90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Once Upon A Time… in China

How an American film distributor became a part of the CCP's Hollywood empire

Over the past decade, more and more American moviegoers have witnessed something startling: Much of what they watch is now altered to serve the interests of the Chinese Communist Party.

From the omission of Taiwan's flag from a jacket in Top Gun: Maverick to China's digital replacement with North Korea in Red Dawn, the country's political sway in movies has grown increasingly apparent. Hollywood studios now bend over backwards to appease the government gatekeeping the world's fastest-growing media market. The effects of that influence operation are obvious, but the mechanics that drive it are obscured in a vast web of corporate connections.

Within that web, however, lies one story: that of a major independent digital distributor, Cinedigm, known originally for overhauling cinemas and now in the business of distributing television and movies to storefronts and digital platforms like Netflix and iTunes. In 2017, Cinedigm was bought by a Chinese investment firm, Bison Capital, and has since remade itself as a pioneering distributor of Chinese content to American audiences.

The tangled tale of Bison and Cinedigm ties together the rise and fall of a Hollywood business, the get-rich schemes of the Chinese movie industry, and the pervasive and often shadowy influence of the Chinese Communist Party. The result is a story fit for a Hollywood retelling.

Neither Cinedigm nor a public-facing Bison subsidiary, Bison Finance Group, responded to requests for comment for this article. Several former Cinedigm affiliates approached also did not comment, with one citing a...

Masks Encourage The Fomite Or Infected Transmission Of Covid Particles From Hand To Face....

This Secret Photo Of A DNC Leadership Meeting Was Smuggled Out!

Iran claims it has 'underground missile cities' as 6 incidents prompt theories it is under attack

Iranian authorities initially dismissed the incidents as accidents but now there are claims the country's enemies may be involved.

Iran has admitted that "significant damage" has been caused by a mysterious incident at one of the country's nuclear facilities.

The explosion was reported at the Natanz nuclear facility on Friday morning.

The authorities in Iran initially said there had only been minor damage at the plant.

They now acknowledge the damage could set back the country's nuclear programme by months, according to a statement by the country's Atomic Energy Organisation.

In a separate revelation, Iran's Revolutionary Guards Navy chief has said that underground "missile cities" have been built along the country's Gulf coast.

"Iran has established underground onshore and offshore missile cities all along the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman that would be a nightmare for Iran's enemies," Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri told the Sobh-e Sadeq weekly.

There have been six curious incidents over the past couple of weeks in Iran.

On the face of it, they are unconnected. But as conspiracy theories abound, what do we actually know? Could they be attacks? Who could be behind them and why?

What happened?

  1. 26 June: An explosion at a weapons depot in Parchin near Tehran. Hours later, 600 miles south in Shiraz, the power went out.
  2. 30 June: An explosion killed 19 people at a medical clinic in central Tehran.
  3. 2 July: An 'incident' was reported by Iranian media at the Natanz nuclear facility.
  4. 3 July: A huge fire in...

This Is CNN...

Unfortunately.... This Is CNN

L'Oreal To Remove 'Whitening' from Products While Realtor Association Drops 'Master Bedroom'

L’Oreal and the Houston Association of Realtors have joined companies across the country that are changing the language and branding they use that could be considered controversial.

The world’s largest cosmetic and beauty company announced on June 26 that it would stop using “whitening” and “fair” to describe its products, CNN reported.

“The L’Oreal Group has decided to remove the words white/whitening, fair/fairness, light/lightening from all its skin evening products,” L’Oreal said in a statement.

The Houston Association of Realtors announced earlier in June that it would replace the phrases “master bedroom” and “master bathroom” with “primary bedroom” and “primary bathroom” on its listings, according to KPRC-TV.

The change reportedly came after several members asked for a review of the terminology.

“The updates to Primary Bedroom and Primary Bath were among nine requests for review that were submitted by members and considered at the most recent meetings,” a statement from HAR to its members read.

“The overarching message was that some members were concerned about how the terms might be perceived by some other agents and consumers. The consensus was that Primary describes the rooms equally as well as Master while avoiding...

The Newspeak Is Upon Us...

All Headlines Now Read like NewSpeak...

Environmentalist Apologizes for Global Climate LIES

As if we needed this guy to fess up? Still a noted environmentalist apparently found Jesus and decided to admit to his lies.

His name is Michael Shellenberger. And he’s a noted environmentalist, well-known to those who have attempted to dupe the world for decades.

Shellenberger’s TED talks have been viewed more than 5 million times. Also Shellenberger is a recipient of the Green Book Award, with “green” being the obvious indicator of what that award is about.

He’s written articles that have appeared frequently in the top Leftist rags. The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and many others.
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Should the Government require masks in public spaces?

But now he’s turned a new leaf.

Shellenberger recently released, “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All.” And he compounded his repentance with an article published in Forbes. The article is titled: “On Behalf of Environmentalists, I Apologize for the Climate Scare.” Clearly, it was based on his new book.

Shellenberger tweeted his apology:
On behalf of environmentalists, I apologize for the climate scare Climate change is real but it’s not the end of the world It’s not even our most important environmental problem I am delivering my apology in the form of a book I hope you accept it

Almost as soon as the article went up, Forbes took it down. So what else is new, right?

Conservatives are used to these tactics, though Forbes doing it does...

Black power militia says they’re done talking, don’t want to negotiate: ‘F**k BLM…we don’t bring signs to a gunfight’

A video of a group being described as a “black power militia” features scores of heavily armed men clad in black being encouraged by their leader to use deadly force against white people if they are confronted.

The video appears to feature the same group of armed black men who ‘demonstrated’ near Stone Mountain, Ga., on Saturday, taunting “scared-a**” white “rednecks” and demanding that black people be given Texas to inhabit as their own racially pure country.

**Warning: Language

“I’m gonna say this one time and I mean it,” the group leader says as he addresses members formed up in ranks. “F**k Black Lives Matter. We don’t f**k with them. We don’t talk. We don’t sing. We ain’t tryin’ to overcome.

“We ain’t tryin’ to hold hand with you no more,” the leader continued. “We don’t give a f**k about your rainbow. This is for black people. We can’t never have nothing to our damned self. So we gonna have this to our damned self.”

The leader then tells his group the “rules of engagement” for their march.

“Do not point your weapon at anybody unless they do something to you first,” he said. “Under Georgia law, you have the right to use deadly force to kill they a**. And I expect that out of every last one of you motherf**kers out here today.”

“If you ain’t never fired your weapon before, this ain’t the time to learn,” he continued. “If s**t pop off get the f**k outta the way and let those of us that trained to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #341

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1040

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.