sexual Assault...

OOPSIES: CIA Director of Public Affairs dumps an ice-cold glass of ‘fake news’ on CNN’s latest ‘Russia/Trump exclusive’

CNN never learns.

From CNN: (sorry!)

In a previously undisclosed secret mission in 2017, the United States successfully extracted from Russia one of its highest-level covert sources inside the Russian government, multiple Trump administration officials with direct knowledge told CNN.

A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy.

‘A person directly involved’ … another faceless, nameless source.


Also from CNN:
Asked for comment, Brittany Bramell, the CIA director of public affairs, told CNN: “CNN’s narrative that the Central Intelligence Agency makes life-or-death decisions based on anything other than objective analysis and sound collection is simply false. Misguided speculation that the President’s handling of our nation’s most sensitive intelligence—which he has access to each and every day—drove an alleged exfiltration operation is inaccurate.”
Who’da thunk it?

But what fun is there in that? Psh.

Stinkin’ buzzkills expecting CNN and other outlets to do their homework.

Barrels with confiscated alcohol during Prohibition. USA, 1929

More Great Photos:

Muslim Slave Trader in custody of British Navy Soldiers in the Persian Gulf. 1908.

The Militant Arm Of The Democrat Party, The Ku Klux Klan at the carnival in Canon City, 1925

A German Zeppelin floats past the Empire State Building, 1936

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Gathering the dead after the Great Galveston Texas Hurricane of 1900

PHOTO: The execution of accused spy Mata Hari , Vincennes, Paris, France, October 15, 1917

The last photograph of mass murderer Vladimir Ilyich Lenin before his death, 1923

Banana docks, New York, ca. 1890-1910 - Colorized

Leon Czolgosz, assassin of President William McKinley, in prison after the murder, 1901

An emaciated boy during the Dutch famine , the Netherlands,
World War II, circa 1944.

Great Photos: Texas Rangers - 1910

A dog-handler reads a message brought by a messenger dog, who had just swum across a canal in France, during World War I.

View From Sailboat - New York 1935-1938

The shells from an allied creeping bombardment on German lines, 1916

Zeppelin Over London 1932

More Incredible Photos:

Amazing Photos Collection #1
Amazing Photos Collection #2
Amazing Photos Collection #3
Amazing Photos Collection #4
Amazing Photos Collection #5
Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935
Amazing Photos Collection #7 -OR- Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910
Amazing Photos Collection #8 -OR- Central Avenue (Route 66) looking west, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Amazing Photos Collection #9 -OR July 7, 1865 - Hanging of the Democrat conspirators in the assassination of Lincoln, at Fort McNair, Washington D.C.

New ‘Cuck’ Movie Vilifies Conservatives as Radicalized, Loser Incels

Comments and likes on YouTube trailer disabled to prevent criticism.

A new movie called ‘Cuck’ centers around a radicalized right-winger who is forced to take a job as a literal cuckold in porn films in what appears to be an attempt to vilify conservatives as resentful, loser incels.

The trailer for the movie features an out of shape millennial – Ronny – who blames his financial woes on minority immigrant groups and a “false sense of diversity” that plagues America.

“Everywhere I go there’s illegals and they’re running the show,” he laments, adding, “You can’t be proud to be white and male anymore, it’s not politically correct.”

The plot then shows Ronny hiring a prostitute before he agrees to play the role of cuckold in porn movies.

The narrative then shifts to Ronny’s apparent radicalization via YouTube videos which ends up with him buying guns and attending far-right rallies.

“Are you ready to take the red pill or are you just another cuck?” asks one of the faux YouTubers.

The promo for the film describes it as a “gripping fly-on-the wall character study and psychosexual thriller tracking an isolated and lonely young man as he is indoctrinated into the online echo chambers of Alt-Right ideology and hate. Touching on several topical nerves, CUCK gives a raw, unforgiving glimpse into a dark world that...

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