90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Whiff Heard 'Round The World...

Richard Jewell and Donald Trump: Both Victims of a Corrupt Media, Academia, and FBI

By Trevor Thomas
I still vividly recall watching the live announcement in September of 1990 by the International Olympic Committee awarding the Centennial Olympic Games (held in the summer of 1996) to the city of Atlanta. As the boisterous cheers after the initial announcement demonstrated, much of the whole state of Georgia was giddy with excitement. From Gainesville to Savannah, Olympic venues were built or otherwise prepared all over the state, and Georgia comedian Jeff Foxworthy promised the world that the Georgia Olympics would have its own distinct Southern flavor.

I’m not much of a fan of the Olympics, so I didn’t get caught up in the hoopla. Instead of hosting the Olympics, I would’ve much preferred to see the 1990s Atlanta Braves win the World Series. I didn’t attend one Olympic event, and I did my best to avoid the Olympic crowds and traffic. Instead of the games, like many other Americans, what I most recall from that summer was the Olympic Park bombing and the ugly efforts of the media, law enforcement, et al that followed.

Just after 1 a.m., on July 27, 1996, an ALICE pack stuffed with three pipe bombs and numerous three-inch masonry nails—the total weight being more than 40 pounds—exploded. The blast killed one person and injured more than one hundred. The casualties would’ve been much worse if not for the efforts of AT&T security guard, Richard Jewell.

If you had forgotten about or were never very familiar with Jewell’s story, with the publicity surrounding Clint Eastwood’s film Richard Jewell, you probably now recall at least something about one of the ugliest events in modern American history. Eastwood’s film is based on the Vanity Fair piece published in February of 1997, American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell.

As the Vanity Fair piece and Richard Jewell both reveal, while on duty just after midnight on July 27, 1996, Jewell noticed several raucous drunks littering the area he was guarding. While dealing with the drunks, Jewell noticed the ALICE pack and alerted the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) in the area. At first, Jewell was nonchalant about the suspicious pack. Joking with GBI officer Tom Davis, Jewell asked, “Well, are you going to open it?”

Both thought the pack belonged to someone in the area. After Davis asked around and told Jewell that no one claimed it, Jewell told Vanity Fair, “[T]hat is when the little hairs on the back of my head began to stand up. I thought, Uh-oh. This is not good.” Davis, Jewell, and other security guards proceeded to...

Evil Mind Plotting Destruction....

McCarthy triggers liberal reporters with ‘modern-day Watergate’ assertion that could lead to Obama

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was a little too blunt in his honesty about the campaign to take out President Donald Trump, first initiated by the FBI under former bureau director James Comey.

McCarthy tweeted a clip of an appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“The FBI broke into President Trump’s campaign, spied on him, then tried to cover it up. This is a modern-day Watergate,” the tweet read, paraphrasing his remarks in the clip.

“It’s a modern-day coup, the closest this country’s ever came to,” McCarthy adds in the clip. “But the only way you can compare this to is Watergate. They broke into his campaign by bringing people into it. They had been trying to cover it up for the whole time. Now the question rises, just like Watergate, who knew? When did they know it? And how high did this go up?”
Suffice it to say, with an assertion that could include former President Barack Obama, the left lost it’s collective mind, with the media leading the way to insist McCarthy is lying.

But then, when you consider that an FBI attorney doctored an email to essentially manufacture evidence to ensure a FISA warrant would be obtained to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, you get a sense of why McCarthy was saying the FBI “broke into” the campaign.

As the old saying goes, “You know you are over the target when the flak is heaviest.”

And, boy, oh, boy, the flak was coming hard and heavy from the big guns, to include the prerequisite charge that McCarthy is a “Russian asset.”

Here’s but a small sampling of the umbrage on the left from Twitter:

AG Barr Is Making A List And Checking It Twice...

Lock Them Up.

Virginia Sheriff Chad Cubbage: ‘My Staff And I Stand Ready To Protect The Citizens Of Page County From Their Rights Being Infringed Upon’

A Virginia sheriff told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he and his staff are “ready to protect” his county’s citizens from their Second Amendment rights being “infringed upon.”

Sheriff Chad Cubbage appeared on Monday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss strong local reactions against the proposal of several restrictive gun control bills in the wake of Democrats winning control of both state houses.

“We are hopeful that our legislators are listening,” Cubbage said in response to Carlson’s question about what he ultimately planned to do if the laws are passed. “We are having town hall meetings here throughout the Shenandoah Valley and we are having thousands of people show up to these town hall meetings to voice their concerns. We just really hope that they are listening in Richmond and our legislators will not go through with these bills.”

The Page County sheriff told Tucker that so-called “assault weapons” aren’t a problem in his county, adding that the proposed “unconstitutional” bills would inhibit such practices as even a parent “taking their child out to hunt at an early age.”

The Fox News host brought up Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s veiled threat to bring in the national guard to enforce state gun laws. To which Cubbage replied:

‘Being Nice’ A ‘Tool Of White Supremacy,’ Female Racial Activists Warn

A group promoting “painfully honest conversations between white women and BIWOC (Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color)” claimed Thursday that white women’s “obsession” with “being nice” is a “tool of white supremacy.”

“White women’s obsession with ‘being nice’ is one of the most dangerous tools of white supremacy,” Race2Dinner posted on their Twitter account on Thursday.

White women's obsession with "being nice" is one of the most dangerous tools of white supremacy.
509 people are talking about this

As reported by The Daily Wire in May, Race2Dinner leaders Regina Jackson and Saira Rao created the organization to offer white women an opportunity to “smash” their “white fragility” by hiring women of color to attend dinner with as they’re guilt-tripped for all the alleged suffering they have caused them by virtue of being white.

The “mission” of the group is to “reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and UNLEASH YOUR POWER as white women to dismantle it.”

“[W]hite women: We are talking about your complicity in upholding white supremacy and keeping us Brown and Black women down,” the Race2Dinner website details. “Our goal is to reveal white privilege, power, control and your complicity in all of the above. You are an integral part of this system. Please use this power to dismantle the hate rather than to...

What Santa REALLY Wants!

Morning Mistress - Christmas Eve Angel

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #147

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #845

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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