90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, July 9, 2020

How Are Hate America Radicals Making All Of Our Decisions For Us??

The Fragility of the Woke

A TikTok video that recently went viral on social media showed a recent Harvard graduate threatening to stab anyone who said “all lives matter.” In her melodrama, she tried to sound intimidating with her histrionics.

She won a huge audience as she intended. But her video also came to the attention of the company that was going to give her an internship later this summer, Deloitte, which decided it didn’t want to add an intern who threatened to kill strangers who said something she didn’t like.

This wouldn’t have been much of a story. But then the narcissistic Harvard alum posted a very different video—one that showed her weeping in a near-fetal position.

She fought back tears while complaining how unfair the world had been to her. Her initial TikTok post had earned cruel pushback from the social media jungle she had courted. Deloitte, she sobbed, was mean and hurtful. And she wanted the world to share her pain.

The Harvard grad instantly became an unwitting poster girl for the current protest movement and the violence that has accompanied it. What turns off millions of Americans about the statue toppling, the looting, the threats, and the screaming in the faces of police is the schizophrenic behavior of so many of the would-be revolutionaries.

On one hand, those toppling statues or canceling their own careers on the internet pose as vicious Maoists—the hard-core shock troops of the revolution. Their brand is vile profanity, taunts to police, firebombs, and spray paint.

In homage to Italy’s blackshirts of the past, they wear black hoodies, don makeshift helmets, and strap on ad hoc protective padding—part lacrosse attire, part cinematic Road Warrior costume.

The televised stereotype of the Antifa activist is a physically unimpressive but violent-talking revolutionary. He seems to strut in laid-back, blue-city Minneapolis but wisely avoids the...

The Left Is Trying To Destroy Our Sacred Constitution...

YET ANOTHER HOAX: Oregon County Commissioner Candidate Charged With Faking Racist Letter, Filing False Police Report

An Oregon candidate for Umatilla County commissioner has been charged with filing a false police report after Hermiston Police determined that he faked a racist letter that he claimed to have recieved. Jonathan Lopez posted an image of an anti-Latino letter supposedly sent to him after running for county commissioner, an election in which he finished in fourth place in May.

“Don’t waste your time trying to become anything in this county we will make sure you never win and your family suffers along with all the other (expletive) Mexicans in the area,” read the hate-filled, yet inauthentic screed. “Sincerely, America!”

Lopez tried to brush over the dishonest behavior in a discussion with the East Oregonian, claiming that he was trying to make a point about “racism” in the area by performing the hoax. “I never meant to file a report, it just kind of spiraled out,” said the former candidate. Lopez argued he never meant to “mislead” the public.

Police Chief Jason Edmiston described Lopez as having admitted that the letter was fraudulent. “Our investigation has shown that Mr. Lopez wrote the letter himself and made false statements to the police and on social media. The end result is a verbal and written admission by Mr. Lopez that the letter was fabricated.”

Hermiston Police also suspect Lopez of fabricating claims of serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, advertising himself as a veteran in official election documents distributed to the citizens of...

If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?

To convince people that America is racist, you have to fake it.

As I wrote nearly three years ago: “Perhaps the second greatest libel—and certainly the most widespread—is that America is a racist country that oppresses its minorities and women. We can call it the American Libel.” (The greatest libel was the infamous blood libel, the fabricated charge spread in Europe for hundreds of years by Christian anti-Semites that Jews kill Christian children to use their blood to bake matzos—unleavened bread—for Passover.)

But if America is so racist, why are there so many race hoaxes? Virtually every time we read about a swastika painted on a door, or a noose hanging from a tree to taunt blacks, it turns out to be either a false alarm or, more frequently, a hoax.

Here are a dozen examples:

No. 1: The Duke lacrosse team (2006): Three white members of the Duke University lacrosse team were falsely accused by Crystal Mangum, a black student at North Carolina Central University, with having raped her. The charges were all fabricated, but the American media and Duke University faculty rushed to judgment and devoted months to smearing the three lacrosse players and Duke University itself as racist.

No. 2: UC San Diego library noose (2010): “Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library” (Los Angeles Times). A “minority student” was responsible for placing the noose in the university library. Previously, the Associated Press had reported, “Anger boiled over on the University of California San Diego campus today, where students took over the chancellor’s office to protest the hanging of a noose in a campus library.”

No. 3: Truck at Oakland’s Corporation Yard (2014): “A reported ‘noose’ tied to the back of a city truck in August, which stirred already simmering racial tensions at Oakland’s Corporation Yard, was not an intended act of racial harassment, a city-commissioned report has found” (Mercury News).

No. 4: University of Delaware (2015): “‘Nooses’ Found Hanging on University of Delaware Campus Were Lanterns” (NBC).

University President Nancy Targett had earlier announced, “We are both saddened and disturbed that this deplorable act has taken place on our campus.”

No. 5: The LSU noose (2015): It was widely reported that a noose was sighted at Louisiana State University leading to protests against racism there. It was later reported, “LSU said a picture of what appeared to be a noose hanging from a campus tree Thursday was not what it appeared to be” (WBRZ).

No. 6: University at Albany (2016): “A state appeals court has upheld the University at Albany’s expulsion of a woman who along with two friends falsely claimed to be the victim of a racially motivated attack on a CDTA bus in January 2016” (Times-Union). The three black women had attacked a white woman and then claimed they had been racially attacked.

No. 7: Bowling Green State University (2016): “Bowling Green police say student lied about politically driven attack” (ABC).

“The day after the 2016 election, Eleesha Long, a student at Bowling Green State University — about 90 miles west of Oberlin — said that she was attacked by white Trump supporters, who threw rocks at her. Police concluded that she had fabricated the...

They Rescinded My Award?????

In literally seconds, they didn't even have time to watch it.

This is not fair! Where is the Justice?

"Decision on your Video Appeal"


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8:24 AM (0 minutes ago)
to me

Dear Mike Miles:

Thank you for submitting your video appeal to YouTube. After further review, we've determined that your video doesn't violate our Community Guidelines. Your video has been reinstated and your account is in good standing.
— The YouTube Team
©2020 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA

Youtube Gave me My First Strike!!!!

I just want to thank the communists, Marxists, social justice warriors and grievance activists for this award. I have worked so hard, and while I know it is my white privilege that got me this prestigious award, I hope to continue to use speech that offends leftists, totalitarians, and pedophiles everywhere.

Hi Mike Miles,
Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. We've removed the following content from YouTube:
Video: This Is Our Future
We know that this might be disappointing, but it's important to us that YouTube is a safe place for all. If content breaks our rules, we remove it. If you think we've made a mistake, you can appeal and we’ll take another look. Keep reading for more details.
How your content violated the policy
Content that contains spam, scams, or other deceptive practices that seek to exploit the community are not allowed on YouTube. This includes titles, thumbnails, or descriptions that promise users something in the video but actually direct them to another site.
How this affects your channel
Because it’s the first time, this is just a warning. If it happens again, your channel will get a strike and you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.
What to do next
We want to help you stay on YouTube, so please:
Make sure you understand YouTube's Community Guidelines and strikes basics.
Review your content with our policies in mind. If after reviewing your content you think we made a mistake, let us know. You can appeal this decision here.
The YouTube Team

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #343

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1043

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Ilhan Omar Wants To Dismantle The Whole System...

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