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Friday, December 20, 2019

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Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Moving Faster Than Ever, Leaving Scientists Baffled

Earth’s magnetic north pole is moving at unprecedented speeds and scientists are still unsure of why this is the case.

What makes these recent changes so interesting is the sheer speed at which they are occurring.

Some fear that the rapid movement of the magnetic north pole could cause problems for Global Positioning Systems (GPS), military operations, airliners, and other navigation systems that rely on pinpointing where precisely the pole is located.

Migratory animals such as birds, butterflies, and whales also use the magnetic field for directions.

The latest report from NOAA, the “World Magnetic Model” for 2020, shows the pole rapidly speeding in the direction of Siberia. However, the trajectory of the pole will likely change.

NGA in partnership with @NOAA and the @BritGeoSurvey, has released the World Magnetic Model 2020 update, providing more precise navigational data for all military and civilian planes, ships, submarines and GPS units.
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NOAA’s National Centres for Environmental Information explained:

“Since its first formal discovery in 1831, the north magnetic pole has travelled around 1,400 miles (2,250 km).

This wandering has been generally quite slow, allowing scientists to keep track of its position fairly easily.”

As recently as 2000, the magnetic North Pole was clocked at moving 6.2 miles per year toward Northern Russia, but data for the next two decades shows the average rate suddenly increasing to roughly 34 miles per year in the same direction, while the latest readings in 2019 show it slightly decreasing to about 31 miles per year.

The World Magnetic Model predicts the average speed will slow down to roughly 25 miles per year from 2020 to 2025.

“The WMM2020 forecasts that the northern magnetic pole will continue drifting toward Russia, although at a slowly decreasing speed—down to about 40 km per year compared to the average speed of 55 km over the past twenty years.”

For the first time in recorded history, the pole has even passed by the Greenwich meridian—the imaginary line used to indicate 0° longitude and determine time zones.

Geomagnetic specialist Ciaran Beggan from the British Geological Survey (BGS) told the Financial Times:

“The movement since the 1990s is much faster than at any time for at least four centuries.

We really don’t know much about the changes in the core that’s driving it.”

The team of researchers that maintain the World Magnetic Model has updated it and released it a year ahead of schedule. The newly updated model shows the magnetic north pole moving away from Canada and toward Siberia https://buff.ly/2PWlyh1 
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The new model also confirms that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening. If this continues, scientists say the field could collapse entirely and flip polarity—changing magnetic north to south and vice versa—and the consequences could be dire for...

McConnell taunts Pelosi & Schumer on very ‘weak’ impeachment articles: ‘Too afraid’ to bring to Senate?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats for the “thinnest, weakest” impeachment in US history and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her “hemming and hawing” on proceeding.

The Kentucky Republican torched the Democrats in a series of tweets Thursday after Pelosi indicated that she would not be sending articles of impeachment over to the Senate as expected, following the vote in the House Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

“The prosecutors are getting cold feet in front of the entire country,” McConnell said, accusing Democrats of being “too afraid to even submit their accusations to the Senate and go to trial.”

Last night, House Democrats passed the thinnest, weakest presidential impeachment in American history. Now they’re suggesting they are too afraid to even submit their accusations to the Senate and go to trial. The prosecutors are getting cold feet in front of the entire country.
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Calling out Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer for “demanding that the Senate re-do the House’s homework,” McConnell also took aim at Pelosi for suddenly dragging her feet about sending the articles of impeachment to the upper chamber.

These articles of impeachment are so weak that before they even passed, the Senate Democratic Leader began demanding that the Senate re-do the House’s homework. Now the Speaker is hemming and hawing about whether they'll even proceed to trial.
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Pelosi told reporters Thursday that she was withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate only until she was assured of the process for trial under the GOP-led chamber of Congress. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer also indicated that a delay would put pressure on McConnell, citing an op-ed by constitutional lawyer Laurence Tribe.

McConnell mocked Democrats’ “buyer’s remorse about the least fair, least thorough, and most...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #143

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #841

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election

While the 2016 presidential race was raging in America, Ukrainian prosecutors ran into some unexpectedly strong headwinds as they pursued an investigation into the activities of a nonprofit in their homeland known as the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).

The focus on AntAC — whose youthful street activists famously wore “Ukraine F*&k Corruption” T-shirts — was part of a larger probe by Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office into whether $4.4 million in U.S. funds to fight corruption inside the former Soviet republic had been improperly diverted.

The prosecutors soon would learn the resistance they faced was blowing directly from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, where the Obama administration took the rare step of trying to press the Ukrainian government to back off its investigation of both the U.S. aid and the group.

“The investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center (sic), based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced,” then-embassy Charge d’ Affaires George Kent wrote the prosecutor’s office in April 2016 in a letter that also argued U.S. officials had no concerns about how the U.S. aid had been spent.

At the time, the nation’s prosecutor general had just been fired, under pressure from the United States, and a permanent replacement had not been named.

A few months later, Yuri Lutsenko, widely regarded as a hero in the West for spending two years in prison after fighting Russian aggression in his country, was named prosecutor general and invited to meet new U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

Lutsenko told me he was stunned when the ambassador “gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute.” The list included a founder of the AntAC group and two members of Parliament who vocally supported the group’s anti-corruption reform agenda, according to a source directly familiar with the meeting.

It turns out the group that Ukrainian law enforcement was probing was co-funded by the Obama administration and liberal mega-donor George Soros. And it was collaborating with the FBI agents investigating then-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s business activities with...