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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

..And The Hessian's Heard Whiny Sounds Coming From The Delaware River...

In Their Drunken Stupor The Hessian's Managed To Sink The Boat, And Thus Ended The Traitorous Revolutionary War. Bloody Right Mates! God Save The Queen!

Gangsters Paradise...

Report: Wuhan Funeral Homes Burned Coronavirus Victims Alive

Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.

RFA noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed or denied the rumors. Yet the rumors persist that, to make room for new patients in Wuhan’s overcrowded hospitals, medical staff chose older patients less likely to survive the infection and shipped them to incinerators while they were still alive and conscious.

RFA quoted a source “close to the funeral industry” identified only as Ma who said that he had heard reports of “people restrained and forced into body bags when they were still moving.”

“Some people are saying that … there are video clips of screams coming from funeral homes, from inside the furnaces … which tells us that some people were taken to the funeral homes while they were still alive,” Ma added.

Ma also noted the existence of video testimony from an anonymous older woman who had been treated at a Wuhan hospital, presumably for Chinese coronavirus.

“One old lady was saying that they put one guy into … a body bag when he wasn’t even dead yet, and took him off to the crematorium because there was no way of saving him,” Ma told RFA.

Video of an older woman speaking anonymously to a camera began circulating on social media in February in which she said she witnessed a patient next to her at a Wuhan hospital stuffed into a body bag while still alive.

“He’s not dead, his feet and hands are still moving,” the woman says, “[They] wrapped him in a plastic body bag and zipped it up.”

According to New Tang Dynasty, a broadcaster affiliated with the persecuted Chinese Falun Gong movement, the woman spoke with a Wuhan accent, suggesting she was a native of the central Chinese city.

The Taiwanese outlet Taiwan News traced the origin of the video to a Chinese student group called “Youth Production,” who reportedly uploaded the video on February 24. Taiwan News noted that the woman claimed to have suffered from coronavirus symptoms but, as she was in her 60s, she did not suffer severe symptoms, unlike the man taken away, who she estimated was in his 70s.
“She said that the man was weak but was still breathing when medical workers ‘bound his head’ and then his hands and feet, which were ‘still moving,’” Taiwan News reported, noting that she also lamented that the hospital where she received care had no...

Public Notice From The 1918 Spanish Flu...

COVID Backfiring on Media, New Polling Shows Trump Thrashing Biden, Likely Thanks to Virus Fallout

It wasn’t hard to predict what the media would do with COVID-19. In no time at all, it was transformed from a foreign virus into a bludgeon against President Donald Trump.

It’s what the media has done with every event since Trump came down the escalator in 2015. True to form, the media has simply continued doing what comes naturally: blaming Trump.

At this point, people who are wise to the media’s dishonest games know to expect this type of politicized spin — the question now is whether or not the spin is working.

In the span of one month, the landscape of the 2020 presidential election has drastically changed. Trump’s campaign position went from one of a thriving economy and packed rallies to one of financial devastation and oppressive social distancing.

Despite the blatantly biased media coverage, can his re-election campaign survive this?

According to a March Washington Post-ABC News poll, it can.

“Trump has moved from what was a seven-point deficit in February to a near tie with Biden today,” the Washington Post reported. Among registered voters, Trump is favored by 47 percent, just two points behind Biden’s 49 percent.

With the massive scale of the COVID-19 response and the unprecedented disruption of American lives, it would not be implausible to think this pandemic might be the issue that finally gave the media some headway against Trump. However, that does not seem to be happening.

While Trump and Biden were neck-in-neck in overall favorability, Trump took the lead on issue-specific questions, including his response to the pandemic.

Fifty-two percent of those polled trust Trump more when it comes to handling the economy, while 42 percent trust Biden more. On the specific question of trust when it comes to handling the coronavirus outbreak, 47 percent trusted Trump more compared to 43 percent trusting Biden more.

The poll also had hopeful news for the Trump campaign when it comes to voter enthusiasm:

Dishonest Reporters Are Really Bad At Uno...

Corona lock-down sparks looting spree in US cities

With economic hardship looming, looting of businesses were reported in California and South Carolina. It has been spreading across the US, with stores in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and Chicago preparing for civil unrest.

The Wall Street Journal reported an increase in burglaries of stores across all five boroughs from March 12-31, coinciding with mass shutdowns. The newspaper cited The New York City Police Department (NYPD) noting a 75 percent increase in burglaries.

New York now the epicenter of the Covid-19 outbreak.

“The increase in burglaries coincided with steps to stop the spread of the Coronavirus,” according to the WSJ. Looters were not only stealing food, but alcohol and retail goods. The US National Guard has since been deployed in many metropolitan areas...

This Is Utter Madness....

Let's Get Back To Work America, The Cure Is Becoming Worse Than The Disease...

George Soros Group Helps Release Pedophile Illegal Alien into Community To Protect Him from Coronavirus

A George Soros-funded organization has assisted a number of felons, including a pedophile and a child molester, to walk free from jail to protect them from catching the coronavirus.

A federal judge in California ordered the release of six illegal aliens and legal immigrants convicted of child molestation, child abuse, drunk driving, and drug trafficking, following pressure from Soros-funded American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

United States District Court for the Central District of California Judge Terry Hatter Jr., appointed by former President Jimmy Carter, mandated the release of the dangerous sex offenders, despite the potential risk they pose to children.

The majority of the six illegal aliens and legal immigrants have been in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after felony convictions.

The Soros-funded ACLU argues that the six illegal aliens and legal immigrants must be released due to fear that they could contract the coronavirus while in ICE detention.

Breitbart report: Judge Hatter’s decision in favor of the ACLU means the following illegal alines have been set free:
  • 35-year-old Paolo Rayon Vite, a green card-holder from Mexico. Vite was convicted of child abuse on March 27, 2018.
  • 54-year-old illegal alien Martin Vargas Arellano of Mexico. Arellano has been convicted of child sex crimes against a minor under 14-years-old, possession of methamphetamine, possession of cocaine, petty theft with prior, domestic abuse, and failing to register as a sex offender.
  • 54-year-old illegal alien Charleston Edward Dacoff of Belize. Dacoff has an extensive criminal record which includes multiple drunk driving convictions, carrying a loaded firearm in a public place, possession of drugs, and two convictions for driving with a suspended license.
  • 40-year-old Luis Lopez Salgado, a green card-holder from Mexico. Salgado has been convicted three times for selling and trafficking cocaine and intent to vandalize.
  • 19-year-old illegal alien Jose Hernandez Velaszquez of Guatemala. Velaszquez has been named a flight risk three times in federal court.
  • 37-year-old illegal alien Jose Robles Rodriguez of Guatemala. In October 2019, Rodriguez was arrested for drunk driving. ICE considers him a danger to the public.
The ACLU is also suing the federal government on behalf of 13 illegal aliens and legal immigrants in ICE custody who are demanding release into the general public in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

Already, federal judges in Pennsylvania and New Jersey have ordered the release of...

Mandatory Social Pisstancing...

US Army Colonel: Coronavirus Was Leaked From A Chinese Lab

“Time and additional evidence will show that coronavirus ‘leaked’ from a Chinese laboratory.”

A retired US Army Colonel is among a growing list of prominent figures to lend weight to the theory that the Coronavirus now ravaging the globe leaked from a Chinese bio-lab in Wuhan in late November.

Lawrence Sellin Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the U.S. Army Reserve, who previously worked at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

In a recent op ed, he writes that while “there appears to be a politically-motivated campaign to demonstrate that CoVid-19 occurred naturally as a species ‘jump’ from animals to humans originating in the Wuhan wet market…there is still little evidence that directly supports that contention.”

Instead, Sellin posits that the origin of the virus is more likely to be a lab leak, arguing that “the technology to create a coronavirus chimera has been demonstrated,” and “deadly viruses have previously ‘leaked’ out of Chinese virology labs in two separate incidents.”

“Given the illness, death and economic destruction caused by CoVid-19, it is the responsibility of the Chinese government to fully open its research files and databases to international inspection, including information about the hundreds of coronavirus isolates, in order to ascertain the true origin of the Chinese CoVid-19 coronavirus.” Sellin urges.

There are already indications within the scientific literature and growing suspicions elsewhere that CoVid-19, the pandemic coronavirus, originated in a Chinese laboratory. Article by Lawrence Sellin https://bit.ly/3bVbpKU 
76 people are talking about this

Sellin, a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, and a regular contributor to the Military Times, has been vocal on social media regarding the lab leak theory, pointing to others, including government officials, who are not dismissing the notion:

British politicians fear that the coronavirus pandemic was caused by a leak from a Chinese laboratory. Yet unverified local reports say laboratory workers became infected after exposed to blood and then carried the infection into the local population. http://dailym.ai/2JIlGhl 
122 people are talking about this
As I have been saying - A molecular biologist and coronavirus expert said in no uncertain terms that the novel coronavirus could have been unleashed due to a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. https://bit.ly/2V1Zzrk 
176 people are talking about this

Sellin, author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution, has also demanded China be held accountable for its lies regarding the severity and spread of...

5 Things to Know About This Anti-Malaria Drug’s Effect on COVID-19

The federal government has stockpiled 29 million pills of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as the best known way to treat active cases of COVID-19, and thousands of patients in New York will take it.

But using the Food and Drug Administration-approved drug to treat COVID-19 has sparked an intense political controversy.

President Donald Trump, who has publicly touted hydroxychloroquine since March 19, said of the drug Sunday: “If it does work, it would be a shame if we didn’t do it early. I’ve seen things I sort of like; so what do I know, I’m not a doctor.”

Axios first reported on an internal dispute between White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, who is bullish on the drug, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, who is concerned that only “anecdotal evidence” suggests the drug is effective against COVID-19.

Ohio state Rep. Tavia Galonski, a Democrat who represents parts of Akron, said she would make a complaint to The Hague that Trump is guilty of crimes against humanity for promoting a drug before all the facts are known.

“I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been to The Hague. I’m making a referral for crimes against humanity tomorrow,” Galonski tweeted Sunday. “Today’s press conference was the last straw. I know the need for a prosecution referral when I see one.”

The Ohio Democrat’s tweet was in response to one from Go-Blue-44, who has fewer than 600 followers, saying: “And an invitation to The Hague for crimes against humanity for pushing a drug that hasn’t been tested for coronavirus patients.”

The Food and Drug Administration has expedited use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients; most other countries also allow the drug to be used to treat the new disease.

Aside from political musings, here are some facts to know about hydroxychloroquine.

1. What Do Studies Say?

Studies so far have shown varying degrees of promise in using hydroxychloroquine against the coronavirus, said Dr. Kevin Pham, a medical doctor and contributor to The Daily Signal.

Pham told The Daily Signal that existing studies are “small or poorly controlled.”

“The results are promising, but leave lots of questions,” he said.

One French study found that COVID-19 patients treated with a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin recovered more quickly than others.

However, that study involved only 36 patients, and just 20 took the medicine, considered a small sample.

The French study also didn’t look at patients in intensive care units. Most patients who took the drug improved. However, one patient from the group tested positive after taking the medicine.

A more recent study out of China used a larger but still fairly limited sample of 62 people. Half took the anti-malaria drug, the other half did not.

The 62 patients were treated for five days, their fevers and cough monitored. The study found 25 of the 31 patients who were given the drug improved, versus 17 patients in the control group of 31.

The study’s authors determined that additional research should be done.

Another study out of France, with a larger sample of 80 coronavirus patients, found improvements in all but one patient who used the drug.

2. When Will We Know More?

New York, the hardest hit state in the country, will provide hydroxychloroquine to 4,000 COVID-19 patients. The University of Albany School of Public Health is observing the patients who take the drug.

New York University, meanwhile, is setting up clinical trials, enrolling 2,000 adults at six sites, The New York Post reported.

“Thousands are taking it in New York, and we should know if hydroxychloroquine is effective within about two weeks,” Dr. Lee Gross, a family doctor in Florida, told The Daily Signal. “It doesn’t mean we throw caution to the wind. But we should have a relatively good idea based on New York.”

Gross noted that so far the “data is very limited.”

“In a perfect world, we would do more controlled studies, but you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want,” Gross said. “We are facing a pandemic now. To have all the information we want could take six to eight weeks.”

3. How Do You Take the Drug?