90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, November 28, 2020

8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called. Republicans Lead All 8 Races.

The results from eight U.S. House races have still not been finalized in the 2020 elections nearly four weeks after election day. The Republican candidates in all eight races currently are leading their Democrat opponents.

According to The New York Times, the following eight races have still not been officially called:

California’s 21st Congressional District; 98% reported:
Republican David Valadao: 50.5%
Democrat TJ Cox (incumbent): 49.5%

“Republican challenger Valadao of Hanford has a 1,820-vote lead over Fresno Democrat Cox, according to the California Secretary of State,” The Fresno Bee reported. “Fresno County Registrar of Voters Brandi Orth said she expects to be done with the county’s votes and ready to certify them on Friday. An unspecified number of votes that need fixes on their signatures remain to be counted.”

California’s 25th Congressional District; 98% reported:
Republican Mike Garcia (incumbent): 50.06%
Democrat Christy Smith: 49.94%

“Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Garcia claimed victory Friday in his back-and-forth contest with Democrat Christy Smith in the 25th District north of Los Angeles, a Southern California battleground that Democrats had captured just two years ago,” The Associated Press reported. “In a statement, Garcia said ‘victory is clear,’ given the votes remaining uncounted. The Associated Press has not declared a...

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Report Claims Fox News Is Blacklisting Guests Who Appear on Newsmax TV...

According to far-left CNN, Fox News is “encouraging” people who appear on Fox to blacklist Newsmax TV.

CNNLOL reports that Fox is feeling the ratings heat from Newsmax, so, “Producers on some Fox programs have been told to monitor Newsmax’s guest bookings and throw some sand in Newsmax’s gears by encouraging guests who appear on both channels to stop saying yes to the upstart.”

Of course, “encouraging” is just another way to say that Fox is threatening to blacklist those who appear on Newsmax. Per CNNLOL, “producers were told to avoid some regular guests if they kept showing up on Newsmax after being encouraged to stop.”

Yeah, that’s blacklisting.

Fox News denies all of this, but Fox News lies…

Then again, CNNLOL lies, most especially Brian “Tater” Stelter, who wrote this piece.

So who knows what the truth is. It’s just fun to watch two of America’s biggest villains throw poop at one another.

There are a lot of reports out there about Fox’s cratering ratings. The truth, though, is that we just don’t know yet, and really won’t know until the presidential election is settled. The news cycle is too insane to get a bead on anything, and whenever I see a report about FOX NEWS RATINGS COLLAPSE, it’s based on a single day, usually a Friday or weekend day, which makes for a nice headline — hey, I clicked — but reeks of cherry-picking.

What we do know is that the ratings for Fox’s right-of-center cable competition (Newsmax, OAN) are up, and that increase has to come from at least some from Fox News’s bleeding. Tee hee.

The great Ace of Spades noticed something else in this CNNLOL report, and that’s how — just like leftists — Fox News “insiders” demean the people at Newsmax as “far-right” and “fringe,” and their own viewers as “radicalized.”

From the CNNLOL report: “Sources at Fox derided Newsmax as ‘far-right’ and ‘fringe’ and they singled out [Greg] Kelly for particular criticism… ‘Our audience has absolutely been radicalized,’ one longtime on-air staffer at Fox said.”

These “insiders” also attacked Fox Business superstar Maria Bartiromo — one of the rare journalists out there with the moral courage to...

Rocked By Jeffrey Epstein Analogy....


VIDEO: Pennsylvania Poll Watcher Claims 47 Missing USB Drives Uploaded Up To 120,000 Illegal Votes

At the Pennsylvania hearing on the integrity of the 2020 election, Greg Stenstrom, a navy veteran, computer scientist and Pennsylvania poll watcher, alleged that 47 USB cards have gone missing after he witnessed them being uploaded to voting machines, casting doubts concerning the validity of up to 120,000 votes. President Donald Trump posted a tweet regarding his testimony today at 8:36 a.m.

Stenstrom stated that he is an expert in security and fraud, and that he witnessed a warehouse supervisor upload USB drives to voting machines at least 24 times with zero observation by poll watchers. The witness explained that he has submitted pictures of the supervisor “walking in with baggies” of USB drives in his signed affidavit, in which he addresses multiple election day irregularities.

Stenstrom notes that he was told by legal experts that it is standard for USB drives to be used by warehouse supervisors to tally votes, but after speaking with U.S. Attorney William McSwain and other law enforcement officials, he was told that “generally, more than two is unusual.”

47 of these USB drives are now allegedly unaccounted for. Stenstrom said that the handling of these drives is in violation of the rules set by the Delaware County Board of Elections, noting that “In all cases, they didn’t follow any of the procedures.”

As a result of these apparent irregularities, up to 120,000 illegal votes may have been counted. Stenstrom proclaimed: “I don’t believe, as a citizen and an observer to this, that anybody could certify that vote in good conscience.”

When he raised the issue to law enforcement, he was...

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Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #486

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1186

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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