90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Greta Thunberg Explains To David Hogg How Logistics Are An Important But Overlooked Aspect Of Activism. Circa 2019

Germans Display ‘F*ck You Greta’ Bumper Stickers to Protest Being Lectured About Global Warming

Dems Poke The Silent Majority Bear (Again) – Trump 2020 Campaign Raises $5 Million In Just 24 Hours

It appears millions of supporters of President Trump are riled up over the latest anti-Trump attempt by Democrat members of Congress and the far-left media to destroy a president who, in less than three years, has turned around the U.S. economy, put millions of Americans back to work, and made the world safer for all people around the globe.

These are small-dollar donations – everyday people from who get up and go to work to try and put food on the table for their families. They recognize how much President Trump has helped them to be able to do so and are not happy to see the increasingly radical witch-hunt against him continue. $5 million dollars in just 24 hours following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s idiotic declaration to begin an impeachment inquiry is likely just the beginning of the Silent Majority’s anger.

2020 is coming and Trump supporters have had enough.

In the 24 hours since news of Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment announcement, @realDonaldTrump’s campaign & @GOP have BLOWN OUT fundraising!

✅$5 Million combined in 24 hrs
✅Donors in all 50 states

Huge groundswell of support leading to Trump landslide in 2020!

14.5K people are talking about this

The Death of American Citizenship

By: Victor Davis Hanson

The American Founders institutionalized the best of a long Western tradition of representative government with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. These contracts outlined the rare privileges and responsibilities of new American citizens.

Yet the concept of citizenship is being assaulted on the premodern side by the legal blending of mere residency with citizenship.

Estimates of the number of undocumented American residents range from 11 million to more than 20 million. The undocumented are becoming legally indistinguishable from citizens and enjoy exemption from federal immigration law in some 500 sanctuary jurisdictions. An illegal resident of California will pay substantially less tuition at a California public university than a U.S. citizen of another state.

Multiculturalism has reduced the idea of e pluribus unum to a regressive tribalism. Americans often seem to owe their first allegiance to those who look like they do. Citizens cannot even agree over once-hallowed and shared national holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the Fourth of July.

It is eerie how such current American retribalization resembles the collapse of Rome, as Goths, Huns, and Vandals all squabbled among one another for what was left of 1,200 years of Roman citizenship—eager to destroy what they could neither create nor emulate.

Citizenship has always been protected by the middle classes—on the idea that they are more independent and self-reliant than the poor, but can stand up to the influence and power of the elite.

Yet until recently, we had seen a decade of stagnant wages and entire regions ossified by outsourcing, offshoring, and unfair global trade. Historically, with the demise of the middle class so follows the end of constitutional government.

But citizenship also faces a quite different and even greater postmodern threat.

Many of our coastal elites see nothing much exceptional in America, past and present. They prefer the culture and values of the European Union without worrying that the EU’s progressive utopian promises have been wrecked by open borders, economically stultifying regulations, and unapologetic and anti-democratic efforts to curb free expression and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #59

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #756

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Girls With Guns

General Patton On Politicians...

General George S. Patton’s dog on the day of Patton’s death on December 21st, 1945..

Politicians Are The Lowest Form Of Life On Earth...

All This Climate Talk Is Beginning To Show Results!!

We Can See All This Blatant Manipulation. Fuck off.

Never Let The Hoax Inconvenience Your Own Lavish Lifestyle...

An Inconvenient Truth...

Whoa: Text Messages Reveal NYT Reporter Told Kavanaugh Source What To Say

Robin Pogrebin - New York Times Reporter

A Senate Judiciary Committee report revealed that New York Times reporter Robin Pogrebin coached sources on what to say and how to respond to her questions based on information she obtained, The Federalist reported. Her motive was to shape a false narrative against now-sitting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and allegations of sexual misconduct. Pogrebin is one of the co-authors of the anti-Kavanaugh book whose chapter was featured in the New York Times last week.

The newspaper was forced to issue a correction for failing to include exculpatory evidence about the accuser. Earlier this week, Pogrebin said Kavanaugh wanted her to lie about what took place.

Pogrebin, who went to Yale, used her connections to call up old classmates to get dirt on Kavanaugh. The problem, however, is she never revealed that she worked for the Times. Pogrebin and her co-author, Kate Kelly, have made it sound as though these revelations were a result of an "object investigation" into Kavanaugh.

From The Federalist :
Pogrebin made a bizarre and unsupported claim this week that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had told her to lie. It turned out Pogrebin had mischaracterized discussions with the Supreme Court’s public information officer, not Kavanaugh, who had merely explained the terms of an off-the-record interview that was being sought and never obtained. Despite the many errors and false claims Pogrebin and her co-author Kate Kelly made, corporate media picked up on this false statement as if it were true.

A 2018 text exchange between Karen Yarasavage and Kerry Berchem shows them discussing Deborah Ramirez’s claim against Kavanaugh. Yarasavage was extremely close to Ramirez — having asked Ramirez to be a godmother to one of her children — and knew Kavanaugh well, too. Berchem was younger and not at Yale when the alleged incident was said to have taken place. While in reality, the text exchanges show Berchem trying to get Yarasavage to say something supportive of Ramirez’s claim, even though Yarasavage said she’d never even heard of any such incident and felt confident she would have if it had happened, the media characterized the discussions as evidence of Kavanaugh’s guilt.

In their book, Pogrebin and Kelly continue the media narrative that the exchanges were the opposite of what they were. They write that discussions of media inquiries to find anti-Kavanaugh dirt in the summer instead “raised questions as to whether Kavanaugh and his friends or representatives had been trying to influence events as far back as July.” The exchanges “had started with seemingly innocent social contacts, but — in the context of the Ford and Ramirez allegations — they had taken on importance as potentially relevant material to show the FBI.”
Pogrebin and Kelly quote many snippets of the texts without revealing what the women said about Pogrebin herself. Pogrebin briefly discloses that she went to Yale University with Kavanaugh and Ramirez. She used those connections to call up old classmates and sell a book, although she and her co-author now are trying to present themselves as objective reporters.
Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist obtained copies of the text messages: