90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Earlier this year a congressional probe revealed that migrants from terrorist nations are trying to enter the United States through Mexico at record rates. Among the most alarming statistics included in the investigative report was an astounding 300% increase in Bangladeshi nationals attempting to sneak into the country through Texas alone. This month federal authorities arrested a Mexican-based Bangladeshi smuggler in Houston and charged him with bringing in 15 fellow countrymen through the Texas-Mexico border. His name is Milon Miah and he lives in Tapachula, in the southeast Mexican state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala. Just a few months ago Judicial Watch reported large groups of Africans, Indians, Bangladeshis, Afghans, Syrians and Pakistanis are in Tapachula awaiting asylum in the U.S. as part of the monstrous Central American caravan.

Africa is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism, according to the State Department, and Bangladesh is a south Asian Islamic country well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Last year 630 Bangladeshi nationals tried to enter the U.S. illegally in Laredo, Texas alone, marking the 300% increase from the previous year. The figures help confirm what Judicial Watch uncovered years ago as part of an ongoing investigation into the national security threats created by the porous southern border; Mexico is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism that immediately threatens the U.S. Islamic jihadists are training in southern border towns near American cities and have joined forces with Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate the United States. A few years ago, a high-ranking Homeland Security official confirmed to Judicial Watch that Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks. Among the jihadists that traveled back and forth through the porous southern border was a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso. Another was a Saudi Al Qaeda operative, Adnan G. El Shurkrjumah, wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during his cross-border jaunts.

Lately Bangladesh has had a greater presence in the Mexican border region though Syria and Yemen are also well represented. In the recent Texas case, the Bangladeshi smuggler was arrested after arriving on a flight at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. The feds say that, from March 2017 to August 2018, Miah brought 15 Bangladeshi nationals to the United States at the Texas border in exchange for payment. He housed and fed the illegal aliens in Tapachula then provided them with plane tickets to locations in northern Mexico, according to federal prosecutors. One of his associates, Moktar Hossain, has pleaded guilty for his role in the illicit scheme. Hossain handled operations in Monterrey, in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, where the aliens would stay before the last leg of their trek to the United States. “Hossain paid drivers to transport the aliens to the U.S. border, and gave them instructions how to cross the Rio Grande River,” according a statement issued by federal prosecutors in Texas.

The Miah-Hossain operation is part of a broader crisis involving a growing demographic of illegal aliens from terrorist nations entering the U.S. through the Mexican border. The government classifies them as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) and they are flowing north via Latin America in huge numbers thanks to established Transitional Criminal Organizations (TCO) that facilitate travel along drug and migrant smuggling routes. Tens of thousands of SIAs—from the Middle East, Asia and Africa—entered...

The Fabulous Adventures Of Joe Biden, Corn Pop And The "Negro Safari Summer"...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #51

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #748

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ilhan Omar Inexplicably Deletes Father’s Day Message from 2013

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) quietly deleted a six-year-old Father’s Day message from her social media profiles Tuesday morning, tacitly acknowledging critics who highlighted it Monday night to question her marital history.

Mohamad Tawhidi, an Islamic reformer who refers to himself as the “Imam of Peace,” revealed a 2013 post on Omar’s Twitter and Instagram profiles which named her father, “Nur Said.” Tawhidi then argued that, in keeping with Muslim culture, any children of this man would bear the surname “Nur Said” — which he said proved the ongoing speculation that when Omar married U.K. citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, she married her brother.

Your father is Nur Said?
Not: Nur Omar Mohamed?

So you’re Ilhan Nur Said?

And you married Ahmed Nur Said,

You married your brother.

(Most Americans don’t know that in most Muslim countries, the surname is actually the father’s name)


Ilhan in 2013 👇🏽 BUSTED. https://twitter.com/ilhanmn/status/346398031572250625 
5,229 people are talking about this

Tawhidi made these statements between 11 PM and midnight EST on Monday evening, linking to the 2013 post from Omar, which remained visible overnight, according to archives of the page. Between 7 and 8 AM Tuesday morning, Omar or someone who manages her account deleted the post. Tawhidi quickly pointed out the scrubbing to his followers.

“Ilhan Omar has just deleted this tweet from 2013 that proves her father is Nur Said, which makes her Ilhan Nur Said (surnames are the fathers names in most Muslim/MENA countries), and that Ahmed Nur Said, who she married, is in fact her brother,” Tawhidi wrote. “Why did you delete it, @IlhanMN!?”:

Ilhan Omar has just deleted this tweet from 2013 that proves her father is Nur Said, which makes her Ilhan Nur Said (surnames are the fathers names in most Muslim/MENA countries), and that Ahmed Nur Said, who she married, is in fact her brother.

Why did you delete it, @IlhanMN!?
View image on Twitter
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UPDATE: A spokesperson for the congresswoman put out a statement Tuesday afternoon, claiming “Nur Said” is only a “nickname” for her father:
Rep. Omar and her family are subject to constant threats. When people write vile things on posts about people she loves—including disturbing doctored images of her father—she takes them down. Nur Said means “Happy Light” and it’s been her dad’s nickname since he was a kid. He has a public page with the same name. She isn’t deleting it for the disturbing and hateful reasons that are being implied by conspiracy theorists and legitimate media outlets shouldn’t be spreading conspiracy theories.

Before this statement, conservative journalists and activists questioned her actions, especially as Omar kept silent about the accusations.

“Did Ilhan Omar delete MORE evidence she married her brother?” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton wrote:

“Ilhan Omar has now deleted this tweet from 2013. This is extremely concerning because Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is her brother and this appears to be further evidence that she married him,” said Caleb Hull, a videographer and consultant.

“If there was some kind of explanation for this, why would she delete the tweet?” he...

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