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Thursday, June 25, 2020

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Girls With Guns

Media fumes after Trump shares video of a black man beating Macy’s clerk in ‘unprovoked attack’

This was a racist hate crime, pure and simple.

The liberal media took a break from fomenting a racially divisive narrative of police brutality not supported by recent statistics to express horror over President Donald Trump sharing a video of a black man beating a white man.

Responding to a tweet from conservative Matt Walsh that featured a large black man pummeling a Macy’s store clerk, the president remarked: “Looks what’s going on here. Where are the protesters? Was this man arrested?”
“This guy brutally assaulted a Macy’s employee because of his race and then slandered him by claiming he said the n-word, which was a lie,” Walsh tweeted. “This is a horrific hate crime and if the races were reversed it would be the only thing we talk about for days.”

The allegation that the smaller, clearly defenseless man used the n-word was shared along with the video online, to justify the brutality seen in the video.

In defense of Walsh’s assertion that this is not true, The Detroit News reported that a Macy’s spokesperson said the attack “was unprovoked.”

“All the materials from the evening have been reviewed and it is clear the attack was unprovoked,” the retailer said in a statement.

The Flint Township Police identified two persons of interest involved in...

Throwing Away The Trash....

Fuck The UN

SD Gov. Noem on Mount Rushmore Becoming Target of Protesters: ‘Not on My Watch’

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” addressed the possibility of Mount Rushmore National Memorial becoming the next target of protesters as calls to remove statues and memorials of leaders with flawed pasts have increased.

In a Tuesday tweet, Noem said nothing will happen to Mount Rushmore on her “watch.” Speaking to “Fox & Friends” on FNC, she stressed the importance of not erasing the United States’ history.

“[W]e’ve seen some activity online where people have made threats to that,” Noem advised. “What my message is, is that this is no longer about equality, this is a radical rewriting of our history and in South Dakota we won’t stand for it. This is a national monument. The more we focus on the flaws of these men that are on our mountain, the less likely we are to recognize the virtues and the lessons we can learn from their lives. So that really is the message that I have for South Dakotans that love this mountain and Mount Rushmore for this country, that recognize what it represents to us and we will do all that we can to make sure that that message is loud and clear, that we will make sure that Mount Rushmore stays as majestic as it is today.”

“This whole conversation has changed,” she added. “It’s gone away from equality and it’s a radical movement that’s rewriting our history, that will take away all the lessons that we...

Remember When Obama Wouldn't Endorse Biden?

Tech Titans On Pentagon Advisory Board Have Given Millions To Liberal, Anti-Trump Groups

  • The former CEO of Google and co-founder of LinkedIn, both members of a Pentagon advisory board, have contributed nearly $10 million to a slew of liberal political committees, including many opposed to President Trump.
  • Eric Schmidt, who chairs the Defense Innovation Board, recently gave $750,000 to a liberal PAC that published an ad suggesting Trump supporters are white nationalists and Vladimir Putin enthusiasts.
  • Reid Hoffman, a member of the Pentagon board, has been involved in several controversial political projects, including one that used fake social media personas targeting the Republican candidate in an Alabama Senate election.
  • J.D. Gordon, a former Pentagon spokesman and national security adviser on the Trump campaign, called Schmidt and Hoffman’s positions “nothing short of horrendous.”
Two tech titans who sit on the board of the Defense Innovation Board, an advisory group to the Pentagon, have contributed nearly $10 million this election cycle to liberal political groups, many of which oppose President Donald Trump, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.

One of those liberal megadonors, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, gave $750,000 last month to a political action committee founded by Obama campaign veterans that published an ad suggesting that Trump’s core base is made up of white nationalists and supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The other, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, has been involved in several controversial political projects, including a campaign using fake social media personas to draw voters away from a Republican Senate candidate in a special election in Alabama in 2017.

The tech billionaires’ positions on the board raise questions about why two openly anti-Trump and anti-Republicans are on the board of a Pentagon advisory group during the Trump administration.

“Knowing that individuals who openly despise and undermine President Trump serve on those boards while only two of 15 people on our campaign’s national security advisory committee landed positions in the administration is nothing short of horrendous,” J.D. Gordon, who served as...

The UN Is Advocating For The Violent Overthrow Of America...

They Want The ANTIFA Brownshirts To Have Free Rein To Terrorize This Nation.

Hoaxed by #FakeNoose Again

On Sunday, as “news” of a “noose” hung in NASCAR D-lister Bubba Wallace’s garage spread across social media, I tweeted a long thread recounting all of the fake noose stories I’ve curated over the years, including the phony Oakland swinging weapons of white supremacy that turned out just last week to be…exercise bands. I cautioned, “If you don’t smell bullsh*t, you’re not paying attention.”

I don’t hate to say “I told you so.” I rather enjoy saying it, actually. Here’s my new syndicated column filed as Bubba Smollett hoisted himself with his own petard.

Hoaxed by #FakeNoose again

You are being lied to, America. Again and again and again. Hysterical journalists are in on The Big Hoax. Simpering politicians in both parties are in on The Big Hoax. Celebrity opportunists are in on The Big Hoax.

Stop letting them get away with it. Stop bowing and scraping every time they attempt a new smear – or recycle an old one. Stop panicking. Stop caring so much about what names they call you, what racial privilege they accuse you of, and what societal guilt they try to impose on you.

Newsflash: This is 2020, not 1920. We live in a “diversity”-obsessed country where every major corporation from Amazon, AT&T, and Ben & Jerry’s to Lexus, Nike Pepsi, and Ticketmaster, to Wendy’s, Yelp, and Zoom to bends to Black Lives Matter. MAGA hats and “okay” hand gestures are hate symbols. Every videotaped squabble in grocery stores, parks, and streets between non-white and white people is a national human-rights catastrophe. Baseball is no longer the national pastime. Self-flagellation is.

It needs to be repeated because The Big Hoax still won’t die: Cops are...

The Term "Systemic Racism" Is Communist Propaganda Designed To Make You Not Defend Your Country..

Breaking! Federal appeals court orders judge to drop case against Michael Flynn

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered a judge to drop charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

The three-judge panel in Washington, DC, approved Flynn’s defense team’s request to throw out the conviction after the Justice Department announced it would no longer pursue the case.

Flynn admitted to lying to FBI agents in 2017 about his contacts with a Russian ambassador in the transition period before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017.

After getting a new defense team earlier this year, Flynn changed his plea.

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan, who presided over...