90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, March 9, 2020

Hate Hoax: Black Woman Carves “White Pride” Into Sidewalk Outside Black-Owned Gym

The female Jussie Smollett.

Another hate crime hoax was exposed after the words “white pride” were carved into the sidewalk outside a black-owned gym in Tennessee – by a black woman.

Gym owner Derrick Carson arrived at the Johnson City branch of DC Fitness at 5am in the morning to discover the scrawl.

He immediately alerted police but upon reviewing security camera footage, the culprit turned out to be a black woman.

41-year-old Mahagany Teague was subsequently arrested for vandalism and held on $1,000 bail.

“Mahagany’s name may be an attempt to spell “mahogany,” which could be used to describe her pigmentation,” comments Dave Blount, who maintains a ‘hate hoax list’ of similar incidents.

There have been innumerable examples of hate crime hoaxes across America in recent years, all of which feed into the media’s hysterical narrative that white supremacy is on the rise once again.

The most egregious example was of course Jussie Smollett, who was indicted by a grand jury for...

March Martyr's In Infidel Lands Horoscope:

Cancer It's a good day to martyr yourself. Your 72 virgins are getting impatient waiting for you, and they are feeling very lonely today. They need to feel to touch of a hero who knows his way around a suicide belt.

Leo Take time to celebrate the deaths in Benghazi and support legislation restricting access to Benghazi documents. Tonight: go out in large groups and harass the locals, infidels never defend themselves.

Virgo A good day to lawyer up. Not that you did anything wrong! Still, a very, very good day to lawyer up with a free CAIR Lawyer. Tonight: practice saying "I was targeted because I belong to the religion of peace" in the mirror.

Libra Accuse your opponents of playing the blame game. When they accuse you of playing the blame game by accusing them of playing the blame game, feign chest pains until they apologize. Then start playing the blame-them-for-your-chest-pains game.

Scorpio Take the bus, bring a plastic axe and a plastic knife, then stare down passengers while slowly touching your neck. If the police harass you, tell them you are going to a comic con. When the police leave, explain to the nearest female what they do to women who dress like her in Islamic countries.

Sagittarius Rent a box truck today. If they harass you, call CAIR and claim discrimination and harassment because of your religion. Accuse conservative TV personality of saying things you disagree with, and insisting that he shut up! Add a P.S. suggesting he knows nothing of sharia and has no right to discuss sharia.

Capricorn Today you'll get the urge to express your opposition to legal immigration by accusing anyone opposing illegal immigration of racism. If someone voices skepticism, call them a racist, an islamophobe, an infidel and an apostate.

Aquarius Count your blessings as an Islamist, such as unfettered love and adoration from the media, newspapers, periodicals and supporting Hollywood movies that allows you to get away with lies, murder and building your caliphate. Tonight: Spray paint hate messages on your mosque and blame it on the locals just for fun.

Pisces Don’t take no for an answer. Give no for an answer. The 5th amendment is your and your friends friend.

Aries Sad thoughts may bedevil you today. Clear them out of your head by thinking of destroying western society. Tonight: party like a Barbary Pirate. 

Taurus Beat your wife today, any excuse will do: maybe she did not bring you goat curry fast enough, or pehaps she did not submit to your carnal desire with enough enthusiasm, be creative if you have to, she needs to know her place and be humbled and humiliated.

Gemini Practice saying into a mirror: "I'm smart enough, I'm good enough and dog gone it, I'm really good at killing infidels". Then check on the progress of your bomb building crew.

The Twisted Agenda Of The Leftist Media....

Border Authorities Catch 328 Chinese Nationals Illegally Trying to Enter the U.S.

The Washington Examiner reported that at least 328 Chinese nationals who attempted to enter the United States illegally since January have now been caught by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials.

This apprehension is part of an increased awareness effort on the border to keep the coronavirus from spreading into America.

According to official reports, 328 Chinese were “apprehended” and sent back across the border or repatriated in accordance with current policy and procedure. Additionally, another three South Korean nationals, where the virus is also spreading, were apprehended by border authorities.

About 227 foreign nationals from other countries who attempted to enter through legal border points from February 2 through March 3 have been turned back because of travel restrictions imposed by the president and carried out by the Department of Homeland Security, officials stated.

Previously, the White House announced travel restrictions for China, saying the U.S. would keep any foreign national who’s been in China within 14 days from entering the country.

Several agencies within the DHS’s umbrella have been incorporated in President Trump’s “whole of government” attack on the virus. Additionally, more than 700 officials have been assigned to these tasks.

Senior administration officials assert that President Trump’s emphasis on border policy, the new wall, and moves to keep illegal immigrants in Mexico while waiting for permission to enter the U.S., have helped keep the virus from spreading into the U.S., especially at the southern border.

However, Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf brought forth concerns about a court challenge to the Migrant Protection Protocols policy of keeping migrants in Mexico on March 3, 2020. The coronavirus has also spread to Mexico.

“MPP has an uncertain future. We know from experience that the journey to the U.S. border puts migrants in poor conditions — and they often arrive with no passports, medical histories, or travel manifests. The administration will continue to closely monitor the virus globally, as well as in our hemisphere, and will adjust our proactive measures as...

The Reason The Vatican Is Not A Mosque Today Is Because They Built A Wall Around It...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #223

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #921

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, March 8, 2020

6 Trump Supporters vs 1 Secret Hater

Girls With Guns

What's Good For Thee But Not For Me...