90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, September 20, 2019

The Twisted Illumination Of Government Priorities...

Alternate Title: 
When The Government Protects The Evil Within Itself....

LOOMERED: Facebook Admits They Are a Publisher in New Explosive Court Documents

A lawsuit filed by banished journalist Laura Loomer has forced Facebook to admit they are a publisher.

The tech behemoth Facebook has admitted that it is a publisher while defending its arbitrary censorship of banished journalist Laura Loomer, according to court documents.

Facebook banned Loomer’s account from their platform during a purge of popular conservative voices that happened in May. Others targeted by the purge included Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson. Loomer is striking back with a lawsuit that is unearthing some interesting revelations about the social media monolith.

“Under well-established law, neither Facebook nor any other publisher can be liable for failing to publish someone else’s message,” Facebook’s attorneys wrote.

Facebook actually has the audacity to claim that their 1st Amendment rights are being violated by Loomer’s lawsuit, in a total contorting of reality. They have filed a motion to dismiss the case.

“She claims Facebook labeled her as a ‘dangerous’ person who promotes hate – yet, the First Amendment has long protected such statements because they are opinions that are not capable of being proven true or false,” Facebook’s attorneys claim...

Hispanic Americans Side with Trump on Immigration: ‘I Believe in the Wall’

Despite 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidates’ plans to open the border and increase overall immigration to the United States, Hispanic Americans are increasingly siding with President Trump’s “America First” agenda.

In interviews with the Albuquerque Journal, a handful of Hispanic voters said they backed Trump’s immigration agenda of ending illegal immigration, building a wall, and reducing legal immigration to raise U.S. wages.

“I believe in the wall,” Marcella Trujillo Melendez, a Trump supporter, told the Albuquerque Journal. “I believe in security. This is my country, and I want it to be safe.”

“The most important thing to me is that I believe he truly loves America,” Melendez continued. “I believe that he knows his job. His job is to put America first. He’s not the president of the world.”

Poll after poll has found that though Hispanic Americans continue to vote by a majority for Democrats, especially those who were born outside the U.S., they side with Trump on the key issue of immigration — that is, they want less immigration, not more, and do not believe American taxpayers should be subsidizing illegal immigration.

For example, the latest Harvard/Harris Poll found that Hispanic Americans, along with black Americans, are vastly opposed to plans put forward by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and former Vice President Joe Biden to increase overall immigration to the U.S.

When ranked, Hispanic Americans listed increasing immigration as their second most unpopular issue, which would make them less likely to vote for a presidential candidate.

On the most extreme open borders plans endorsed by many elected Democrats, such as giving illegal aliens the right to vote, Hispanic Americans opposed the initiative by a majority of 73 percent.

Even with mainstream Democrat policies like providing taxpayer-funded welfare benefits to illegal aliens, temporary foreign visa workers, and legal immigrants who have yet to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #53

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #750

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Instagram is Now Banning Photos of People at Gun Ranges, Claiming They Promote ‘Violence’

War on the 2nd Amendment kicks into high gear.

Instagram is now blurring out images of women at gun ranges, saying the photos violate “violence or dangerous organization guidelines.”

Yes, really.

A picture was posted showing Kaitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver shooting firearms at a gun range.

Facebook-owned Instagram banned and removed the image, claiming it violated their policy on violence or dangerous organizations.

The image depicts two independent women at a shooting range legally and lawfully exercising their 2nd amendment rights.

In our new social credit score dystopia, that’s forbidden.

First it was images of Alex Jones, now it’s images of legal firearms.

Recall that many on the left are attempting to have the NRA declared a “terrorist organization.”

Silicon Valley is now throwing its weight behind demonizing all gun owners as violent radicals.

Once the Commie-style social credit score is fully in place, photos like this will...

Girls With Guns

This Makes Perfect Sense:

All Rights Are Defended By The 2nd Amendment!

Our Constitution Limits The Power Of Government To Control Your Own Life!

All The Leftists Are Going To Texas...

Everyone In California Is Singing This Song:


More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Democrats:

What Is A Few More Millions?

What Do People Who Live In Socialism Think About Socialism?

Don't Claim To Love The U.S.A. While Trying To Make It A Socialist Nation...