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Friday, March 13, 2020

When The President Did Everything Right, The Media Needs To Work Overtime To Try To Portray It As Wrong...

This Idiot Never Anticipated A Good Girl With A Gun...

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

The Kid Lived But Who Died?

UK Government Says Insulting Someone’s Appearance is Now a Hate Crime

A video published by the UK government Home Office suggests that insulting someone’s appearance now constitutes a “hate crime,” despite this not being the law.

The clip features several people who are facially disfigured, including some with skin conditions and birthmarks. It also features a bald woman who doesn’t appear to have any facial disfigurement.

“No one should be abused and insulted because of the way they look. If you are – it’s a hate crime,” states the tweet.

The actual law suggests otherwise.

In the UK, a “hate crime” is defined as any criminal offense “based on a person’s disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity.”

While one of the individuals in the video is so severely disfigured that he might be considered disabled, the other people featured are clearly not disabled.

Calling someone “ugly” is not a crime and being ugly is not a disability, so the Home Office is completely inaccurate in claiming insulting someone “because of the way they look” is a hate crime.

The only loophole here is that the UK’s hate crime law is so absurdly vast, so-called hate crimes are investigated when an offense is “perceived by the victim or any other person” to have taken place.

This means incidents that are clearly not hate crimes are investigated and often logged as hate crimes or “hate incidents” anyway.

The UK is currently experiencing record high violent crime rates and stabbings, stretching police resources to...

Joe Biden - Running On Empty...

White House Announces Landmark Executive Order to End Reliance on China for Medical Supplies

President Trump is putting America First with this order.

White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro has announced that the Trump administration is working on an executive order to end supply-chain reliance for medical supplies with China.

The administration plans to issue this “Buy American” executive order in the upcoming days. They came to this determination after meeting with Republican Senators earlier this week.

The order will stop the federal government from buying medical supplies, which includes gloves, face masks, and ventilators, from China. They have cracked down on the export of medical face masks in lieu of the pandemic, instead choosing to horde them, showing the ills of globalism.

Due to the coronavirus scare, Americans are learning just how dependent they are upon China for crucial and lifesaving goods. A shocking 90 percent of antibiotics used in the U.S. are manufactured in China. Navarro has confirmed that the administration no longer wants the country to be...

Once Upon A Time In Washington DC...

Former Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum allegedly involved in drug overdose ‘orgy’

The Democrat almost beat Ron DeSantis.

Former Tallahassee mayor and Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum was allegedly involved in a hotel drug “orgy” that resulted in an overdose. Law enforcement responded to the location following reports of an overdose where Gillum and two other men were intoxicated by methamphetamines and possibly other controlled substances.

The news, broken by conservative pundit Candace Owens, included a police report that shows Gillum was inebriated in the hotel room when police arrived. Three plastic bags contained what police believed to be crystal meth.

Removing one page of report that had @AndrewGillum’s personal address listed which was wasn’t my intent— but YES—
BREAKING: Democrat Andrew Gillum was involved in a crystal meth overdose incident last night in a Miami hotel. Orgy suspected, but unconfirmed.

Read the report:
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Here is the last page of the report which sites the crystal meth.

Guess Florida made the right move electing Governor Desantis

I am told @AndrewGillum and his buddies were naked when cops arrived, which is the reason a sex orgy is suspected, but not confirmed.
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From the police report:

Upon arrival, Miami Beach Fire Rescue was on scene providing treatment to Travis Dyson (PATIENT). Miami Beach Fire Rescue advised officers that Mr. Dyson was being treated for a possible drug overdose. He was in stable condition but as a precaution was going to be transported to Mount Sinai for further medical treatment.

Officers then made contact with two other males who were inside of the hotel room: Aldo Mejias (COMPLAINANT) and Andrew Gillum (INVOLVED, OTHER). Mr. Mejias stated the following to officers. Mr. Mejias provided his credit card information to Travis Dyson to rent a hotel room for the night. Mr. Mejias was to meet Mr. Dyson later in day. Travis Dyson rented the room at approximately 1600 hours on 03/12/2020. Mr. Mejias arrived at the hotel at approximately 2307 hours where he discovered Travis Dyson and Andrew Gillum inside the room under the influence of an unknown substance. Per Mr. Mejias, Mr. Dyson opened the hotel room door and immediately walked over to the bed and collapsed in a prone position. Mr. Mejias observed Mr. Gillum inside of the bathroom vomiting. Mr. Mejias stated that he observed Mr. Dyson having difficulty breathing, prompting him to wake him up. Mr. Dyson then began vomiting on the bed and immediately collapsed again. Mr. Mejias began conducting chest compressions on Mr. Dyson and proceeded to contact police and fire rescue.

Officers then attempted to speak to Mr. Gillum. Mr. Gillum was unable to communicate with officers due to his inebriated...

Buried From Trump Tower Meeting: Translator Telling FBI 'No Collusion'

Just days after news of the infamous Trump Tower meeting prompted heavy scrutiny from Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, the translator present told the FBI there was no talk of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, according to recently released documents.

This exculpatory evidence – which backed accounts of Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials in attendance – was not mentioned in Special Counsel Mueller’s final report two years later. And the silence in the interim occurred as sinister theorizing on cable TV and in the press helped shape a public impression of the June 9, 2016 meeting as central to collusion.

The new documents record that on July 12, 2017, four days after the New York Times first disclosed the meeting, relying on government leaks, the FBI interviewed Anatoli Samochornov, a freelance translator with long ties to the U.S. government who had been engaged by the Russian side. Elaborating the day after its initial report, the Times used more leaks to report that Trump Jr. had agreed to the meeting because he was told that a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, would provide damaging information on Hillary Clinton.

Whatever the suspicions raised by the Trump son’s emailed response, “If it’s what you say I love it,” the meeting didn’t live up to the billing, judging from what the translator told the FBI. Bureau notes show he told agents, “There was no discussion of the 2016 United States presidential election or Collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.” The agent notes also state, “There was no smoking gun according to Samochornov. There was not a discussion about ‘dirt’ on Hillary Clinton. Samochornov did not think Hillary Clinton was mentioned by name.”

Samochornov told the FBI that the meeting was 20 minutes long and focused on the Magnitsky Act, which imposes financial sanctions on wealthy Russians, and related matters. He recounted that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was apparently so uninterested in the topic that he used his cellphone under the table throughout, and “five to seven minutes after it began” Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner left. FBI notes also record that “Samochornov was not particularly fond of Donald Trump Jr., but stated that Donald Trump Jr.’s account of the meeting with Veselnitskaya, as portrayed in recent media reports, was accurate...

We Are The Descendents Of Men Who Would Not Be Ruled...

Traitorous Un-elected Bureaucrats In Foreign Lands Can Shove It Up Their Schengen Agreement.

College student charged with faking hate crime against herself

University celebrates slew of diversity mandates it implemented in response to hoax

A student who reported herself as a victim of a hate crime has been charged with faking it.

California’s La Verne Police Department said it determined that last year’s “series of threats” against a University of La Verne student group and its leader Anayeli Dominguez-Pena were actually sent by Dominguez-Pena herself.

The threats were so severe that the university “cancelled classes for a day to ‘reset’ and deal with the threats,” the department said. Dominguez-Pena has been charged with two felonies and two misdemeanors: criminal threats, perjury, “electronic impersonation” and six counts of filing a false police report.

“The investigation concluded that the suspect acted alone and no other members of the student group were involved with the criminal acts,” which included framing an innocent fraternity and its president for the hate crimes.

Dominguez-Pena is being held on a $200,000 bail. She was identified with the help of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s High Tech Crime Unit and its Computer Forensics Unit, Santa Clara Police Department and the Silicon Valley Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team, the local police said.

The Christian university issued a statement noting its “inactive” student’s arrest for sending “a series of racially-based threats” against members of the campus community.

It noted that the university “took these incidents extremely seriously, canceling classes, dedicating significant resources to supporting those who were impacted, and providing additional safety measures to the campus community.”

Rather than question the university’s eagerness to implement a slew of diversity mandates in response to a potential hoax, however, President Devorah Lieberman bragged about everything it has done:
Over the past year, the university has implemented mandatory diversity training for all faculty and staff; required training addressing unconscious biases and equitable practices for all persons serving on search committees; offered workshops for faculty on how to create inclusive environments and implement diversity and inclusivity framework within curriculum; strengthened the office of Diversity and Inclusion through the hire of a new assistant director; and opened the Ludwick Center for Spirituality, Cultural Understanding, and Community Engagement.

Still coming: “listening and discussion sessions” on how to “create classroom inclusivity” and assess everything through “an equity lens,” and implementing a new classroom evaluation including “measures on cultural awareness/competency.”

Lieberman said the hoax will not deter the university from its “sincere and necessary work of addressing the very real issues of...

Court Rules That Google Can Legally Manipulate Searches to Influence Political Results

Big Brother can reign as long as it is nominally private, a court rules.

A court has ruled that Google has the right to legally manipulate searches in order to cause electoral interference and influence political results, rebuking a legal challenge from Democrat Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

Gabbard sued the tech giant after Google bottled up her campaign as it was rising following a strong performance in a presidential debate. She alleged that they denied her a crucial advertisement buy that damaged her campaign’s chances, and she also pointed out in her lawsuit that Google has manipulated their search results to help dictate political outcomes in the past.

“Since at least June 2019, Google has used its control over online political speech to silence Tulsi Gabbard, a candidate millions of Americans want to hear from. With this lawsuit, Tulsi seeks to stop Google from further intermeddling in the 2020 United States Presidential Election,” her lawsuit stated.

“Google plays favorites, with no warning, no transparency, and no accountability. Google’s arbitrary and capricious treatment of Gabbard’s campaign should raise concerns for policymakers everywhere about the company’s ability to use its dominance to impact political discourse,” it added.

Google made the excuse that their censorship of Gabbard’s campaign was just their automated systems protecting their customers from potential fraud.

“We have automated systems that flag unusual activity on all advertiser accounts—including large spending changes—in order to prevent fraud and protect our customers,” a Google spokesperson said in an email to Ars Technica.

“In this case, our system triggered a suspension and the account was reinstated shortly thereafter. We are proud to offer ad products that help campaigns connect directly with voters, and we do so without bias toward any party or...

Morning Mistress