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Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Clinton's Haitian Divorce...

NBC News, NY Times ‘running Chinese propaganda’ criticizing US, Erick Erickson points out

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson ripped NBC News and the New York Times for their reporting on Chinese accusations about the coronavirus outbreak, suggesting that they corroborate the belief that the media is “the enemy of the people.”

In a tweet posted on Saturday, Erickson accused the two media outlets of “running Chinese propaganda.”

“Both NBC news and the New York Times are running Chinese propaganda criticizing the United States,” Erickson tweeted. “It is going to be real hard to tell people that our American media is not the enemy of the people when they are so willing to side with an enemy of every people.”

Both NBC news and the New York Times are running Chinese propaganda criticizing the United States. It is going to be real hard to tell people that our American media is not the enemy of the people when they are so willing to side with an enemy of every people.

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The remark from Erickson comes after Chinese diplomat Lijian Zhao tweeted that the U.S. military may be responsible for the coronavirus outbreak.

The coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, and the communist country has been under fire for its early handling of the outbreak, which appears to have contributed to how wide it has now spread.

NBC News and the Times were among those who covered the story and Erickson took exception to how their reporting was angled.

The NBC headline stated: “Coronavirus: Chinese official suggests U.S. Army to blame for outbreak.”

Erickson’s tweet rebuking NBC News and the Times calls to mind an unlikely tweet from Times reporter Elaina Plott about how millions of Americans see the media — not that this view alters coverage or the perception on the left that these supporters are “ten-tooth rubes.”

“Have been talking to lots of Trump supporters across the country these last couple of days, and the disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I’ve seen at any point throughout this presidency,” Plott tweeted on Thursday.

Have been talking to lots of Trump supporters across the country these last couple of days, and the disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I've seen at any point throughout this presidency.

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While Erickson’s Twitter feed long ago became a toxic wasteland over any number of controversial incidents he has been involved in, there were plenty of responses from social media users who do indeed see the media as the...

No Matter What President Trump Does...

REVEALED: Antifa has a pedophile problem

On March 4, a conservative student group in Ireland revealed they had completed a year-long project operating undercover as an antifa cell.

Antifascist Students Ireland revealed themselves to be a project of Irish conservative student news outlet The Burkean on their Twitter page.

The Burkean’s actions directed significant attention towards Ireland’s official Antifa organization, Antifascist Ireland, a group that has come under fire in the past for the history of its alleged founding member and leading figurehead, Pat Corcoran—a convicted pedophile.

Corcoran is a former civil servant who worked with the Irish Department of Arts, Heritage, and Gaeltacht. In 2009, he was found to be in possession of over 7,000 images and 21 videos featuring child sexual abuse and torture. He was handed the lenient sentence of 3.5 years suspended—meaning he never served a day in prison. The decision caused outrage amongst Irish commentary writers, one of whom used Corcoran’s case as an example of Ireland being a “pedophile’s paradise.”

Corcoran was fired from his government position, but around the same time of his sentencing, Corcoran joined left-wing grassroots publisher Indymedia where he worked undetected until 2013. Once the publisher discovered his disgusting history, he was immediately resigned. Indymedia issued a statement condemning Corcoran, and insisting they had no knowledge of his abusive past.

But Corcoran was not disinvited from all of his activist groups. Independent media and citizen reports out of Ireland allege that Corcoran has been seen engaging in public activism with left-wing groups as recently as November 2019.

But Ireland is not the only country whose main organized antifa group has had trouble with pedophilia in its ranks.

In February of 2020, seven Russian antifa members were sentenced to 6-18 years in prison for planning bombings intended to disrupt the 2018 Russian presidential elections.

Of the seven, one of the principal figures, Arman Sagynbaev, was revealed to have a disturbing history with women and girls.

Seven women came forward to recount details of their experiences with Sagynbaev, some of which have been translated to English. The women, some of whom were as young as 14 when they had their experiences with the antifa leader, were all horrifically sexually assaulted. They were used as domestic slaves, forced to shoplift, routinely beaten and threatened into performing degrading sexual acts, and one was even infected with Sagynbaev’s HIV.

Some of the abuses were so unconscionable, “leaving no room for doubt,” that Anarchist Black Cross—a network of activists supporting political prisoners—withdrew all assistance from Sagynbaev during his legal battle with the Russian state. They also removed him from their list of political prisoners.

Even the United States has had its own case comparable to those in Ireland and Russia.

In Portland, the epicentre of antifa activism, a leading activist has faced multiple arrests for the sexual abuse of minors.

Micah Isaiah Rhodes of Portland’s Resistance was arrested in 2014 and in 2015 for sexually abusing a minor girl and minor boy. During his trials, the county Sheriff revealed that Rhodes had an inappropriate history with minors dating to his youth. At 14, Rhodes was caught sexually abusing a 9 year old boy, and at 15, Rhodes was caught with three much younger boys.

Despite his history, Rhodes was spared all prison time as the judge claimed Rhodes was “trying to change.”

The Left Are Ignorant Sheep: Demanding, Intolerant, Ignorant Sheep...

Covid-19 Pandemic To Crash Sex Worker Income

The world has already transitioned into panic about Covid-19. Widespread social, political, and economic disruptions have developed. Hard-hit countries, as we noted last week, have responded with a similar blueprint of shutting down their economies for virus containment purposes. 

Social distancing has been one of the most widely enforced policies by governments, imposed on their citizens to mitigate the spread of the highly contagious disease. As a result, sex workers in many countries have seen their incomes crash as clients abide by the new public health policies, reported Vice News.

Let's first start with defining social distancing. It's a public health practice that aims to reduce disease transmission, including canceling large public gatherings, closing public spaces, working from home, and avoiding other people. The purpose is to slow down the outbreak to reduce the rate of infections and to reduce overwhelming the health care system.

Sex workers, many of which depend on the intimate physical interaction of their clients to get paid, are warning that social distancing could leave them penniless in the near term:

"A lot of sex workers are freaking out right now," said Andrea Werhun, 30, a stripper based in Toronto.

Multiple sex workers told VICE their clientele volumes at clubs had seen a notable drop since social distancing policies have been implemented across North America.

"I feel like my career as a dancer is in jeopardy as it becomes increasingly less viable to hang out in crowds, which is kind of what I do every Friday and Saturday night in order to make money," Werhun said.
Werhun said businessmen are a considerable part of her client book. Still, since corporations have told employees to work remotely and restrict travel – this has led to the decline in her business. She said strippers don't have the luxury of a salary or sick days:
Americas Covid-19 Virus Map 

Werhun has thought about diversifying to live streaming performances at home if a nationwide lockdown was seen.

She has yet to screen clients who could be carriers of the disease. Community spreading has already taken place in major metro areas in North America; the true extent of the spread is still unknown as test kits lack.

Amanda Winters, 27, a stripper based in Miami, told VICE she started stripping to pay off student loans, and now she's struggling to make ends meet as clients avoid clubs out of fear, they might contract the virus.
"It's a big, big blow," she said. "Locals and regulars are keeping sex workers afloat right now."

"I am getting more concerned about my financial situation," Winters said. "On a stable schedule, I often would have two to four good clients a night...the past week—going on two now—I have had one full client."
Winters said if the business at the Miami club remains low – she might be forced to live stream at home.
Taylor Stevens, 29, a diversified stripper bouncing between Toronto and Las Vegas, has live stream shows that are doing well. She said in recent weeks, traffic volume from Italy was off the charts:

This Is My Kind Of Emergency!

Mayor In Illinois Adds Ban Of Firearms And Ammunition To Coronavirus Emergency Executive Order

The mayor of Champaign, Illinois has issued an executive order in response to the coronavirus that could potentially ban the sale of firearms and ammunition, Edgar County Watchdogs reported.

Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen’s declaration of emergency came on Friday and is related to the coronavirus, which has caused many states to declare emergencies as the virus continues to spread. The mayor’s executive order gives Frank Feinen “extraordinary powers,” including the ban of the sale of firearms and ammunition, among others restrictions including a ban on the sale of alcohol, and the sale or giving away of gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products, according to Edgar County Watchdogs, a local government accountability nonprofit.

Please read the statement below then watch the excerpt from today’s meeting, which explains what the emergency order entails. The full meeting will be shared on social media and on the City's website shortly as well. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=136118961139629 
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“The executive order allows the city to be flexible to properly respond to the emergency needs of our community,” Jeff Hamilton, the city’s manager, told WAND 17. “None of the options will necessarily be implemented but are available in order to protect the welfare and safety of our community if needed.”

The local emergency will be in effect for 28 days, the city council unanimously decided in a Friday morning meeting according to WCIA TV. Some regulations included in the ordinance will be immediately useful, but others won’t be necessary unless...

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Michigan Firearm Maker Awards Special “AR-14” to Auto Worker Who Challenged Biden on 2A

This past Tuesday Jerry Wayne was thrust into national politics. On that day he and the other union autoworkers at the Fiat Chrysler plant in Detroit, Michigan welcomed former Vice President and current Democrat Party nominee front runner Joe Biden to their new facility.

During Biden’s tour of the new plant Mr. Wayne took his chance and asked the former Vice President a question about his Second Amendment policy, “Why are you actively trying to end our Second Amendment rights and take away our guns?”

Instead of remaining calm and answering the question, Mr. Biden pushed aside his female aide and stuck his finger into the chest of the concerned autoworker and went into raged filled response;

“You don’t need an AR-14”

“Stop being a horse’s ass”

Instead of backing down from the threats, Jerry Wayne stood his ground for his conviction on the Second Amendment.

The video of the exchange went viral.

Mr. Wayne’s courage caught the eye of a local firearm manufacturer in Michigan call Next Level Armament and they decided to award the autoworker with a very special edition AR-15 model “AR-14” for his convictions.

In the announcement for the award Next Level Armament released this statement on their Facebook page, “When a patriot stands up for the 2A community it is a great thing, especially when he’s from the great state of Michigan. But when Jerry Wayne got up in Joe Biden’s feels, we decided we needed to get him taken care of. Next Level Armament AR-14 edition AR-15.”

Mr. Wayne’s new AR-15 has “AR-14” inscribed on the side of the it along with a...

Comrade De Blasio: Coronavirus ‘Is a Case for’ ‘Nationalization of Crucial Factories and Industries’

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) stated that the coronavirus outbreak is a case for “a nationalization of crucial factories and industries that could produce the medical supplies to prepare this country for what we need.”

De Blasio said, “This is a war-like situation. We’re in a wartime scenario with a Mar-a-Lago attitude being used by the federal government, right? It’s so laid back, and I don’t understand it. And by the way, testing, how about ventilators? Where is the federal government making sure that our hospitals have the ventilators we’re going to need? Where is the federal government when it comes to surgical masks, getting them distributed where they need? This is a case for a nationalization, literally a nationalization of crucial factories and industries that could produce the medical supplies to prepare this country for what we need. Hand sanitizer, people are going crazy, I don’t blame them, trying to get hand sanitizer.”

He added, “There should be a national approach to ensuring max — every factory that can make hand sanitizer should be on 24/7 shifts and the distribution should be...

Morning Mistress