90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, March 13, 2020

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #227

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #925

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, March 12, 2020

FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show

Flynn collusion ruled out, Steele dossier debunked in January 2017, more than two years before Mueller announced it.

The piecemeal release of FBI files in the Russia collusion investigation has masked an essential fact: James Comey’s G-men had substantially debunked the theory that Donald Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow by the time the 45th president was settling into the Oval Office, according to declassified memos, court filings and interviews.

And that means a nascent presidency and an entire nation were put through two more years of lacerating debate over an issue that was mostly resolved in January 2017 inside the bureau’s own evidence files. The proof is now sitting in plain view.

In rapid fire sequence in January 2017, U.S. officials:
  • received multiple warnings about the credibility of informant Christopher Steele and his dossier;
  • affirmed key targets of the FBI counterintelligence investigation made exculpatory statements denying collusion to undercover sources;
  • concluded retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, Trump's first national security adviser, was not engaged in collusion with the Russians.
The latter revelation has mostly escaped much notice, contained in a single sentence in a once-sealed court motion filed by Flynn defense attorney Sidney Powell that requested what is known as Brady material, or evidence of innocence.

That motion dated Sept. 11, 2019 requested access to “an internal DOJ document dated January 30, 2017, in which the FBI exonerated Mr. Flynn of being ‘an agent of Russia.’”

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Flynn's motion is confirmed by a 2018 letter obtained by Just the News between Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office and defense lawyers. It shows the DOJ exoneration memo was written after Flynn had been interviewed by FBI agents in January 2017 and after the government learned the former Defense Intelligence Agency chief had kept his...

Girls With Guns


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

The Left Can't Meme...

After Being Confronted at Meeting, CEO Laughably Touts ABC’s ‘Stellar Record’ of Objectivity

Justin Danhof, General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, on Wednesday confronted the new CEO of Disney about ABC's obviously slanted political coverage. (Disney owns ABC.) CEO Bob Chapek laughably touted the “stellar record” of objectivity from the network's news division. Considering that ABC just had to suspend a reporter for bragging about his socialism, this may not exactly be convincing.

Danhof appeared at a shareholder meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina and said to Chapek: “It appears that, for now, the palpable anti-conservative bias will continue at ABC News. We call on more consumers and shareholders to make their voices heard, and we applaud the true journalism of the folks at Project Veritas that continues to expose the lies and hypocrisy stemming from mainstream media outlets such as ABC.”

Chapek replied:
So, interestingly enough, the first trip I took after I got the new job was to ABC News in New York. And I must say I was overwhelmed by their professionalism and their commitment to objectivity.

In terms of Mr. Wright, he said some things that made us question his objectivity. And, obviously, when you’re reporting the news, that’s no place for somebody who’s got a heavy, subjective opinion. So – internally – we dealt with that situation.

But, ah, I think ABC News has a stellar track record of being objective in reporting the news and it’ll continue in the future.
A stellar record? Let’s review. ABC in February was forced to suspend David Wright after he was caught on a Project Veritas sting video. 
PROJECT VERITAS: You consider yourself a Democrat socialist?

DAVID WRIGHT: Oh yeah. More than that. I’d consider myself a socialist.
His bias was evident to anyone who watched. In past reporting, he cheered Bernie Sanders’s “revolution,” hyping the campaign as “on fire.” In the Project Veritas video, this journalist who would report on politics for the network, spewed venom at Donald Trump, calling him a “dick” and the “fucking president.”

In 2012, ABC’s Brian Ross, without evidence, went on air to falsely connect the Tea Party to the mass murder in Aurora, Colorado. In 2018, Ross left the network after a false story about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

On the National Center website, Danhof described the out-of-touch attitude at ABC News:

Tale Of Two Crises

Director of Taxpayer-Funded Museum Who Said She Hopes “Every Single” Person Who Votes Republican Dies Ends up Resigning

Museum Director Ends up Resigning after Public Outrage

The director of a Texas museum that receives taxpayer dollars appears to be in trouble over a post she made on Facebook on Super Tuesday, according to a KTXS-TV report.

“I hope every single one of you pieces of s**t that votes Republican dies today,” Melonnie Hicks, executive director of the Pioneer City County Museum in Sweetwater, posted, according to the station’s report.

After Hicks’ post went viral and controversy exploded, KTXS said she apologized on Facebook: “I was really mad at Republicans for voting against health care since my options today are die or go into debt to see the doctor. It was gross which is [why] I deleted it.”

According to a KTAB-TV report, both messages that Hicks posted on her personal Facebook page have been deleted.

.KTXS reported that the museum’s board of directors had an emergency meeting at the Sweetwater Police Department on Friday, March 6, 2020. The Blaze reported that Hicks ended up resigning.

“It’s regrettable and reprehensible, especially from someone who is a community leader,” City Manager David Vela told the station regarding Hicks’ social media comments. “Those kinds of comments should never be made on social media or anywhere else.”

Vela also told KTXS that the city doesn’t support her statement and that he hopes the board makes the “right and responsible choice” although the board “may have a different definition of ‘right and responsible.’ Let’s just see what actions they take, and we’ll go from there.”

Joe Hyde, publisher of San Angelo Live and a Republican, penned an op-ed saying Hicks should keep her job despite her inflammatory post.

“I don’t in the least bit feel threatened by [Hicks’] off-the-cuff comment on Facebook wishing that I die,” Hyde stated. “I know Facebook is driven by creating engagement that produces long visits and lots of eyeballs on its advertisements. Facebook evokes strong emotions to keep its users scrolling. The easiest emotion to incite is anger, and Facebook’s algorithm is quite good at turning calm and peaceful people into raging lunatics. Hicks was spending too much time on Facebook and wrote something she...

The Dark Horse...