90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Cancel Culture Vultures...

For That Satisfying CRUNCH You Have Been Craving....

This Vehicle Gets Zero Miles To The Gallon....

Ain't No Fixin' This Lemon...

Slavery Rampant in Africa, Middle East; The West Wrongly Accuses Itself

According to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who fled her homeland of Somalia and now live in the US: "What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist". 

  • For the intersectional activists, the US is the world's biggest oppressor -- not China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or Iran.
  • "What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist". — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Twitter, June 9, 2020.
  • "The new anti-racism is racism disguised as humanism (...) It implies that every white person is bad... and that every black person is a victim". — Abnousse Shalmani, born in Tehran, now living in Paris, to Le Figaro, June 12, 2020.
  • "America looks different if you grew up, as I did, in Africa and the Middle East". — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2020.
  • It is high time for the United States to stop funding the United Nations.... The United Nations is now being used to perpetuate injustice, not stop it.
  • Real slave traders and racists -- those who believe Western societies and values should not exist at all -- most likely look at the current Western self-flagellation and cheer their approval.
The United States abolished slavery 150 years ago, and has affirmative action for minorities. It is the country that elected a Black president, Barack Obama -- twice! Yet, a new movement is toppling one historic monument after another one, as if the US is still enslaving African-Americans. Activists in Washington DC even targeted an Emancipation Memorial, depicting President Abraham Lincoln, who paid with his life for freeing slaves.

Today slavery still exists in many parts of Africa and Middle East, but the self-flagellating Western public is obsessively focused only on the Western past of African slavery rather than on real, ongoing slavery, which is alive and well -- and ignored. For today's slaves, there are no demonstrations in the streets, no international political pressure, and virtually no articles in the media.

"We must not forget that Arab-Muslims have been champions in this field," Kamel Bencheikh, a Muslim poet, wrote in Le Matin d'Algerie.

"Emirs and sultans bought entire convoys of young black ephebes to make into eunuchs to guard their harems. And this continued with Ottoman emperors.... Even today, Mauritania and Saudi Arabia are still...

Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #24

Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #23

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Ghislaine Maxwell has copies of Jeffrey Epstein sex tapes, ex-friend says

Accused Jeffrey Epstein procuress Ghislaine Maxwell will use her secret stockpile of the late pedophile’s sex tapes as an insurance policy to save herself from federal charges, her friend said in a new report.

The former socialite, who was arrested in New Hampshire last week, was moved Monday to a Brooklyn lockup to await trial on four counts of sex-trafficking minors and two counts of perjury for allegedly acting as Epstein’s fixer.Enlarge ImageGhislaine Maxwellvia REUTERS

Christopher Mason, a TV host and journalist who has known Maxwell since the 1980s, has said he was told that Epstein rigged his multiple homes with cameras and kept surveillance tapes of everyone and everything that went on in them.

Mason said she has access to the potentially compromising tapes.

And now, Maxwell’s former pal told the Daily Mail that she will use those recordings as a way to beat the rap.

“Ghislaine has always been as cunning as they come. She wasn’t going to be with Epstein all those years and not have some insurance,” the ex-friend told the news outlet.

“The secret stash of sex tapes I believe Ghislaine has squirreled away could end up being her get-out-of-jail card if the authorities are willing to trade. She has copies of everything Epstein had. They could implicate some twisted movers and shakers,” the former friend said.

“If Ghislaine goes down, she’s going to take the whole damn lot of them with...

The Best Tribe Conquered Mount Rushmore...

Dear Conquered Peoples..

He “kicked me in the face and said, ‘Black lives matter, #@%’

Five suspects have been charged in a brutal assault caught on video outside a convenience store in Klein, Texas, last month. Two of them are minors.

Arrest warrants have been issued for two 19-year-olds — Eric Bradley and Ezkeyeleon Wilson — as well as for 18-year-old Seth Coles, KTRK-TV reported.

Two other suspects — ages 16 and 14 — are also charged with assault, KTRK said.

The victim in the June 14 attack at a Food Mart was waiting to buy some items when a group tried to cut in line, KTRK-TV reported.

“I looked over and said, ‘There’s a line for a reason,'” the shopper told the station.

Words were exchanged, and he added to KTRK that the group mocked his hair and clothes.

After he paid and left, the group met him in the parking lot and took turns kicking and punching him, the station said.

The victim told KTRK he just took the beating. Video of the attack shows he didn’t fight back or protect himself.

“I don’t know what else I could do,” he added to the station. “The fifth one at the end came out of the store after purchasing goods and came up to me and kicked me in the face and said, ‘Black lives matter, [expletive].'”

That won’t win over too many people to the BLM cause, such as it is.

The Babies Toys Are Put Back In The Attic..

Leaving the things that are real behind
Leaving the things that you love from mind
All of the things that you learned from fears
Nothing is left for the years

Voices scream
Nothing seen
Real's the dream

Toys, toys, toys, in the attic
Toys, toys, toys, in the attic
Toys, toys, toys, in the attic
Toys, toys, toys, in the attic

Voices scream
Nothing seen
Real's the dream


On June 29, 2020, a 25-year-old female German passenger, Marie H. was verbally and physically attacked by a violent “asylum seeker” as she and her dog rode aboard a suburban train in Berlin. Fellow train passengers stood idly by and watched. Instead of coming to the woman’s aid, one passenger took the opportunity to film part of the attack, which went viral. German police called for more “civil courage” from the public.

Marie was on her way home on Monday afternoon at around 3 p.m. She was with her dog “Marni” aboard a relatively empty train on the way to the district of Höhenschönhausen. The 25-year-old woman witnessed a young man with a backpack being attacked by another violent migrant passenger. Marie wanted to help the man with the backpack “because the attacker was very aggressive and wanted to hit him” and he seemed to be “mentally restricted.” Unfortunately, when Marie intervened to help, she became a victim herself. The “dark-skinned man with a red T-shirt, baseball cap and shoulder bag, attacked her. He hit her violently, kicked her stomach, and in her head.”

Cries for help are ignored by witnesses

The kneeling young woman kept calling for help, while the people in the compartment stood around indecisively. Only one young man, with a wild curly hair and light brown trousers tries, hesitantly tried to verbally appease the aggressor in vain, who was enraged.

When Marie tried to stand up again, the migrant stomped back over to her and shouts: “I’m fucking your mama!” The girl fearfully held her hand in front of her face in anticipation of being beaten.
“Can you help me, please?”, she implored to the curly-haired man. When Marie tried to create distance between herself and the migrant, he shouted at her several times: “Come to me! Come on, come to me!” and “You’re nobody!” “You’re nobody!”

Man sneaks away, without helping

While this is happening, in the foreground of the video, we can see how one of the passengers, a burly looking young man with a backpack, white shorts, quietly and inconspicuously moves from standing at the far right end of the compartment to the nearest exit without making any effort to help Marie.

A few seconds later the S-Bahn stops at Gehrenstraße station. The man with the backpack leaves the compartment without further ado about what was going on just a few meters away from him. Near the exit where the young woman is standing, the sliding door of the train also opens. The migrant uses this opportunity to push Marie out into the open with full force. The young woman is desperate because her dog is still on the train. Despite the presence of the violent migrant, she tries to get back into the compartment to her dog. This leads to further scuffles. Marie pleads more and more desperately:

“Can you help me, please, can you help me… please, can you help me… please! I’m getting beat up...

Joe Biden Is Ready For 2020!

His Handlers Know Billions Of Purloined Dollars Depend On His Election...

An Industry of Untruth

The brand of all cultural revolutions is untruth about the past and present in order to control the future. Why we have this happening to our country is the only mystery left.

The current revolution is based on a series of lies, misrepresentations, and distortions, whose weight will soon sink it.
Viral confusion

Unfortunately few in authority have been more wrong, and yet more self-righteously wrong, than the esteemed Dr. Anthony Fauci. Given his long service as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and his stature during the AIDS crisis, he has rightly been held up by the media as the gold standard of coronavirus information. The media has constructed Fauci as a constant corrective of Trump’s supposed “lies” about the utility of travel bans, analogies with a bad flu year, and logical endorsement of hydroxychloroquine as a “what do you have to lose” possible therapy.

But the omnipresent Fauci himself unfortunately has now lost credibility. The reason is that he has offered authoritative advice about facts, which either were not known or could not have been known at the time of his declarations.

Since January, Fauci has variously advised the nation both that the coronavirus probably was unlikely to cause a major health crisis in the United States and later that it might yet kill 240,000 Americans. In January, he praised China for its transparent handling of the coronavirus epidemic, not much later he conceded that perhaps they’d done a poor job of that. He has cautioned that the virus both poses low risks and, later, high risks, for Americans. Wearing masks, Fauci warned, was both of little utility and yet, later, essential. Hydroxychloroquine, he huffed, had little utility; when studies showed that it did, he still has kept mostly silent.

At various times, he emphasized that social distancing and avoiding optional activities were mandatory, but earlier that blind dating and going on cruise ships were permissible. Fauci weighed in on the inadvisability of restarting businesses prematurely, but he has displayed less certainty about the millions of demonstrators and rioters in the streets for a month violating quarantines. The point is not that he is human like all of us, but that in each of these cases he asserted such contradictions with near-divine certainty—and further confused the public in extremis.

In terms of how the United States “fared,” it is simply untrue that Europe embraced superior social policies in containing the virus. The only somewhat reliable assessments of viral lethality are population numbers and deaths by COVID-19, although the latter is often in dispute.

By such rubrics, the United States, so far, has fared better than most of the major European countries—France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, and Belgium—in terms of deaths per million. Germany is the one major exception. But if blame is to be allotted to public officials for the United States having a higher fatality rate than Germany, then the cause is most likely governors of high-death, Eastern Seaboard states—New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut in particular. They either sent the infected into rest homes, or did not early on ensure that their mass transit systems were sanitized daily as well as practicing social distancing.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, more than any other regional or national leader, is culpable for decisions that doomed thousands of elderly patients. He did not just suggest long-term-care facilities receive active COVID-19 patients, but ordered them to take them—knowing at the time that...