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Sunday, March 8, 2020

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As Top Historians Ring Alarm Bells About NYT’s 1619 Project, Defiant Public Schools Refuse To Answer Questions

In August 19 of last year I listened in stunned silence as Nikole Hannah-Jones, a reporter for the New York Times, repeated an idea that I had vigorously argued against,” reads the first sentence of Friday’s essay by Leslie Harris, a history professor at Northwestern University.

Harris is just the latest in a string of academics to levy criticism on Hannah-Jones and the 1619 Project. She is the first, however, who actually took part in the project as a fact-checker. During the publication process for 1619, Harris “vigorously disputed” the idea that the American Revolution was actually about preserving slavery. Nonetheless, there it was in print come August 2019.

While Harris cautions that some conservatives are too quick to call the whole project a wash, she is among a handful of American History academics ringing alarm bells that the project should issue corrections. These calls also come as several public school systems signal their intent to add 1619 to their curriculums.

Written by journalists and opinion writers, the project attempts “to reframe the country’s history” by suggesting America’s “true founding” was when the first slaves arrived in 1619.

Within days of its launch, multiple top historians pointed out glaring factual inaccuracies. Their concerns, however, went largely ignored, save for one response from NYT editor Josh Silverstein essentially dismissing a letter sent by five such historians.

The historians persisted, turning to op-eds and the World Socialist Web Site to urge the publication to take a second look at some of its reporting. Historian Gordon Wood, a professor at Brown University, even sent a follow-up letter to Silverstein, giving the editor-in-chief permission to publish.

“In the long run the Project will lose its credibility, standing, and persuasiveness with the nation as a whole,” Wood wrote in the letter, which urged the publication to issue corrections. This letter, previously obtained by the Daily Caller, was never published by the NYT.

Princeton's distinguished liberal historian Sean Wilentz absolutely pile-drives Jake Silverstein, Nikole Hannah-Jones, & the 1619 project: "No effort to educate the public...to advance social justice can afford to dispense with a respect for basic facts." https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/01/1619-project-new-york-times-wilentz/605152/ 
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In the meantime, the “1619 Project” had quickly begun to infiltrate American public schools, spreading from New York to California – complete with all of the inaccuracies the historians spent months pointing out.

“The schools can say they’re not responsible, and they can turn to the parents and say you’re not responsible,” Bob Woodson, founder of The Woodson Center and the “1776” initiative, which is aimed at rebutting the NYT 1619 Project, told the Daily Caller. “None of us are responsible for their failures. As long as they can keep attention riveted in some unseen forces resulting from institutional racism … then, they don’t have to answer the question: Why are black children failing in systems run by...

What Is The Democrat Party?

RIP 5.56 Round: The Army Now Has a New Bullet That Can Pierce Any Kind of Body Armor

What does this new caliber look like?

Key point: Warfare is a constant battle between better and better armor and bullets. In this case, America is looking to regain the upper-hand once again.

The Army is developing a more powerful bullet that’ll penetrate body armor capable of stopping 5.56 mm rounds, the Army’s Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told senators on Thursday.

“The 5.56 round, we recognize there is a type of body armor it does not penetrate, and adversarial states are selling that stuff on the Internet for about 250 bucks,” Milley explained during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, adding, “We think we have a solution … We know we have developed a bullet that can penetrate these new plates.”

The Army’s Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, is testing different caliber rounds, which range between the 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm rounds used by U.S. troops, according to Army Times. Milley stressed that the focus is on increased lethality for the bullet, not on a new rifle. When asked if the higher-caliber round would require a new rifle, Milley responded that “it might, but probably not,” though he went on to say that there are off-the-shelf rifle options for the service.

With more than 70 percent of U.S. casualties coming from ground combat troops—mostly within the infantry and special operations forces—new body armor, along with a new weapon system, and a higher caliber round are...

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Irish Conservatives Sting ANTIFA With Honeypot Project

The project turned the tables on ANTIFA, taking a page from the playbook of the Left.

A group of conservative Irish students identified themselves as the administrators of a prevalent Irish ANTIFA Twitter account on Friday, revealing that they had created the account as a so-called ‘honeypot’ operation to expose the institutional corruption and elite support the leftist terror group is a beneficiary of.

A honeypot operation is designed to draw in unsuspecting members of a political movement with the premise of offering them institutional support. The tactic is often applied by federal law enforcement to members of unsavory political factions in the United States, such as neo-Nazis, Islamic extremists, and fringe ecoterrorist movements.

‘Irish Students Against Fascism’ was actually a project created by the Burkean, an Irish conservative website run by students. The Twitter account advertised an upcoming left-wing website that would be used to slander and doxx conservative Irish students. The account’s premise is said to have attracted a significant following from young Irish leftists, who were chomping at the bit to defame their conservative university peers, seemingly with no reputational repercussions.

The students claim to have uncovered damning evidence of “outright conspiracy” against young conservatives and nationalists in Ireland, aided and abetted by officials within the nation’s liberal government. They say they’ll release evidence of a “conspiracy that starts at the lower levels of university life and leads all the way up, like a conveyor belt, to the NGO complex.” The Burkean claims that evidence of institutionally enabled corruption will be released within the coming weeks, stating that they will “be publishing a series of exclusive messages, audio and video recordings that give a hint of the sheer scale of...

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Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #222

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