90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The long knives come out for The Hill's John Solomon

As impeachment frenzy intensifies, the anti-Trump forces are closing in on a scorched earth strategy to weaken and then destroy those who defend the president.

John Solomon has distinguished himself with meticulous research and reporting, including the shoe-leather sort of work shunned by most journalist these days, and produced a series of scoops on the Deep State efforts to remove President Trump from office, or at least damage him while destroying his campaign officials and aides.

In a period of three days, three attacks on Solomon have appeared. Perhaps it is a coincidence, but as the JournoList scandal taught us, progressive journalists do conspire with each other to drive themes in the...

Girls With Guns

Shove This Up Your Colin

To Buy A Nike Shoe Is Like Spitting On Our Proud American History...

On Deep State Corruption....

Always Wrong, Always Require Bigger Government...

And On, And On....

Deleted Firsthand Knowledge Requirement For Whistleblowers Implicates Another Federal Agency

Was the ‘nonpartisan’ Congressional Research Service weaponized to force the House into a premature impeachment inquiry?

Sean Davis wrote Friday about a secret update to the intelligence community inspector general’s “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” complaint intake form. It revamped the procedure to allow hearsay complaints, while prior versions of the form had included an admonishment that the IC IG could not find a complaint credible without “reliable, first-hand information.” While it appears the IC IG has the statutory right to promulgate new procedures, the rationale for the change and the curious nature of the timing has still not been shared.

Compelling new evidence now shows that the purportedly nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) may have been weaponized to mislead members of Congress and the American people — all in the name of advancing the impeachment process against President Trump. It appears that misleading guidance about precisely how expansive the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) is was incorporated into the report just as the current whistleblower controversy began to pick up steam.

These Kind of Report Revisions Are Highly Unusual

Without the CRS report obscuring certain facts about the underlying statutes, it would have been clear early on that the allegations made in the whistleblower report would not have been considered an “urgent concern” under the statute. Perhaps more surprising, without the misinformation it would have been clear that the president is not subject to the specific oversight requirements of the ICWPA at all. The CRS report facilitated a false impression that ultimately provided a false impetus for the current impeachment inquiry.

On September 23, a short time before the whistleblower complaint was legally transmitted from the executive branch to the legislative branch (and the public at large), CRS made an extensive update to their publication on “Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protections.” The previous version of this publication was released on December 13, 2018.

CRS reports typically serve as the definitive guides for members and their congressional staff when researching complex issues or for assistance construing existing statutes and administrative procedures. It is atypical to make extensive updates to a CRS publication when there has been no applicable legislative action in the intervening time. And it is extremely peculiar to make extensive updates to a CRS document clarifying the precise controversial topics presented by the handling of a whistleblower complaint that was still classified and not legally available to congressional researchers at the time the report was updated.

Yes, the Statute Is Quite Specific on ‘Urgent Concerns’

The updated CRS analysis inexplicably claimed that the statute was “not specific on who has the authority for determining whether a complaint, aside from its credibility, constitutes a matter of ‘urgent concern.’” This was one of only three assertions in the entire discussion of the ICWPA that wasn’t meticulously footnoted with the underlying...

Rolling Stone Bitch Slaps Popular Lesbian Hairstyle....


RALEIGH, NC (WTVD) – An undocumented immigrant convicted of sexual battery in Wake County is now in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

ICE said Furmencio Miranda-Cortazar, 45, of Mexico was arrested by federal officials at his Raleigh home on Saturday.

Miranda-Cortazar was also arrested in 2018, accused of a first-degree sex offense and indecent liberties with a child.

Court documents say the girl was 5 years old when the abuse started and lasted for 8 years.

Miranda-Cortazar was convicted of sexual battery in June.

ICE said it asked the Wake County Sheriff’s Office to hold Miranda-Cortazar on an ICE detainer, but he was released.

But the sheriff’s office says Miranda-Cortazar was in their custody for...

To Impeach An Innocent Man...

This is a political civil war.
This is an attempted coup.
This is sedition.
This is a threat to our republic.
We need to elect Republicans who are up to the fight, the fight against a lawless, tyrannical government. 
Our constitution does provide remedies for the people to do it if politicians will not.

No One Noticed When Clinton and Obama Abused Whistleblowers

Here are two unfortunate realities: the first is that whistleblowing becomes virtuous only when a Republican is the one being whistled on; the second is that deep state Democrats have a habit of manipulating whistleblower laws when it suits their purposes. I could write a book -- I’ve written several, in fact -- on whistleblowers the major media chose to ignore. The two examples that follow, one regarding Bill Clinton, the other Barack Obama, should give a sense of how the worms in Washington turn.

The first case involves TWA Flight 800, the 747 that inexplicably crashed off the coast of Long Island in July 1996. As to deep state involvement, the Clinton Department of Justice illegally seized control of the investigation from the National Transportation Safety Board and handed it off to the FBI, which, in turn, ceded real control of the investigation to the CIA.

In 2008, the CIA’s Randolph Tauss went public with an authorized explanation for the agency’s involvement. According to Tauss, the FBI immediately requested CIA assistance given “the possibility that international terrorists may have been involved.” Tauss claimed the agency responded to the FBI’s request for help less than twenty-four hours after the plane’s destruction and cited Executive Order 12333 as justification. A clause in that order authorizes the CIA to “conduct counterintelligence activities outside the United States and, without assuming or performing any internal security functions, conduct counterintelligence activities within the United States in coordination with the FBI.” It would not surprise me if the contemporary culprits cite this Reagan-era order to justify their involvement in the Russia collusion hoax.

Although President Clinton preferred to work through his fixers, on March 11, 1997, Clinton quietly signed Executive Order 13039, effectively removing all federal whistleblower protection from anyone, civilian or military, associated with U.S. Navy “special warfare” operations. This would include any Navy divers charged with finding TWA 800’s black boxes. There is compelling evidence that divers secretly removed the boxes and put them back into place after they had been doctored. When finally “found” a week after the crash, neither the cockpit voice recorder nor the flight data recorder offered any clues as to why the plane crashed.

The date of the executive order is worth considering. On the following day, March 12, the New York Times reported that government officials had “unleashed a pre-emptive strike” to neutralize an upcoming 57-page article in the Paris Match. That article explored in depth the Navy’s role in the destruction of the Paris-bound TWA 800.

The Times also noted that on March 11, the same day as Clinton’s executive order, the Riverside Press-Enterprise broke the story of how investigative reporter James Sanders received a small piece of seatback from inside the investigation and had it tested for missile residue. Having cause to fear the collapse of the cover-up, Clinton for the first time left his fingerprints on the investigation. The media failed to notice.

The FBI did notice. “Conspiracy theorist and wife charged with theft of parts from airplane,” the FBI announced much too proudly on the New York office’s website. Despite Sanders’s two previous books, the DOJ decided that was not enough output to merit standing as a “journalist.” Denied that standing, James and Elizabeth Sanders were tried as thieves. Elizabeth Sanders’s crime was to introduce her husband to her TWA colleague, a 747 pilot working inside the investigation. To save his considerable pension, the pilot pled guilty to a misdemeanor. The Sanders couple went to trial in a Long Island federal court and were convicted of conspiracy to steal airplane parts.

The media turned their collective backs on James and Elizabeth Sanders just as they would to investigative reporter Jerome Corsi when targeted by the Mueller investigation. The pretext for their indifference was the same in both cases as the Times made explicit in its headline...

On Useless Men...


Trump White House Investigating Greatest Political Scandal In History As Dems & Media Fear They’ll Be Exposed

What if high-ranking D.C. politicians working in conjunction with Deep State operatives and powerful far-left media figures, attempted to game the election outcome in order to make Hillary Clinton president in 2016?

What if, indeed. That’s exactly what an ongoing investigation has been looking into and it clearly has Democrats, RINOs, the Deep State, and the media in a panic.

Foreign nations are alleged to have been involved, representing BILLIONS in trade agreements linked to a multitude of international entities. (See: Biden Ukraine and China scandal)

President Trump represents the first true political outsider to reach the White House. His 2016 victory was an unprecedented pushback by the common men and women of America against the long-established status quo D.C. swamp creatures who have long enjoyed skimming the U.S. taxpayer out of tens of millions and pocketing it for themselves year after year after year. (See: Clinton Foundation scandal)

POTUS Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, oversaw eight years of rampant government abuse whereby institutions like the IRS, FBI, and CIA were weaponized to destroy any and all political opposition that might hinder the cash-grab environment that exploded during the Obama era. (See: IRS scandals, Solyndra scandal, Netflix-Obama FCC scandal, etc.)



A Justice Department official told Fox News on Monday that Attorney General Bill Barr asked President Trump to make introductions to foreign countries that might have had information pertinent to U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing probe into possible misconduct by the intelligence community at the outset of the Russia investigation.

But, a person familiar with the situation told...