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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Democrats Love Blacks That Agree With Them...

Statue Of Lenin Is Safe As Can Be In Seattle...

The Hypocritical Selective Outrage Of The Left...

Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense

Donald Trump Vows No Autonomous Zone in Washington, DC

President Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed that he would never allow leftists to set up an autonomous zone in Washington, DC.

“There will never be an ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “If they try they will be met with serious force!”

The president commented after rioters tried to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park across from the White House and set up a zone free of police. St. John’s Church was also vandalized with spray paint with the letters BHAZ (Black House Autonomous Zone).

Park Police moved in with riot gear and pepper spray in a display of force that forced back the crowd. D.C. Metro police also assisted forcing the rioters out of the park.

Trump warned the group of vandals that they faced...

Soros Is The Tiger King Of The Zoo....

Reddit Starts Banning Users For Their Upvotes

Conde Nast's Reddit on Sunday started issuing temp bans against users for upvoting wrongthink.

This screenshot was shared by a user on r/WatchRedditDie, a subreddit which chronicles Reddit's aggressive censorship:

Reddit announced in February that users "who consistently upvote policy-breaking content within quarantined communities will receive automated warnings, followed by further consequences like a temporary or permanent suspension."

The level of censorship required to keep Reddit a far-left echo chamber is rather remarkable. They've banned every "far-right" subreddit in existence since 2016 and banned r/The_Donald through a mod takeover earlier this year.

Nonetheless, populist right-wing messages still manage to get through on various subs only to be censored by their petty mods.

Most of Reddit is controlled by just five mods and they censor users who dare to point this out.

It's rather interesting checking out the posts on r/WatchRedditDie to see just how extensive the censorship is.

This viral video posted a few days ago showing an old white guy being assaulted by...

I'll Call An Ambulance To Get Rid Of the Trash...

Jesus and his European mother must go, they are a ‘form of white supremacy,’ says top BLM activist

Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King ignited a firestorm of backlash when he declared that some statues of Jesus Christ are a form of “white supremacy” and should be torn down.

Amid a frenzy to tear down historic statues and monuments that the left now finds offensive, King outrageously told his 1.1 million Twitter followers Monday that statues of the “white European they claim is Jesus” can be included, setting off a wave of anger.

The far-left activist posted a series of tweets advocating the tearing down of Christian symbols of Jesus – but only the ones depicting him as white.

“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down,” he wrote, claiming those statues “always have been” supporting white supremacy.

He doubled down in another tweet, calling for the removal of even murals and stained glass windows that depict a “white Jesus, and his European mother, and...

The Enthusiasm Gap Is Real....

Let's Give The Media And The Democrats A Taste Of American Exceptionalism On November 3rd!

Daily COVID-19 Deaths in the U.S. Have Fallen Dramatically Since April

The downward trend continued after states began lifting their lockdowns.

Amid concerns about post-lockdown increases in COVID-19 infections, there is one striking piece of good news: Daily deaths from the disease in the United States have fallen dramatically since April, and that downward trend has continued into June. Even taking into account the average lag between laboratory confirmation and death—about two weeks, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—the loosening of restrictions on movement and economic activity that began at the end of April so far has not led to the surge in COVID-19 deaths that many lockdown supporters predicted.

The seven-day rolling average of daily deaths, which peaked at 2,210 on April 18, had fallen to 605 as of yesterday—a 73 percent drop. The downward trend has continued for more than a month since mid-May, when the impact of post-lockdown infections should have started to show up in fatality figures. In Texas, for example, the seven-day average fell from 58 on April 30, when the statewide lockdown was lifted, to 20 on June 13 before climbing to 30 as of yesterday.

Some states, including Texas, have seen notable increases in confirmed cases and hospitalizations since late May. Those increases, which cannot be fully explained by expanded virus testing, may be related to Memorial Day gatherings and the mass protests against police brutality triggered by George Floyd's death. The spike in cases that states such as Texas have seen can be expected to result in more deaths during the next couple of weeks than otherwise would have occurred. But if epidemiologists are correct in thinking that superspreading events on and after Memorial Day explain recent surges in infections—which makes senses given the timing—the resulting rise in daily deaths should be temporary.

The nationwide crude case fatality rate (CFR) has fallen along with daily deaths, from slightly more than 6 percent on May 16 to about 5.3 percent today. Since the denominator includes only confirmed cases, you would expect the crude CFR to drop as testing is expanded to include more people with mild symptoms. If all infections were detected, according to the CDC's "best estimate," the overall fatality rate among everyone infected by the virus in the United States would be less than 0.3 percent.

You would also expect the crude CFR to fall if newly infected people are less likely to have serious preexisting medical conditions than people infected earlier in the epidemic. That seems plausible as younger, healthier people move about more now that they are...

That Moment When You Clean Up The Mess That The Lawless Communists Made....

Rapper Warns George Soros Is Using Black Lives Matter To ‘Control’ African Americans In Election Year

Iconic rap star Lord Jamar has slammed the Black Lives Matter movement and its ideology, saying he doesn’t support them because it “isn’t our movement… it was given to us by… George Soros” in order to control the African American population.

The 51-year-old music industry veteran, whose group Brand Nubian were popular in hip-hop’s golden era, was asked during a recent interview with Turning Point USA whether he supports the BLM movement, to which he responded: “No. Absolutely not.”

When asked to elaborate on why he doesn’t support the group, Lord Jamar said: “Because this isn’t our movement.

“It’s a movement that was given to us by, you know, George Soros and his f**king boys. Because they saw how things were going and they didn’t want it to go back to the 60s – to where we start having our own, organic movement.”

“That was a big f**king problem for them,” the rapper explains.

“‘So let’s give the people a movement that we can control – we’ll provide them the leaders…’ and all this type of s**t,” he says of the motivation behind controlling such a campaign.

Yeah, that’s what Black Lives Matter is,” Jamar adds.

“Look at the leaders of Black Lives Matter.”

The interviewer goes on to claim that Soros has funneled millions of dollars into Black Lives Matter and is using the money to control African Americans.

“This is control money,” Lamar replies.

“This is about ‘let us give you a movement that we can control and use symbolism from the original civil rights movement – like the red, black and green, and all these different symbols – and we’re gonna incorporate that, but only it’s gonna be a movement that we control, we decide what the messages are, we decide...