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Friday, March 6, 2020

Who Puts The Dem In Dementia?

How Not To Be Joe Biden...

Mitt Romney Won’t Reveal Who He Voted For In the Utah Primary

Romney probably voted for Bill Weld.

Mitt Romney is refusing to disclose which Republican candidate he voted for in the Utah Presidential Primary, having all but certainly voted for long-shot liberal primary challenger Bill Weld.

Romney stated that he voted for a “Republican” in the state’s Republican primary on Tuesday. He did not say who it was, telling CNN that he was “not saying.”

Romney’s coy dismissal of the question all but guarantees he voted for a Republican other than Trump. He’s previously spoken favorably of Bill Weld, a liberal globalist former Governor of Massachusetts like himself. Weld led an effort to institute wide-ranging gun bans as Governor. He ran as Gary Johnson’s running mate on the 2016 Libertarian Party ticket, only to encourage his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton days before the election.

The intensely anti-Trump failed Presidential candidate may have relied upon his own instincts of political self-preservation in declining to tell CNN who he voted for. Romney is one of the most unpopular Republican senators in the country in his own state, with high disapproval ratings that are likely to have surged even higher in light of his vote to convict Donald Trump in a pointless Democratic impeachment gambit.

Romney has also admitted that his primary vote is essentially a futile effort, admitting that Trump is likely to be re-elected in a speech to a globalist political conference in...

Bloomberg Meme Dump!!

 Bye Mini Mike, You Dictatorial, Anti-Constitutional, Better Than Thou, Gun-Grabbing Hypocrite.

REPORT: Why Trump Will Thump Biden…

It appears that after Super Tuesday, the gaffe-filled Joe Biden candidacy will be dragged across the nomination line by the D.C. elites whether or not old Joe is the most deserving of that nomination or not.
What will follow might very well be one of the most lopsided political thumpings since Ronald Reagan utterly overpowered a hapless Walter Mondale in 1984.
Trump vs Biden? It’s gonna be knockout…

Via The American Spectator:
The voters will never replace the president with such an archetypal swamp creature.

Tuesday’s primaries have, for all intents and purposes, transformed the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination into a slugfest between the establishment-backed Joe Biden and the insurgent populist Bernie Sanders. With the help of the party bosses — or superdelegates, as they have been euphemistically rebranded — Biden will almost certainly prevail. This will, however, be a Pyrrhic victory for the former vice president. It will not merely alienate millions of Sanders’ supporters, many of whom will be so disillusioned by a repeat of the Democratic National Committee’s 2016 skulduggery that they will sit at home next November. It will also render Biden’s intellectual infirmities and history of influence-peddling impossible to conceal.

Before delving into the details of Biden’s fatal weaknesses, however, it’s important to dispose of recent polls showing President Trump losing a hypothetical matchup with the erstwhile vice president. These surveys are no more reliable than the tsunami of 2016 polls that showed Hillary Clinton trouncing Trump without breaking a sweat. To gauge the credibility of their current counterparts, it will be useful to pull up this poll from ABC showing Clinton with a 12-point lead just two weeks before the election, or the NBC survey that showed her ahead of Trump by 10 points, or this one from Monmouth that showed a 12-point Clinton lead. Polls showing Biden beating Trump in...

MSNBC’s Katy Tur Blown Away as ‘Stubborn’ Hispanics Refuse To Abandon Trump

MSNBC journalist Katy Tur’s astonishment of the American Hispanic community’s support for President Donald Trump was captured on camera during a recent segment, and it could shed light on a diverse conservative turnout in November.

During a Tuesday segment, Tur and a translator were talking with a Hispanic man in East Los Angeles when they were hit with the revelation.

After some back-and-forth discussion with the man in Spanish, the translator let out a shocked “wow,” when he realized the man’s daughter was voting for Trump.

“Your daughter’s going to vote for Donald Trump?” a shocked Tur asked.

“Yeah,” the Hispanic man responded.

When pressed on why his daughter would do such an unthinkable thing, the man gave an explanation that the translator only described as “the economy.”

Later, the translator tried to explain the apparent mind-blowing turn of events to the MSNBC journalist.

“You don’t see that too much, but it’s fascinating,” the translator said as he and Tur walked around the city.

“In the Latino community, you’re seeing that there’s still kind of this stubborn 10 to 15 percent of the population that continuously polls in favor of Donald Trump.”

Watch the video below:

Those “stubborn” pro-Trump Hispanics — always thinking for themselves and putting America’s best interests first.

What’s a mainstream media company to do?

If Tur and MSNBC would leave their liberal bubble, they may realize that minorities supporting Trump is not a...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #220

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #918

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It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
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You have been warned.

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