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Friday, September 13, 2019

This Bunny Must Live!

Vorpal Rabbit Vs. Headbutt Goat

Dune Buggy Vs. Hedge...

Halloween Prank...

Someone Messed With The Wrong Dude..

Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

Michael Flynn’s Legal Team Lists 40 Documents It Says Will Vindicate Former National Security Adviser

  • Michael Flynn’s lawyers submitted a list of 40 government records they say will vindicate the former national security adviser.
  • Sidney Powell, the lead attorney for Flynn, wants prosecutors to provide documents related to FBI informant Stefan Halper and the infamous Steele dossier and regarding a media leak to The Washington Post in January 2017.
  • Powell also said Justice Department memos exist that indicate Flynn was exonerated early in the Russia probe of being a Kremlin asset.

Michael Flynn’s lawyers want a federal judge to force prosecutors to turn over 40 categories of documents they say will vindicate the former national security adviser, according to a court filing released Wednesday.

The slew of documents include a purported memo a British national security adviser sent Flynn in early 2017 regarding the Steele dossier. Sidney Powell, a lawyer for Flynn, is also seeking Justice Department memos she says show government officials knew early on in the Trump administration that Flynn was not a Russia asset.

Powell cited an internal DOJ document dated Jan. 30, 2017, which she said cleared Flynn of being “an agent of Russia.” Powell also wants FBI interview notes with former Justice Department official Mary McCord that show when she knew that Flynn did not have “a clandestine relationship with Russia.”

Powell, a fierce critic of the special counsel’s probe, laid out the list of documents in an Aug. 30 sealed court filing released Wednesday.

Powell pressed Judge Emmet Sullivan in a court appearance Tuesday to dismiss charges against Flynn for what she called “egregious” prosecutorial misconduct. She said in the memo that federal prosecutors have “thoroughly stymied” her efforts to obtain the information since she took over as Flynn’s lead lawyer on June 6.

Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017 to making false statements in a Jan. 24, 2017 interview with FBI agents regarding his conversations a month earlier with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn cooperated extensively with the special counsel’s Russia probe as part of his plea agreement. Flynn also cooperated with federal prosecutors in Virginia in a case against...

Success In California!

Choose The Reason California Is Now The Worst State In America....

REVERSAL: PewDiePie Yanks $50,000 Donation to Anti-Defamation League After Fan Backlash

The thought control organization will no longer be receiving PewDiePie’s money.

YouTube sensation Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg outraged many of his fans this week when he announced that he would be donating $50,000 to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a pro-censorship organization that regularly targets dissidents for Orwellian censorship on Big Tech platforms.

Just two days later, PewDiePie announced that he is rescinding the donation. He admitted his ignorance about the organization in a YouTube video published on Thursday and thanked his fans for helping him understand more about the insidious nature of the ADL.

“I made the mistake of picking a charity that I was advised instead of picking a charity that I’m personally passionate about, which is 100 percent my fault,” he said of his initial decision to give to the ADL.

“Usually when I pick a charity, I take my time, I find a charity that I’m really excited about and actually passionate to donate to, so when I uploaded the video talking about the charity, it was very brief, and people could tell something was off,” PewDiePie explained while laughing.

“To be fair, I saw it as an opportunity to put an end to these alt-right claims that have been thrown against me. It wasn’t to try and clear my name or save grace. If it was, I would have done it years ago, but after the Christchurch tragedy, I felt a responsibility to do something about it because it’s no longer just about me. It affected other people in a way, and I’m not okay with that,” PewDiePie said explaining his...

Beware The Judas Goat?

These Sheep Will Go Willingly To Their Own Slaughter!

DEA: Illegal Ran Drug Ring From Ohio Jail

Mexican man used smuggled phone to traffic coke, fentanyl

SEPTEMBER 12--An imprisoned illegal immigrant used a smuggled cellphone to run a drug trafficking operation that distributed fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico, federal prosecutors allege.

Jose Lozano-Leon, 41, was one of 10 defendants named in a 17-count felony indictment filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Cleveland. Lozano-Leon, a Mexican national, is identified as the head of the drug trafficking organization.

Lozano-Leon has been locked up in the privately-owned Northeast Ohio Correctional Center in Youngstown since late last year, when he pleaded guilty to illegally reentering the U.S.. Lozano-Leon was convicted in 2008 for conspiracy to distribute heroin. After serving a federal prison sentence, he was deported to Mexico.

Almost immediately upon being locked up in 2018, Lozano-Leon obtained a cellphone and continued operating the drug ring he allegedly headed while on the street. Lozano-Leon, the indictment alleges, used the contraband phone to send texts and make calls to coconspirators.

Remarkably, Lozano-Leon even used his phone to exchange texts with an associate who was being held at a federal prison in Michigan (and who also secured a cellphone).

As charged in the indictment, Lozano-Leon arranged for narcotics purchases, courier pickups, and money transfers while incarcerated. In texts and calls, Lozano-Leon had $25,000 sent to Phoenix for the purchase of fentanyl and $7500 mailed to Washington State for the...

Democrats Want To Go There - Mandatory Gun Buybacks...

Public Service Announcement: Guard Against This Deadly Infection!

Elizabeth Warren a Direct Descendant of Militia ‘Indian Fighter’ Who Fought Seminole Tribe

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) great-great-great grandfather Jonathan Crawford served in Major William Lauderdale’s Battalion of Tennessee Volunteer Militia from November 1837 to May 1838, a six month time period during which it fought two battles in Florida against the Seminoles.

Today, there are two federally recognized Native American Seminole tribes, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which has 4,000 enrolled members, and the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, which has more than 18,000 enrolled members.

Lauderdale’s battalion fought against the Seminoles at the Battle of Loxahatchee River, in present-day Jupiter, Florida, on January 24, 1838. Then on March 22, 1838, they fought against the Seminoles again at the Battle of Pine Island, in present-day Fort Lauderdale.

A native of Virginia, Lauderdale moved to Tennessee, where he was known as the latest in a long line of Indian fighters, as the Daily Press reported in 1992:
Like other Virginians of his day, Lauderdale developed into an Indian fighter. In 1803 he marched as a Tennessee volunteer to the Louisiana Territory to fight for the United States against the Spanish and the Indians. In the War of 1812 he served under Gen. Jackson and fought against the Indian allies of the British in what are now Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

William Lauderdale became Gen. Jackson’s trusted understudy in the War of 1812. When the Creek Indians rose up to massacre white settlers in Alabama in 1813 and President James Madison ordered Jackson to defend the area, Capt. Lauderdale and his Tennessee Vols helped win the battle of Talladega. Lauderdale went on to play a part in Jackson’s defeat of the British in the battle of New Orleans in 1815, which ended the War of 1812.

Evidence supporting Jonathan Crawford’s service under Lauderdale in Florida was brought by his widow, Neoma O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, also known as Neona Crawford, to the Bledsoe County Commission of Bledsoe County, Tennessee in 1850 and 1851, when she applied for a pension from the U.S. government for her husband’s service during the...

Ms. Monopoly’s ‘Woke’ Rules Are Bad for Girls, Devalue Women

I have three girls and three boys. Some of them have recently gotten into Monopoly, the classic board game.

But my kids won’t be playing Hasbro’s new version, Ms. Monopoly, which gives women 20% more than men when they pass go.

As an economist, I love classic Monopoly and its real-world financial lessons.

As a person, I like the message conveyed by the new Ms. Monopoly cover — that young, hip women can be as successful, if not more, than old white men in stuffy suits and top hats.

The problem is what’s inside the box.

Ms. Monopoly’s unequal rules not only distort real-world realities; they would surely incite conflict between my boys and girls.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a woman. I have three sisters. I have three daughters. I fully embrace the contributions women make to society and their families, and I celebrate the substantial gains and accomplishments women have made in education, earnings and career advancements over the last half-century.

But I do not see how a game that gives women a head start supports or encourages either women or men. Instead, it just embeds inequity and incites resentment.

If my children played this game, I’m sure my girls would be thrilled — at first — over the advantages it offers. No doubt they’d gloat as they passed go and pocketed 20% more than their brothers. And I’m equally sure these things would upset my boys, leading them to retaliate with...

You Have Found Yourself Within A Palindrome... There Is No Escape!

..Until Sept 20th!