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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Virginia Is Proving Just How Impossible It Is to Enforce Gun Control

Virginia Governor and Michael Jackson aficionado Ralph Northam has made his state ground zero for the gun control debate, and it’s already blowing up in his face.

He and his fellow Democrats came out guns blazing (pun intended), calling for not only a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” but confiscation of everyone who currently possesses one. Not coincidentally, Northam also wants to greatly expand the definition of an assault weapons so that pistols and shotguns are also banned in addition to weapons. Even during the Clinton-era “assault weapons ban,” current owners had their firearms grandfathered in. It was only new purchases prohibited.

It comes as a reminder that so-called “common sense” gun control will always be more restrictive than people are comfortable with – and that these kind of gun control policies are even harder to enforce than liberals anticipated.

Liberals tried to skirt immigration laws through the creation of “sanctuary cities,” and conservatives in Virginia are ripping a page out of that playbook and shoving it in their face. According to the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard:

Stirred awake by Democratic proposals to take, register, and possibly seize their legally obtained weapons, Virginia gun owners in just 43 days have pushed 90% of the state’s counties [containing 40% of the population] to become gun “sanctuaries,” the latest three on Monday night.

Since the Nov. 5 election that gave Democrats control of Richmond, an “organic,” pro-gun movement has prompted the governments of 86 of Virginia’s 95 counties, as well as 15 towns and cities, to adopt some type of sanctuary language, putting Gov. Ralph Northam and other liberals on notice that their gun control plans aren’t welcome.

So strong is the opposition to gun control that one Sheriff promised to deputize his entire town if gun control laws were enacted, which would...

When You Get Caught But Try To Place The Blame On Everyone Else...

Comey Under DOJ Investigation For Misleading Trump While Targeting Him In FBI Probe

Australian Government Created Bizarre Horoscope To Scare Illegal Aliens

The Australian government has created a bizarre horoscope to spook illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka - threatening bad omens if they make an unauthorized trek in to the land down under, according to BuzzFeed News.

Sagittarius? "If you illegally travel to Australia by boat you will be returned. Everything you risked to get there will be in vain and you will end up owing everyone," reads the horoscope.

Gemini? "You will lose your wife's jewellery..."

Taurus? "If you illegally travel to Australia by boat, expect to be returned home where you will face the humiliation of failure in your community."

The horoscope poster was released under a freedom of information application for copies of printed advertising material in English to dissuade people smugglers and asylum seekers trying to reach Australia between 2013 and 2019.

The Department of Home Affairs did not respond to questions about when and where the horoscope poster was displayed.

However, the poster itself gives a few clues, suggesting it was distributed in Sri Lanka within the last few years.

"It is almost four years since any Sri Lankan person reached Australia on an illegal boat voyage," the poster says. "During this period, Australian authorities have stopped and returned more than 160 Sri Lankans who tried to go to Australia illegally by boat."

As part of the Operation Sovereign Borders policy, Australian immigration officers turn back any boats with asylum seekers on board to its country of origin without hearing their refugee claims. -BuzzFeed

Here are the horoscopes in full (via BuzzFeed).

ARIES: Criminals will rip you off

If you attempt to illegally travel to Australia by boat, expect people smugglers to take advantage of you. These criminals will take your money and you will be returned to Sri Lanka with nothing.

AQUARIUS: You and your family will lose everything...

Former CIA Spook: Eric Holder Just Revealed That The “Deep State Is Running Scared”

Former CIA officer and counter-intelligence expert Kevin Shipp says that former Obama Administration Attorney General (AG) Eric Holder gave a big Deep State panic signal when he wrote in an Op-Ed last week in the Washington Post trashing current AG William Barr and his top prosecutor John Durham. Shipp explains:

“This is very significant. We all remember that Holder was Obama’s right hand man. Eric Holder was Barack Obama’s enforcer. The fact that Holder comes out this quickly after the Inspector General (IG) Horowitz Report comes out… and makes this veiled threat against Durham’s reputation. The fact that Eric Holder came out and made this statement is a clear indication to me they are running scared.

We have to understand it was Eric Holder that Barack Obama used to target the heads of corporations that spoke out publicly about Barack Obama. We know Holder was held in ‘Contempt of Congress.’ He spied on AP reporters, ran guns to drug cartels and blacked out the information. He spied on over a hundred journalists, and on and on we go…

They (Deep State) are convinced there are going to be indictments. Secondly, there is AG Barr’s outrage over (IG) Horowitz’s report and what it did not do. He made statements that there was spying and actions by government officials that need to be criminally looked into. Barr’s outrage over this shows me that there are going to be indictments, and that he is taking this seriously. Again, when Holder comes out and puts out this bombshell in the Washington Post, which is another indication that indictments are coming. John Brennan, former Obama...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #142

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #840

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Remain in Mexico Demonstrates Lack of Legit Asylum Claims

A fraction of the asylum seekers required to wait in Mexico have qualified for protected status in the U.S. under the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols program. Migrant Protection Protocols, a program popularly known as “Remain in Mexico,” requires tens of thousands of asylum seekers to wait south of the border while their claims are processed in the U.S. court system. Many of them wait in hopes of entering the interior of the country; however, the overwhelming majority of them don’t meet the standards, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Sunday.

There were more 47,000 individuals in the Remain in Mexico program as of September, according to data the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University compiled. Less than 10,000 of those people did not yet complete their case. Of those individuals: 5,085 cases were denied and 4,471 cases were discharged with no verdict given, the Union-Tribune reported. This left 11 cases — or 0.1% of all the completed cases — where the U.S. government found claims of asylum to be legitimate.

Launched in January by the Trump administration, Remain in Mexico mandates non-Mexican nationals who lodge asylum claims with the U.S. government to wait in Mexico until an immigration judge adjudicates their claims. The program is intended to weed out fraud, with the idea that those filing frivolous claims are not going to wait months on end at the border before hearing a decision.

Migrant Protection Protocols has done a considerable job at managing the flow of illegal aliens who attempt to illegally cross into the U.S., with the Trump administration expanding the program across the southern border throughout the year.

"The same people are deciding these cases as all of the other cases in our immigration system. So it would seem that our concerns about people coming to the southern border with what amount to fraudulent or baseless claims, was largely true." current Acting Deputy Director of DHS Ken Cuccinelli stated in...

Girls With Guns

Draining The Swamp Ain't Easy...
