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Friday, February 7, 2020

How History Will Judge the Trump Impeachment

The Senate has voted against impeaching President Donald Trump, defeating two articles of impeachment by votes of 52-48 and 53-47. Trump joins two former presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, in being impeached by the House of Representatives before being acquitted by the Senate.

The House failed to produce credible evidence that the president committed any “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” or engaged in any action that justified his impeachment by the House, let alone his conviction and removal from office by the Senate.

Despite Democrats’ loss in the Senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Reps. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., are no doubt basking in the admiration of their liberal allies for their actions, and they are hoping that their attempt to damage the president in the eyes of the public will be successful in the 2020 election.

However, history is often an unforgiving critic.

Historians in the future may judge them far more harshly for abusing the impeachment power in the Constitution. That provision was not intended to allow 285 members of Congress—a simple House majority and two-thirds of senators—to remove a duly elected president for partisan reasons or over matters of style, no matter what his margin of victory in the last election.

Impeachment was to be used only in the direst of circumstances to remove a president clearly guilty of such serious, substantial misconduct that he posed a danger to the nation, and who was clearly unfit to continue in office until the next election when the public could make its own choice.

House Democrats did not come even close to meeting that standard.

It seems highly likely that Pelosi and company will be viewed in the same manner as historians now view the “radical Republicans” who impeached Johnson, and who came within one vote of convicting and removing him from office.

Republicans personally hated Johnson, who became president after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and they virulently disagreed with Johnson’s decision to implement Lincoln’s conciliatory policies toward the Southern states.

As Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen outline in “A Patriot’s History of the United States,” in inflammatory rhetoric reminiscent of that heard from some Democrats today, radical Republicans claimed that Johnson was a “wild-eyed dictator bent on overthrowing the government.”

Schiff was just as inflammatory when he called Trump a “despot” and the type of tyrant the Founders feared, while Nadler called Trump a “dictator.”

Last time I checked the news, I didn’t see any stories about despotic activities by this president, such as a refusal to follow court orders or the abuse of federal law enforcement power to spy on and investigate political opponents. The latter is something only the prior administration did.

Liberals can certainly criticize the president for some of his policies that they may disagree with, but claiming he is a despot and a dictator is so over the top, so far from reality, that it helped destroy whatever credibility the House managers may have had at the start of...

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Pelosi Omits Christians as She Lists Religious Persecutions Around World

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi failed to mention Christians as she listed religious persecutions around the world Thursday.

The House speaker spoke Thursday morning in Washington, D.C., at the National Prayer Breakfast where she prayed for those who are persecuted because of their religion. She listed people of Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish faiths before generalizing about other persecuted religions.

“Oh, Lord, we thank all gathered at this prayer breakfast for lifting our voices for the poor and the persecuted, the millions who are missing or murdered because of their faith,” Pelosi, who is a Catholic, prayed.

“Let us pray for the Panchen Lama and all the Tibetan Buddhists imprisoned in China or missing for following their faith,” she said. Pelosi also prayed for the “1 to 3 million Uighurs in China forced from their homes and incarcerated in camps” and for “Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia and for all the writers and religious free thinkers imprisoned for speaking their minds.”

The House speaker also prayed for “priests, rabbis, pastors, and religious leaders around the world whose freedoms have been stolen because of what they believe,” for victims of anti-Semitism, and for the “countless Muslims and other religious minorities, often unseen and unnamed, who have been abducted, oppressed, and abused because of who they are and what they believe, their faith.”

Pelosi failed to specifically mention Christians during her prayer, though Christians are severely persecuted around the world for their beliefs.

Over 245 million Christians lived in places where they endured serious religious persecution between Nov. 1, 2017, and Oct. 31, 2018, according to Open Doors USA, an organization that aids persecuted Christians worldwide.

The organization also found that during this same time period, 4,305 Christians were killed for their faith, 1,847 churches and Christian buildings were attacked, and 3,150 believers were...

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A Stunning 400 Million People Are On Lockdown In China As Guangzhou Joins Quarantine

Larger than the entire population of the United States.

Guangzhou, the capital of China's southwestern Guangdong Province and the country's fifth largest city with nearly 15 million residents, has just joined the ranks of cities imposing a mandatory lockdown on all citizens, effectively trapping residents inside their homes, with only limited permission to venture into the outside world to buy essential supplies.

The decision means 3 provinces, 60 cities and 400 million people are now facing China's most-strict level of lockdown as Beijing struggles to contain the coronavirus outbreak as the virus has already spread to more than 2 dozen countries.

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Politico: 'In Sweden, 77 Percent of New HIV Infections Come From Migrants'

Migrants are responsible for 77 percent of new HIV infections in Sweden, according to a new report from Politico Europe.

In Sweden, 77 percent of new HIV infections come from migrants, compared to just under 5 percent in Romania — learn about this disparity and more in POLITICO's Telescope series over the new AIDS epidemic https://politi.co/2S4t4sq 
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"Migrants represented 40 percent of new HIV infections detected in EU28 countries in 2017," Politico Europe reported Wednesday. "In Sweden, 77 percent of new infections came from migrants, compared to just under 5 percent in Romania."

Politico Europe reported that "sex between men remains the main mode of transmission of HIV in the EU, which makes men overall three times more likely to contract HIV than women."

"Half of new HIV diagnoses with a known mode of transmission in 2017 came from men who have sex with other men. Heterosexual sex accounts for...

FIRE SALE: Gold Impeachment Pen, CHEAP!!!

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