90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 20, 2020

Hard Truths That The Left CANNOT Refute...

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Toni McBride
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

90 Miles Brings You: TOP DATING DISASTERS - 2020 Edition!!

Bring Back The Wild Wild West!

Ummm... I Meant This One:

Chinese Communist Party News Outlets Are Fawning Over The ‘NeverTrump’ Lincoln Project

Launched in 2019 by a cohort of establishment, so-called “Republicans” dedicated to “defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box,” the group is routinely praised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) run media outlets such as China Global Television Network (CGTN) and China Daily.

Both outlets are registered as foreign agents in the U.S. under the same law designed to stop Nazi propaganda in the 1930s.

CGTN editor Ceng Jing dedicated an entire op-ed – “Lincoln Project and the Republicans for President Biden” – to chronicle the group, hailing it as “a leading voice in the online political crusade against Trump” and “gaining particular attraction in the anti-Trump camp.”

“Taken together, the one-minute clips are nothing short of a psychological warfare campaign, some laced with extremely personal messages aimed at provoking Trump’s deepest insecurities,” the piece continues.


CGTN also praises the Lincoln Project founders’ alleged “knowledge and resources in Republican politics,” and leverages the group to demonstrate “critics of the most polarizing American president is not uncommon.”

Another CGTN editor, Liane Ferreira, heaped praise upon the group in a piece entitled “A World of Regrets: Republicans Turn Their Backs on Trump.”

Declaring “the end of Trumpism at the hands of Lincoln,” the article quotes several of the group’s anti-Trump ads and insists its comprise of “high-profile Republicans.”

CGTN also uses the Lincoln Project’s criticism of President Trump’s coronavirus response as part of the country’s broader campaign to deflect blame for spawning and spreading the virus, noting “the project puts the spotlight on...

...And Here's Another Reason The Democrats Don't Want The Pandemic To End...

Is There A Such Thing As Too Much Ammo?

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The wife of a British aristocrat and frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' has stepped down from her role volunteering for the UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).

Clare Hazell - an interior designer who became the Countess of Iveagh after her 2001 marriage to the 4th Earl of Guinnes (of the brewing dynasty) - took 32 flights on Epstein's infamous airplane between 1998 and 2000, which included "trips to his homes in New York, Florida, the Caribbean and New Mexico," according to the Daily Mail. Epstein accompanied Hazell on all but one of the trips aboard the plane, per flight logs.

Ms Hazell was studying at Ohio State University in the 1990s and reportedly had a modelling agency and an apartment in Columbus, Ohio.

The friend described her as being at Epstein's 'beck and call', saying how mutual plans would be cancelled immediately if she was needed by Epstein and Maxwell. -Daily Mail

Health expert shares concerns over reopening schools

Hazell, now known as Lady Iveagh, worked for Epstein 'Madam' Ghislaine Maxwell according to accuser Maria Farmer, who says she also interacted with Iveagh at the Ohio estate of Victoria's Secret boss Leslie Wexner. Farmer said that Hazell "liked having nice drinks, piles of cash and nice outfits." She was listed in Jeffrey Epstein's famous Black Book as "Clare Hazell-Iveagh."

Another Epstein accuser, Virginia Giuffre, accused Hazel of sexually abusing her:

Hazell, formerly the President of the NSPCC's West Suffolk branch hosted events for the charity at Elveden Hall - a lavish estate in Suffolk, England owned by the Guinness family since 1894 in which several scenes from Eyes Wide Shut were filmed. The estate now operates as a farm, growing root vegetables and cereals on the 22,000 acre property.

The NSPCC immediately sought to distance themselves from Hazell, who a spokeswoman told the Mail "had a local volunteer fundraising role within a small branch based in the...

Are All The Deep State Pedophiles?

George Nader, a key witness in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for bringing a teenage boy to the United States for sex and possessing child pornography.

Nader, a 61-year-old Lebanese American lobbyist, pleaded guilty in January and received 10 years for each charge on Friday. Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia said they could be served concurrently.

The hearing took place in a socially-distanced federal courtroom with yellow X’s on the courtroom benches keeping the scattering of people in the audience spaced out from one another in the mostly empty room.

Search warrants unsealed last year revealed the FBI found child pornography in Nader’s possession during the Russia investigation. The warrants alleged that at least a dozen videos containing child pornography were found on his phones — some involving animals and boys as young as 2 years old.

Nader was also accused of taking a 14-year-old boy from the Czech Republic to his Washington, D.C., home in 2000 and using him for sex. Two years later, Czech authorities arrested Nader amid allegations that he had sex with underage boys in the Czech Republic between 1999 and 2002. He was convicted in May 2003 of molesting children, according to the search warrants.

When law enforcement in the U.S. learned of the 14-year-old boy in 2002, Nader had left the country.

Brinkema ruled Friday that Nader must now pay $150,000 in restitution to the victim, who called in to the proceedings and read a statement in Czech, which was repeated in English by a translator.

Nader also pleaded guilty to a federal pornography charge in 1991 and was sentenced to six months in prison after he was found with two reels of videotape hidden in candy tins when he arrived at the Washington-Dulles International Airport.

Both the Justice Department and Nader’s defense team had worked out a plea agreement in which Nader would be sentenced to 10 years for...

American Hero Bevelyn Beatty talks about her arrest for vandalizing de Blasio’s ‘mural’


The ladies went back to Mayor de Blasio’s, aka Warren Wilhelm’s, BLM lettering in front of the Trump Tower. They felt honor-bound to “destroy the works of the devil,” which is how they viewed the BLM mural [graffiti].

BLM is a communist organization. Their work is the work of the devil. She’s right.

Preacher Beatty had nothing but high praise for the police who she said agree with her 100%. They were wonderful to her and another who was arrested. The police even fed them.

While people are dying in the hood, Mayor de Blasio put 28 officers on the BLM ‘mural’ [lettering], preacher Beatty said.

A black officer gave her that information and told her it bothers him that black people are being used by this mayor.

De Blasio’s pushing communism, literally. Wake up, people.

End This Marxist Tyranny, Charge Them With Manslaughter! Lock The Communists Up!